Quebec General: Frog God Edition

Daily reminder: in Canada, on average, Quebec
>Has the highest IQ
>Has the tallest men
>Has the biggest dick
>Fittest men
>Is the nation with the highest percentage aryan genes
>Is the most creative
>Is the most talented in all fields
>Has the best soldiers
>Is naturally bilingual, thus superior to monolingual Anglo scum
>Has the best aesthetics on both women and men
>Has a carefree attitude, no stress, longer lives
>Has strong nationalism, compared to the rest of Canada which has zero
>Best hockey players (their national sport)

Some bonuses:
>The strongest man ever came from Quebec
>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario, tied with Alberta (even though its economy is about to crash)
>Has some of the laws considered the most racists by (((them)))
>Quebec was Canada before any other province, thus making it the country's founding nation
>Quebec has the strongest culture and started every single stereotype about Canadians
>Quebec is Canada's masterrace

>inb4 butthurt Albertans
Sucks to suck, oil ain't payin much now, eh? Faggots.
>Inb4 angry Brits defending their old colonies
This isn't your fight: Canada is rightful Quebec's clay, gtfo
>inb4 Quebecboo
Fuck off faggots, you're not welcome here

also, Quebec Sup Forums discord: >deezcord(dot)gg/ydwyNN

Other urls found in this thread:

RIP Montreal

I don't get this.. These people have been living in the US for like almost a decade and they still have nothing to the point of they need to go to a refugee stadium in Canada? Were they all just on welfare and accumulated zero wealth? They couldnt even afford to get some apartments here? Makes no sense. Fucking niggers. Not even once

Ultimate redpill on the history of Quebec

TL;DR Anglos in bed with and behaving like kikes to screw over french canadiens. French Canadians are good guys




do you think andrew scheer has potential for the next election against trudope? i personally doubt it..

Fuck you, you piece of shit. Quebec is a shitstain compared to the rest of Canada. Enjoy the transfer money and keep voting for the left you stupid fucking cucks.