/SIG/ HEIL! Self Improvement General

What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?

Modern society is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s. Constant entertainment, pre-cooked meals and pornography has robbed us of our man-hood.

Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about.

In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart.

Nevertheless you as an individual can always chose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.

Exactly because the modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow.

Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop buying super-market meals and try to grow your own vegetables that aren't infected with pesticides and plastics. Healthy and economic, aswell as peaceful. Till the soil like your great grandfather did.


Remember, you don't need all the latest work-out equipment, supplements or drugs to get a naturally fit look. All you need is natural movement and you'll achieve the body you're MEANT to have as the Homo-Sapien male. You have a tiled floor? Jump from one end to the other. A fence outside? Climb over. You have a lot of work on your computer? Put it on a shelf so you have to stand and thus better your posture.


Set goals for yourself aswell. See if you can lift sandbags that weigh up to 80kgs eventually. Carry it on your shoulders, throw it as far as you can, attempt to eventually lift it with nothing but a single grip. Get used to being able to punch something aswell. Do NOT be a limp wristed fageutte who would cry if he gets hit. Be able to defend yourself.


Bumping for great justice. These threads need to keep going

>inb4 >>>> /fit/

Self-improvement and taking care of oneself is incredibly important in order to make any sort of positive change in the world.

Ive been deep in philosophy and history learning for the past 2 years or so. Reading a lot.

My workout is shit, however im not in bad shape and im pretty strong naturally so it isnt the first priority for me.

Currently buying a house, trying to get a morning workout routine but tbhq im just really bad at doing a daily workout.

checked and agreed

I highly recommend nofap + no to extremely moderated alcohol consumption (ei "special occasions only") as part of any self improvement routine. I can say /nofap/ is NOT a meme. It doesn't give you super powers but man, after going 3 weeks your head just feels instantly clearer in a way, you have more energy (not super human, but a noticeable difference) and are more confident. Clearer mind is the biggest difference I noticed. It's like the constant fogginess has now been lifted and I can think quicker.

did you flatline at all?


Got part 2? I've seen some infographics floating around before recommending stuff like Evola and Mein Kampf

You mean relapse?

This is my progress out of these books, most of which I have read in the lat 24 months (animal farm and shit I read in High School)

no, I mean lose your libido

I'm re-reading all of the highschool books. They are much more enjoyable now.

I'm currently working through this one and have gone on a Barry Strauss tangent.

Can confirm /nofap/ is an uber redpill. The kikes want white males submissive and addicted. However I understand that people tend to relapse on their first tries but really you need to try not to. If you fap everyday it numbs your pleasure receptors like you're a drug user. Also, even if you space out your faps porn is NEVER healthy, desensitises you and funds the kikes who own the porn industry. If you HAVE to fap use your imagination or look at vanilla hentai since its also just idealised. Although it's still better to just stop altogether and get a gf.


My libido increases.

here's a link to the mother lode


some people say their libido drops off when they stop and takes a while to come back. This happens to me every time I try and quit

You're obviously too used to it then. You need to go a solid 6 months to completely reset.

this is interesting user. when one thinks of the ancient strong man, one doesnt necessarily think of the type of gym-rat we think of nowadays.



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drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwLJ8mj-ZuoGc0NKUEtoLTBmQXc ("Mesmer's Lair", hypnosis etc.)

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pastebin.com/JN01tWVF (Languages & Linguistics)

I'm so glad some on Sup Forums actually read

Thank you German-bro

Fuckin saved isnt half this shit haram in Germany?

lol get a job fag.

Even after 1 month, i'm noticing good changes.


In any times of laziness or being discouraged I always say to myself:

To save the white race first you must begin with yourself and those in your life

It always makes me push harder and stay motivated


Does anybody have any good tips and tricks to manage your time better in order to be more productive? I am struggling with my degree because I have a very fickle everyday with no set scheduels other than to 'get through the weeks', which has resulted in bad grades and me having to spend my entire summer in the misery of studying for my second attempts at two exames.

What's the point when women will not follow you?

The Jews control women through the media, which tells them to be whores through their productive years and to beget bastard children at 35 to be raised alone.

Almost all white women think like this implicitly.

I'm struggling to understand what your endgame is. Is it to attract women (won't work because fascism isn't cool and never will be)? Or is it just to help you sleep at night knowing that Sup Forums doesn't think you're a nu-male?

The jews do not control women, the only reason they follow the propaganda is because men dont offer a more attractive option. Men arent leading the society so the (((media)) has filled that vacuum.

Schedules are actually needed I've come to learn (the hard-way) when you give yourself lee-way to decide what to do at whatever time of the day you tend to get a "get through the week" mentality as you have said. As soon as you sit down and think rationally what your time should be spent doing every hour of the day your productivity increases 10x fold. Draw up a scedule for every waking hour of the work week. First fill in your class hours, then make sure you get 8 hours of sleep each day. Sleep is IMPORTANT as it affects your energy and academic performance. After that write up meal preparation (yes, prepare your meals, don't just buy pre-cooked) times and eat times which should be an hour each. Anything that's left can be devoted to studying and leisure, but do make sure there is enough studying. Also dedicate at least 1 hour a day to exercise.

