Muslim girl here AMA.
Muslim Girl
Other urls found in this thread:
how are you ?
Do bees and wasps attack you less while wearing hijab?
FGM: Yes or no?
Do you like White Dick more than anyother dick?
Do you like marijuana cigarettes
tits or gtfo
newfags out
Tits or gtfo
Slide thread you dumb faggots
Does going on the internet require a male guardian?
Are you allowed to wax your vag
>Tits or gtfo
>Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
sure is reddit in here
Have you ever ripped someone else's face off and worn it as your own?
Good thanks, yourself?
I don't wear one so I wouldn't know, sorry.
Obviously no
No but I like the smell of tobacco.
No it does not.
Slmz, do you have snaphat?
pretty good, why are you here ?
Could you please leave?
Never leave your country.
Thank you.
>Whiteknighting this hard for a mudshit
Nice try, but you have to go back.
>I don't wear one so I wouldn't know, sorry.
Go to hell you Kuffar slut
In Islam woman have to remove pubic hair so yes.
No, why would you ask me something like that?
Because I want to upset people, but thank you for being nice.
>ID: aPe
what do you think about muhammed fucking 9 year old girls? would you offer up your pretty pink innocent pussy at the ripe age of 9, if you knew it was to be in his service?
Post hijab or GTFO
Also, rate my retarded pitch for a sitcom pic related
Two "loving and tolerant" Jewish and Muslim families living in liberal California have their idyllic circlejerk come crashing down after their twelve year olds start humping and the lil' Fatima gets pregnant with lil' David's culturally confused genetic freak. Thus setting the stage for a shitty culturally enriched Juno remake that's only made possible by the White Man's militant defense of the Institution of Separation of Church and State.
Is lasagna ok to eat for breakfast cause I'm eating some right now and I feel kind of guilty?
>willingly participating in an attention whoring ama
fuck off
Will you marry me if I convert to Islam?
You didnt answer my question! id like to know its obvious you are here for some white dick in your life
hi will you be my gf? I'll convert no problem. I'm 6'7" 300lbs with an 8inch dick. I basically look like Fabio, not even kidding.
also hi how are you¿ welcome to Sup Forums, a board of peace.
the final boss
Islam is not for the females . Why you chose that because of family ?
Tits or GTFO you slut.
I've saged 3 times as of now mister reddit
tits or gtfo larper
How many ml of nigger jizz have you slurped, you filthy, fucking shitskin?
Are you going to have an arranged marriage? Do you know where Osama was hiding? Are you going to join ISIS? Do you feel empowered wearing that sack on your head?
Also, stay in your own country please :3 I'm not trying to be mean, i just don't like muslims
tits with timestamp
>still haven't asked for tits
fuck off
Well, have fun then.
Who said I haven't left my country?
*Chimp out
He didn't Marry her at such tender age, and what is it with your vulgar language. I could answer this in much more detail if you like.
How often do you dream about a white man planting his superior seed in your womb?
lol I would watch that show
keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums
ITT: Whiteknight neckbeard faggots trying to get a smell of pussy from a faggot who pretends to be a woman.
Please KYS.
Fuck this shit.
Take your goddamn shit where it belongs. I don't even want your fucking tits.
I bet it's a fucking leaf.
keep women in their place on the internet
>she wasnt that old when they got married
your religious texts and your religious scholars beg to disagree. if anything, she may have been as young as six, most people attribute 9 to the approximate age when the marriage was consummated.
This is easily verifiable, fx using wiki citations or just opening up your Koran.
So again, in less vulgar terms, how would you feel about having sex with the prophet muhammed when you were only aged between 6 and ten years old? how would that make you feel?
>I could answer this in much more detail if you like
mmmm please do
Is it haram if I bang your poop shute with a bacon wrapped condom?
slide thread
this muslim thread suits you
I ate lasagna for breakfast once but it made me feel sick, so eat moderately.
Will you marry me if I left Islam?
Your question was weird, i'm sorry
Hi will you be my bf? I'll convert no problem.
Fuck off shitskin
Where did you learn the phrase "Chimp out" and why do you think it is less vulgar than asking you about the alleged pedophilia of a 6th century CE warlord?
Go fucking fuck yourself.
Not because you're Muslim or a woman, but because you're attention whoring like a little retard on a politics board (albeit, a shitty one).
Whether it's real, or some fucking little autist roleplaying like an imbecile with nothing else to do its life, begone.
Or stay for a couple of (You)s and repost the same shit on a daily basis and hope that you find redemption later in your life after this shameful attempt to display self worth and that you're not a waste of time, space, oxygen and cells. Pro tip: you are.
This 100%. A white male canadian role playing as a kind hearted, sensible, intelligent muslim girl because he wants to fight "islamaphobia"
Nobody wants muslims here.
We respect your hatred towards degenerates and jews, but you also focus too much on killing each other to have any actual progress in your society.
Until you stop bombing everyone, you won't progress, and you haven't progressed for a long time.
keep /soc/ in /soc/
Does it bother you that your husband's dick always tastes like goat pussy except after payday when it tastes like goat ass?
fuck the haters, this is a board of peace and tolerance, the extremists give us a bad look sometimes.
post hijab pls, or tits? pls desu senpai
damn thats fucking gay but I bet you are right
Can you please kill yourself and your family?
You chose that or your family forced you ?
if she posts >her breasts it'll be /soc/
>>I don't wear one so I wouldn't know, sorry.
So you're a normal slut? Is it difficult for you? Or do you just not believe in islam? Or are you like Shaytan and know Islam is true, but don't care
Jewish girls > Muslims girls
do you like white cock? and also post feet pics
>Stop looking at me, Sup Forums!
>It's haram to stare!
I'm depressed, will Islam help me? I always wanted a modest hijab wearing qt and to convert.
I wish you get run over by a car or better, your family
>Islam is not for females
have you read the Koran?
I'm not going to have an arranged marriage although I wouldn't mind one, I wear nothing on my head and no I didn't know where Osama was hiding.
I'm not trying to be mean but fuck you :3
Why do you care, does it make you feel better about yourself?
Why would anyone want to be a Muslim girl or pretend to be? Do you know how much I am hated.
>Still no tits or at least burkini picture
Sage Goes in Every Field
Who gave you permission to use the computer?
What do jewish girls taste like?
George W Bush
George Seinfeld
Fuck one, marry one, kill one
>I didn't know where Osama was hiding.
user... I-
Fuck hitler in the butt.
Marry Seinfeld bc cash.
Befriend bush bc he sounds bro tier to hang with.
You can hit him ıf you want to warn
nisa 34
That girl is gonna get BAGEL'ED.
I raped a few women in Iraq how does that make you feel?
That's nice that you don't feel the need to follow the Qur'an sister, Allah will understand that being Muslim is about being an Arab/Paki
How badly do you want me dead?
How does it feel to be nigger tier?
Do the Girls get down on their hands-and-knees and Invoke Demons into their Ass like the Men do?
how do you meet your husbands if they can't see what they are getting?
give this man a you, and shill op a sage
Fuck hitler, he is dreamy but not relationship material
Marry bush, because he submissive and would let me pound that tight boi Pucci nightly
Kill seinfeld because
>muh Sup Forums xd
>sage in ebbery feeld xd
you're still named anonymous mister reddit
tits or gtfo