Why are white people so obsessed with tanning?
Sun tanning/tanning beds
Turns them into a different look without the hard work.
That reminds me of the tax Obama imposed on them, the "white tax".
Tanning is good for you.
Why are niggers so obsessed with becoming white?
Why are white people so obsessed with saging threads
Since when skin cancer became good.
African beauty standards. Just like the six pack.
Sage doesn't even work anymore retard
Is there a gif of this dirty bitch?
to show off that we can go back to normal by just staying inside a bit.
>Why are white people so obsessed with tanning?
Its just mixed Italians and Spanish people.
I like being able to see pale girls blush it hot
Pale skin signals anemia and being unhealthy.
Even the EMPEROR GOD KING recognizes the value in browner skin.
since when vitamin D became bad.
Es verdad tio.
My neighbour went to CHINA and told me that the beauty standard there is to be white and chubby(not fat).
Which makes sense because fit tan people and associated with peasant workers doing heavy work outside.
In western world being white and chubby means you work a boring job and have no time or disposition to go out or to the gym.
white thots are trying to imitate melanin enriched ubermensch
Because it's a statis symbol for the rich bitches to be able to show of that they have enough money to stay on the beach for long enough to tan their skin.
fucking disgusting desu
You are right, that pic you posted is disgusting.
That's a monkey
she literally looks like an baby chimp
Well established fact that darker skin = sexier skin
Because it looks great?
and this slut literally looks mentally challenged.
she is. what's your point?
Thats a cross-dresser.
Why did we abandon the colonies? Damn it all.
I like this
You need UV-B lamps for vitamin D, not UV-A lamps.
Besides, you get enough vit D in half the time it takes that you start tanning.
I was born white as snow but after 15 plus years playing in the sun near the equator i became a dark brown man, soo long muh whitey skin
no, tanning is not good for you, great way to develop skin cancer though.
No it doesn't.
Also most white people aren't obsessed with it. It's typically only degenerate whores and manwhores.
>only goodloking thing about a nonwhite girl are white features
who would ahve thunk
I agree.
That's what makes them so good, they are rare.
who said anything about tanning beds?
Tan fat better than white fat
The real reason, is that muscle definition is much more noticeable with darker skin.
meh, they still smell and your children will look ugly
>since when vitamin D became bad.
Whites are lactose tolerant for a reason. We don't need the sun to get Vitamin D.
It makes the skin better looking for whites, gets rid of the pimples and other shit that makes your skin look irregular, so tehy basicly do this to be better looking, on the other hand sun exposure cause skin cancer so they will pay a heavy price as far as DNA oxidation is concerned.
Bwahahahahahaha it's borderline VITAL in Norway. Don't go wondering why you are low energy beta male if you don't tan once a week during winter
you have pretty awful beauty standards desu
People want what they don't have, east wants whiter skin, west wants browner skin. It's just one weird quirk of the world.
Because cancer is the new hip thing!
greeks and romans tanned. its good for you. its attractive too at times. dont listen to beta faggots that only complain about tanning because theyre incapable of doing so. go to rhodesia/south africa - most of the based whites there tan in the bush.
Meanwhile in the southern Europe
It only applies to men, women are supposed to be fairer.
master of adaptation
To attract what she perceives as higher quality ATMs.
>Blast your skin with radiation
>You look very good with burned skin
>::rubs hands together::
>abbronzatura da muratore
Tan people look like they just came back from Flaaaaaarrrrrida, therefore they must have money and lead a leisurely life.
Tanning turns you into a literal roastie. Pic related are identical twins. Guess who liked to tan?
That's just disgusting to me
She looks like she's from Spain or Cuba
bad genetics from butterfacestan
white skin is better at absorbing vitamin D, you don't have to spend 5 hours a day in sunlight to get enough. Excessive tanning leads to skin cancer.
natural yes a bit, artificial absolutely not
Sorry bud, I'm not into ebony
I want her to mentally challenge my dick to a karaoke battle, if you know what I mean.
>white features
i know that feel man
You sure m8 cause pale women for me signal something completely diffrent
its the final redpill
No, I don't think having herpes is the final redpill
yeah, i think she is half cuban.
the mouth not sticking out, face rather flat
It's a status indicator. Back in the day, bleach-white western people were seen as attractive, because it showed that they didn't have to be out farming or working. They were rare, and it showed a person was likely of high stock.
Now, everyone works inside, so it's the opposite. The people that have a tan are showing they have the leisure time to lay out in the sun. People caught that, and decided to go with tanning booths and such.
Not everybody cares greatly about that sort of crap, but women and manwhores certainly do. It makes them feel high class. Of course, most people that care about that sort of thing, very much do, and so they tend to go overboard and end up like the woman in op's jpg. Just like some women put on way too much make up and look worse than would without any of it.
This sort of stuff is more for other women and their own egos, than it is for most men.
Also muscle definition and tone ect. is shown better when skin is tan, so exercise culture seems to favor it a bit.
because they dont want to look like cave vermins
Take the melanoma pill.
>every niggress has herpes because ghetto monkeys do
not an argument
tfw no thicc athletic waifu
WTF is white features? damn some of you Sup Forums ppl are beyond retarded.
Them bitches need to do some deadlifts or squats or something.
Features like enormous nigger lips, you dumb nigger
Actually it's the other way around. Natural (i.e. the Sun) is really bad for you and gives you cancer. Artificial is much much safer.
>webm of a loose woman is a rebuttal
Itt some of the biggest nigs that have ever noged.
Just got home from a tanning bed, what else am i supposed to do, i can spend 14 hours a day on Sup Forums and go for 20 mins and tan and show my 8-9/10 potential, it beats exercise and getting burnt at the beach
Getting sunlight to fix vitamin D is good for you. Tanning is a side effect which can create cancer
>that webm means loose
I really appreciate the opinion of a permavirg who never leaves moms basement.
the girl posted looks like the girl on the left, just with black skin.
no huge nose no giant lips no sticking out mouth high check bones.
but they do my dude
>white skin is better at absorbing vitamin D
This is how dumb some of you really are kek. Nobody "absorbs" vitamin D retard. It's not floating around in the air.
Natural tanning or tanlines = cute
Artificial tanning = degenerate
>The two main ways to get vitamin D are by exposing your bare skin to sunlight and by taking vitamin D supplements.
80% of niggers in the usa are vidamin d deficiant, ofc it is affected by your skin collour