It may take some searching but if you do it slowly and gradually you can redpill women on the jews, blacks, everything.

It takes skill and not pushing things too far at one time, in a joking manner sometimes. But since women can't think for themselves, if they are with you long enough they will adopt your views

>The Jews control women through the media

Women follow whatever seems like the stronger and most socially beneficial option. They pursue men and if you sort yourself you can convert them.

Set a schedule. Seriously, get a planner or calender, plan things out; "I'm doing x at this hour, then y at this hour, etc" and stick to the schedule.

When you study, isolate yourself with your books. If you have a laptop or smartphone present while you should be studying, chances are you're not going to spend 100% of that time studying.

Raising a fascist family, which is hard work, is not a more attractive option to Western women.

Are you going to create an alternative culture? You aren't numerous or rich enough to compete with Hollywood and the music industry, both of which conspire to poison the minds of white women who consume pop culture like a mulatto kid consumes McDonalds.

The best you will end up doing is convince a bunch of angry young white men to struggle for nothing. A percentage of them may succeed by your standards, but their children will be led away by the Jewish pied piper anyway.


I have a nasty flu so I haven't even been able to exercise today, sadly.

if you have a problem getting women to follow you then you are not masculine enough
it's really that simple
jews are able to influence women so much because they spend decades demasculinizing the men first
eat clean lift hard and dont take shit from anybody and women will follow you wherever you go

Trying to drink less soda and more water atm. Also less snacks. Broke my right arm though, so workout is difficult. Still trying to cut down cigarettes and weed but for the tobacco its hard. I need to move out of my parents house and need a girl. Any recommandations for literature (german prefered)?

now your just being a nihlistic faggot,

You were never going to storm over the world with right-wing deathsquads, there was never going to be a new hitler, and even if there was he would fail just as horrifically.

The best way to effect change in the world is to fix yourself. You cant change the world but you can change YOUR world

Thank you. Should meal preperation time also include preperation for future meals, such as gutting vegetables and such?
Yeah, I try to limit the pressence of my laptop when I read and I insist keeping on having a nokia 100, despite my girlfriend thinking it is outdated, but I just know that if I ever get a phone with an internet connection then I will have my eyes glued to it constantly.

I'm a chubby prick, so I'm losing weight.

I bought a bunch of scallions.

We need to be a good influence for and protect the people we care about. We need to achieve success and power and subvert the organizations and industries we are part of. We also need to prepare for when SHTF and we need to rebuild our society.

I can attest to benefits of no fap.
I've given up bourbon. Still on the beer and wine.
I have gotten back to my 5x5 routine. Feels good.

What benefits of nofap?

I don't have a gf rn and quit nofap after 3 weeks. My question:

Should you really not fap forever? I don't want to get prostate cancer or blue balls

Don't drink IPAs, hops are extremely estrogenic, to the point that women who handle hops without gloves can have missed periods or miscarriages. Almost all beers contain hops, but so long as you stick to more malty, less hoppy varieties and don't get hammered every night it's no biggie. IPAs are for women, drink hefeweizen, bocks, or some other low-hopped beer.

I love these threads.
I quit tabacco and stopped drinking in the last month or so, now just trying to commit to nofap and becoming less of a lanklet and life will be perfect.

this is so true, testosterone levels have been dropping so much in comparison to other males in the last 30 years. A 20old has the same testosterone a 80old had 30 days ago. I wonder (((why))), and why aren't doctors calling it (((normal)))
(no wonder many males suffer from low energy, depression, anxiety)

why are doctors calling it *

orderered "Der Streik" (Atlas shrugged) now for 39€, did i waste that cash or is it really good?



just did 100 push-ups, crunches, and squats. also got a haircut and shaped up my degenerate beard. Day 57 of NoFap. It all begins with you, Sup Forums.

Alright here's the redpill on nofap. It's great for willpower and it produces a slight increase in testosterone over 7 days, which then goes back to a baseline. If you are timid it can also be beneficial for you psychologically by making you desire sex more, and thus force you to be more outgoing and talkative with women. That's about it. Some benefits, not life-changing. No porn is the real key, porn hijacks the visual stimulatory center of your brain, flooding your pleasure center with serotonin and dopamine as a reward for engaging in the social act of sex with another human being when in reality you're looking at a screen. Not to mention degeneracy spiraling that comes with too much porn viewing.

I'd recommend, if you're starting from masturbating to porn now, no fap and no porn for a month, followed by jerking it once or twice a week with no porn, and going from there. Try to meet women, get a gf, etc. but even if you don't, don't go back to porn.

I've pigged out on curry rice and sushi the last few days, but I've also made £720 within the past three days and am progressing towards my financial goals nicely ao there's that.

