UK "underclass"

Why does the UK, primarily England, seem to have a football hooligan warrior caste completely detached from the rest of the country, politically and culturally? They're typically quite belligerent, proud anti-Islam and right-wing. Why is this?
>not actually criticising them, I'm glad we have an uncucked class

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Because England peaked earlier than other parts of the West. America is starting to look like this too. Russia was way ahead of both. And it's all just going to keep getting worse.

High inbreeding rates in UK

Football is the bread and circus of today.

Hooligans are lower class people with no impulse control who are animated by a team spirit.
Put a group of people like against a distinct enemy, they'll wreak havoc.

Now, imagine if we could get normies to show the same passion for our nations' survival as they do ballgames.

Chavs never get a mention here, probably because everyone is actually pretty middle class on this board. I lived on a sink estate in Coventry almost my whole life because my family is proper poor. I've often thought about a movement that would encourage chavs to vote, they never think about politics, but when they do they hate the elite and pc shite.

It gives me hope about the fact that the youth voted Remain and Labour by majority, because it shows that it's just the left wing upper and middle classes that are voting, whereas the generally more right wing lower class youth are not voting.
I wouldn't bother with democracy. It's a sham.

Yeah man, I think this whenever they bang on about the 'young'. They literally mean comfortable students, those lads that hang out in front of the shops aren't die hard remainers lol

They're used by the political class when they need something.

Jews funded the EDL.

>middle class
I think middle class is the problem of the anglo sphere desu. You really give a shit about this distinctions. Last I've met an American that told me she is upper middle class coming from some east side state Main or Maryland. It was important to her but it had and has no meaning to me. The commies really put their terms on your thinking

We've always been a classist society. I heard that in Russia they have people who are rich and people who are poor living in the same apartment blocks. That is an insane notion over here.

Most of the lower class youths I know didn't vote and they were almost exclusively Leave , I would have voted leave as well but I'm unable due to record.

>I would have voted leave as well but I'm unable due to record.


Criminals can't vote mate

White underclass are always based you can see it everywhere. PC left wing geriatric politics are just snobbery from the middle class and the elite.

The UK is one of the least inbred regions on the entire planet.

The most inbred are Arabs and Jews and it's been that way for many hundreds of years.

Wtf? England is a police state, it's no meme
So if somebody gets v8 for writing wrongthink on twitter, will he not be able to vote?

why does the English "Underclass" look so Slavic? They look eastern European, why is this?

Similar hair and tracksuit clothing. Also some inbreeding, most likely.

The ruling class in the UK are worried they will end up like Jo Cox.

Because these are the people who'll be on the front line fighting islam when the government fails us and the islamic far-left continue to kill innocent brits.

They've simply figured out that a nice house is useless unless you can sleep in it and fuck your own girl in it.
The world doesn't give a fuck about you, so fuck'em.

>The UK is one of the least inbred regions on the entire planet

The british working class were always known as the "salt of the earth" and for good reason. Descendants of druids, saxons, vikings, and more, the english have a latent fighting streak in their blood. This is coupled with and island mentality of dislike for outsiders. The working class can be clannish, fighting each other when there was no external enemy. As England became more civilised over time, this fighting spirit seems to have manifested in violent but usually non lethal rivalries, especially in the fairly modern phenomena of football hooliganism. The inborn desire for conflict and competition has to manifest somewhere. The english working class is proud, loyal to their own and deeply distrustful of the upper classes who have fucked them over. These days they see the cosmopolitan left as the upper class and they despise them for stabbing them in the back. The left hate the working class because they wanted them to be their proliteriat in the great socialist revolution that they were convinced would happen but the working class 'betrayed' them and thus lost their right to exist. Thats when the shift from class politics to racial-identity politics happened. The left realised that the english working class was nationalistically minded.
The working class see this betrayal. They are not without their problems though. Drugs and benefits coupled with ethnic displacement and constant demonising propaganda has robbed them of much of their pride and purpose. Their (warrented) distrust of academia means that many are not able to articulate themselves well.
As a whole though they are our bulwark against Islam (they are itching for the gloves to come off so they can claim some jihadi scalps tbqh) and although sometimes crass, common, dsygenic and distasteful, they are indeed our 'salt of the earth' and they will play an important role in the coming national revolutionary vanguard as Kai Murros explains here

England has had a population of violent working class thugs ever since the working class was invented, it's just that the rise of giant sporting events and mass media coverage has made them much more visible than they used to be.

Back in the Empire days the British armed forced was recruited almost entirely from this pool of people (and I'd be surprised if they aren't the majority still); turns out when you constantly drill discipline into them they become extremely good soldiers and sailors.

they have nothing to lose - possiility to jump up in social/economical status ladder, they are the most suffer with strange elements of immigration, live in the same neighbourhoods than this muslim or nigger scourge while the etnhic brit white sjw doesn't live with these horrors at home and most are alcoholised at time of th events. True, genuine to themselves with anything to hold them back- no leftist SJW indoctrination taught at their home, school and no university indoctrination.

>one of the least inbred regions

Source on the song that plays for this is england my fine niggers?

>Why does the UK, primarily England, seem to have a football hooligan warrior caste completely detached from the rest of the country, politically and culturally? They're typically quite belligerent, proud anti-Islam and right-wing. Why is this?

None of what you have said is true. The "Hooligans" are a group of people who have identified with something, like a flag or football team, and use it as something to fight for. When they are not in these groups they are just normal people. Some of the more serious hooligans are usually incarcerated multiple times and find themselves unemployable, I believe it's more of a mental health issue than a group nature.

They actively seek to be the "bad guys" they've grown up hearing about, not just unpleasant people but actual Nazi's. But again, it's weird, as they have no real idea what the Hitler believed, its just the Nazis are considered the baddest bad guys in history and therefore they want to join them or at least emulate them.

They are not really a caste or group, they just want something to fight for.

Many "hooligans" are just a public perception, a group that knows they are intimidating in a large group but don't actually do much other than make a lot of noise.

Yes, it is. Sister of my mother is rich in west standarts and she is living in apartment block with junkie neighbourhoods.
