Question 1:
would you stay with a girl if she fucked a nigger?
Question 2:
would you stay with a girl if she fucked a horse, dog, etc?
Question 1:
No, yes
It's all beastiality. No.
Girl has no benis so can't fug.
1. No
2. No
>would you stay with a girl
No and no. I've dumped girls because they were raped, I'm not going to subject myself to care for someone with obvious mental issues when there are stable people around.
No, I wouldn't. I dumped a chubby qt 3.14 when I asked her if she liked blacks or had fucked one. She said yes and then I dumped her because she would defnitely fuck another. They fetishize them and I know I'd have a hard time passing up on my fetish.
Im half black and I dont even like women who fucked with niggers.
No, yes.
No and no
yes and yes
You're not better yourself
No, fucking niggers and or animals is one huge fucking red flag that you will either get cucked or have to take care of her because she has mental illnesses.
U mad whiteboi?
>implying theres a difference between the two questions
dogs don't have aids
This, fucking a nigger can never be forgiven.
Question 3:
If you answered Yes to question 1 when was the last time you got laid?
Now that I think of it, I've met 3 girl ever that have slept with niggers and all of them are fucking suicidal
No mufuckin way
How would you even know? Are these suitable questions to ask your soon to be girlfriend?
Dogs are loyal as long as you treat them right. Hell, even mistreated dogs are still loyal.
You can give all the gold and treasures in the world to a nigger and he'll just stab you in the back. Or rape your daughter. Or both!
No, it feels amazing to be white, something you will never experience you animal
>Are these suitable questions to ask your soon to be girlfriend?
When i was young, i started dating a nice girl. We were together 1 year and moved to same place, started schools and normal life, which was good.
But not soon after we were taking about our exes and while mine was nothing special, she had had one 25 year old (she had been 15) arabian man, from Irak if i remember right.
This was more than 20 years ago, so it wasnt yet so hot topic, but still it did instantly affect my feelings toward her.
We were still 3 years more living togetherm until i decided that i will not want babies with her.
Then it was fast, we moved separated and i continued my life and we didn't keep in touch.
Couple years later one common friend of ours happened to be in same place drinking and we talked about my ex.
After our breakup, she had acted well, but it didn't last long that she started spiraling out of control and whoring around and finally managed to start dating some russian guy who beat her everyday.
If i had known about the ex, i would have most likely even moved together with her, even it was good at the time.
1. 2. no and no
>met a cute blond girl who's traditionalist and wants to start a big white family
>She's into dogs and horses, enough to rather sleep with them than any black
Is this a good deal or a fatal drawback
Correct answer.
Normally I would say question 2 depends on which animal, but it's already implied it doesn't include monkeys.
post a pic of her pls
No and no.
If she'd fuck a horse/dog who knows what else she'd fuck
What is the difference?
Fuck yes. It's a bonus in my book.
Give the mongrel a break, it's not his fault his mum is a slag
Thanks for the laugh
Good post and checked
no, fucking animals deserves the death penalty according to the sharia.
1. No
2. No
In either case I would shame her in public and tell her family.
No. Anyway, at least an animal can't impregnate her.
If I HAD to choose one option, I'd choose an animal.
No, no.
particularly not with the first one, they are both bestiality but first has a high AIDS risk
Most women don't really have sex with animals, especially not if it isn't for money. You're safe, but Sup Forums is taking its toll on your mind.
Domestic mammals only, no reptiles or niggers
You're a nigger though?
What's the difference?
Ask yourself, faggot. This could be your only chance to be a savior of your race.
depends on the animal.
they can't get aids or other diseases like niglets from animals
>Question 1:would you stay with a girl if she fucked a nigger?Question 2:would you stay with a girl if she fucked a horse, dog, etc?
What's the difference? And no.
As long as she clearly regretted who actions, had no Stds or kids i wouldn't mind
>fucked a horse
I can't imagine how fucked the vag would be after this
I was talking to this girl who lived six hours away for about 9 months. She was visiting friend near where I live and I got her number.
Back and forth texting, FaceTime, all that shit for almost a year.
She was pretty hot, solid 7.5/10, weird face, awesome body. Her family was super rich, her dad owned a Tugboat company. I thought I could marry her and be set for life (I was 19 at the time).
We finally make plans to meet up somewhere in the middle of us and spend a weekend together at a hotel from Friday to Sunday.
Wednesday I’m texting her and I ask her what’s she’s doing and she says she’s hanging out with her friend Janal. I said “why are you hanging out with a nigger.” She tells me they used to date. I said “I thought you never been with a black.” She laughs and says I’m one of the first white guys she’s talking to.
Blocked her and never spoke to her again.
>what's the difference
A nigger is a nigger.
A dog is loyal and will protect your family.
A horse is useful for transportation and work.
>she had had one 25 year old (she had been 15) arabian man, from Irak if i remember right
>dating some russian guy who beat her everyday
Prob she tell that to him.
Also, there is nothing bad in beating coalburners :D
nigger nope
animal? yes id watch her do it too something about seeing girls get fucked by animals makes my dick as hard as diamonds
double no.
Can the 2nd scenario be avoided?