Hey deutschbru, i have the same problems, but i really think it's alright to try. Afterall it gives more confidence which will lead to female attraction and thus the chance of unloading in her womb. See it like that: that sperm is proteine energy concentrated, do you really wanna waste it for that 3 sec of relief and regret afterwards, or do you want to suceed in your conquest called life?

Trips of Truth!

Is atlas shrugged really that good? orderered it because of this thread.

>What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?

>lisen to mein kampf
250 min out of 1200 strong redpill
>got the dogs this morning and ran 8km
>learning C++

>(((Ayn Rand)))
Not the best choice you could have made desu.

Today I worked out and smoked.

Recommend me some then.
You're right a bit though, costed me 39€, i hope thats worth it.

Nofap for 1 week now.
Started rekindling old hobbies - programming, shooting, reading and so on.
Hunting season coming up so getting ready for shooting a few squirrels/rabbits.
Started building a terrarium too for intellectual downtime.
Re-started exercising and stretching.

The last hurdle is the booze. Damn I love a few beers / glasses of whiskey before bed. The problem with this is that it's every fucking night, and sometimes I go a bit too hard which fucks me over the next day.

>learning C++
Go with python if you are new to programming.

I have hundreds of eBooks, gathered from just about everywhere. I'll upload them.


What benefits have any of you found from meditation? Is it worth taking up?

Sauce? And did you get blue balls? What are you doing to avoid prostata cancer?

im sure this is old stuff, but ill post some.

It clears your mind. Makes you calm, collected, witty and self confident.

Grocery shopping should be it's own hour.

sidenote: kant is a blue pill.

On a diet and have gone down from roughly 195 to 181 lbs (88 kg - 82 kg) with tentative goal of 175(79). The only problem is I was never particularly strong and I can feel myself losing strength as I reduce myself to a more wiry physique. Hopefully I can gain some more muscle over the winter.

> The Wealth of Nations
Are you trying to kill people through boredom? I bought this book and I used to fall asleep after every 15 pages.

This is my babby's first virtue starter pack, it's always good to start with the Greeks.

it's the sequel form gunmn
i used to get wet dreams a month
now its once a week.
>also whores want my seed, but I dont let them. I enjoy revenge and being I who friendzones them

Battle Angel Alita: First Order

is that achievable natty?

Did high intensity sprints holy shit, the HGh increase is no joke. First hour afterwards could barely stand, I was so sleepy and tired


google this experiment, the HIT principle is very good and saves time.

It feels nice to be among the few that have successfully sat down and actually read it though.


>21 earn 17000 a year

Kill me.

I'm thinking of taking an AAT course and maybe trying to get into accounting or opening up my own accountancy.

Any advice? Feel like I should at least try and learn some skills to better myself and potential future family.

Need help on this one lads, I feel like it is the right decision to make, I just don't know if I have the energy or time to do it, I work 35 hours a week. I do not want to stop working, hopefully I can work while I study?

Help would be appreciated friends.

There's a difference between reading it and actually working your way through 1200 pages though.

>dude lmao do this one quick trick and get the same amount of muscle pro body builders get in 2 years

So meditation is just a non drug version of Adderall then?

Research the experiment,it was done in an university.

It's more or less what we're supposed to look like as Homo Sapien Males so yes.

Hold on to ur butts.


They teach gender studies in University.

Your point is moot.

>dude lmao 1 study = truth
>haven't tried it but i swear by it lmao
ask me how i know you're a skinny little faggot


Thanks user. I'm only 9% of the way through my ~300 book upload.

Forgot to check this.

Reminder to all anons that you can fix this. Look at the high T levels of decades past and look at the trends between then and now, it explains itself. Men used to work outside more, especially 100+ years ago, meaning large amounts of vitamin D from sun exposure (that's why the recommended daily value of vitamin D is so low, if you went by just that recommendation you'd be deficient) vs today, most people are inside all the time. Result: vitamin D deficiency, lower T production, sometimes even seasonal affective disorder. In the past men used to do morse active jobs or at least walk places, as well as eat high fat, high protein diets (steak and eggs, fried in butter was a common breakfast at the turn of the cuntury), nowadays everyone drives even short distances and eats low fat, high carb diets. Result: massive increase in obesity and decrease in T (fat cells aromatize testosterone into estrogen, beer bellies literally create man boobs). Sperm counts were higher as well because everyone moved more: heat kills sperm, your balls are hottest when you're sitting or lying down, and coolest when you're moving. Result: sperm counts have halved in the past 30 years (also due to lower T). And finally behavior: acting assertive and cordially aggressive (don't be a nigger) is positively correlated with testosterone production, meaning how you act literally affects your hormonal levels. Men back in the day used to be assertive, stern, and commanding, which did and continues to make women's panties wet, no matter what they claim otherwise. Meanwhile some low-T, timid, beta, pussy wonders why he keeps getting strung along, cucked, and friendzoned. That's why.