Why don't niggers know how to swim?

Why don't niggers know how to swim?

White people drown, too.

niggers have higher bone density so they sink
but you aren't allowed to notice genetic differences since we're all the same

Swimming is usually a talent taught by your father


American blacks don't know how to swim because they were never taught. Since pools were segregated a few generations ago, their parents never learned to swim so didn't teach it.

It is actually that simple.

I imagine those niggers are watching that cornell nigger drown on liveleak.

They have low in and basic brain structure. When in water they panic and flap around some whites do of course but to a far lesser extent. Whites are able to calm down, hold breath, stop panicking and float. Blacks simply cannot do this they act impulsively

>niggers couldnt find places to swim and teach swimming if they really wanted to

Are you nig nogs really that dependant on the state to sanction everything for you?

isn't there a swimming requirement at Cornell lmao?

He's not even American. He's an immigrant from the Dominican republic.

thank god my peasant forefather could afford a pool.

my dad never taught me to change a tire. i can change a tire. i must be superman.

The better question is, if you can't swim why do you go in areas that have deep water?

cultural thing?

they join the navy and learn, a lot of the guys in "nqs" (not qualified for swim) tend to be a certain skin color and it can take months but they do learn... or not, and don't get through basic. i'm not aware of people getting waivers for this...

That's even worse. This nigger came from an island and still couldn't be bothered to learn to swim? what a cunt.

What's worse is that a nigger immigrant is going to college here.

Because they are black.

Little known fact: H2O is a Klan member.

thanks god! Otherwise we'd be already infested with them!
Oh wait...

If all else fails, all one has to do is lie back, relax, fill your lungs with air and you'll float.
Sadly, as most blacks are usually around more blacks, they can never relax. It's just that simple.

Or denser bone structure, damifino.

Not anymore

My father never taught me how to swim, either. Yet I can do all strokes except the butterfly. Am I just a natural born swimmer, then?