How dare he say such a thing?

How dare he say such a thing?

He's just very honest. To a fault. We don't think about you.

Americans aren't the only ones who don't think about Canada.

I know. Does he even need to say it? Canada basically has to do what the USA wants, so why think about them?

I don't beleaf it

should be more concerned about how trudeau uses his PM piedestal as some kind of self validation, not even caring about the pragmatic implications his decisions and policies have for canada as long as some lefties can pat him on the back telling him he's done something good. He's a validation junkie not a pragmatic politician who cares about canada, as long as he can virtue signal as a "humanitarian" that's all he seems to care about.

He's probably refering to the government. But you're a retard for caring. Everyone says that or at the very least DO forget about Canada. Realizing and not caring about that is what being (A FUCKING) leaf is about

As a Floridian the only time we think of Canada is when your shitty geese and snow birds come down acting like assholes

Also I failed to mention the french text. Ofc it's a french-cucknadian


hahahah Trump is the shit

Someone make an edit of that one mad men picture and put Canada and USA flags on their heads


Eh, it's true to be honest. Unless I see some cringy shit coming out of Canada on Sup Forums, I do not think about Canada in the slightest.

I never think about them either until I see a leaf shit post. Canadians are like herpes, they show up when your not thinking of them, and are very painful.

Because it's true

Holy shit lol

Trump really does just say what we're all thinking

Did you just sage you name? Can summer be over now?

The "I feel bad for you" mme just became real.



>Exhibit A

All world leaders except for Justin Trudeau know Justin Trudeau is a puppet and Canada controlled by foreign powers


I'm sure you think were joking, but we often forget Canada even exists. Pretty much a non-country full of fags.

I like how OP ends this in a question mark like they aren't even certain if they should be offended or not.
Maybe he meant not to worry about raking Canada because we will protect you.

But probably not.

Charge your phone.

why does no one on pol charge their phone?

canada is the biggest flyover state in america

Because electricity is a Jewish trick

"If you let your enemy think about you, they win"