Guys check out this song about a Norwegian slut singing about how she'll "fuck all your friends" while fondling with a nigger
As far as I'm concerned you've been Sweden
Director of the video is named Schüssler, I'd like to see the nose on that guy.
I was not expecting OPs statement to be literally what she sings
Holy shit
gee, I wonder ((who)) could be behind this
Why are pure nordics so susceptible for rampant degeneracy without ever having war or colonial guilt?
I feel like nordic countries just tend to self destruct
Me too.
>Norwegian slut singing about how she'll "fuck all your friends"
And if you think there is anything wrong with this, they call you a misogynist.
Oslo is half somalis not even joking
Now that was interesting.
Here's a URL for people outside Europe.
Downvoted for the shit music AND the fucking nigger.
Just read the comments before pol found the video.
Just girls giving her thumbs up. Thats how far we have fallen. We need to treat women as property again.
Quality meem
Honestly we're not even that bad. The 2 recent racemixing propaganda pieces I can think of were made by a Swedish Jew ()
, and a film critic pointed out how fucking unlikely it was lmao
i am confused about the flag, should i give traffic or wait to archive?
Always kill a traitor before an enemy jimbo
Don't give this views. Negative energy is still meme energy. I thought you guys knew this by now.
The cure is to burn it with unholy amounts of nuclear fire
Give it traffic so you can downvote and call him a nigger.
Liberalism was a mistake.
where was that picture from?
Take a look at this video and pause at 52 seconds.
notice anything?
oh shit source?
Damn she's cute
>Those plastic duck lips.
Movie called A night in Oslo or some shit
>notice anything?
yep lol
Is there a single native German in that video?
why are european niggers coppying American black culture,
Euro blacks have nothing in common with the American black.
So did you see the menorah in the background?
We only got 100k jews in Germany and of course it appears in a degenerate nigger song that is about getting German passports, stealing from Germans and fucking their girlfriends
Fuck off Mohammed, I fuck all my friends
If this isnt evil i dont know what is.
It makes me so mad that they are slowly destroying society just for some shekels and more control...
jews truly are satans people and should be exterminated once and for all
Dude. Norway has no more than one (1) thousand Jews, and the leader of "SOS Racism" is a fucking kike lmao. Look at his jewy shitface
what irritates me about this the most isn't even the race mixing
it's the "fuck all your friends"
really great way to influence girls to be a slut. really gonna improve their lives by promoting behaviour like this. i mean it's great for someone like me that uses these worthless sluts but really i have 0 respect for the girls i fuck (and most of them are very unhappy when they're not out partying). they're just there to be used and then they grow old alone. very bad for society as a whole, but particularly sluts that are influenced by things like this.
you shouldn't cheat on a boyfriend, just break up with them because that's how you get a reputation as a slut and goodbye all future boyfriend prospects just for one black cock (who doesn't even care about you) lmao stupid bitches.
>she's clearly a quadroon
I'm out of this retarded thread. You bring shame to the anti-merchant Norgay senpai, KYS
That thing passes as music now? Is the most lazy shit I ever heard
Best country.
Amazing banknotes and superior music.
Why is Norway so incredible guys, how do they do it?
>purple glasses
The semites degeneracy truly knows no boundaries
I hope you guys know where he lives
This degeneracy is blocked in Canada. Thank you Trudeau.
also do want
Welcome to this generation of women. No morals. No respect.
Fighting for your right to live under Sharia rule. He truly is a hero
This makes me happy. I love seeing the white race destroy itself.
White men are masters at prepping the bull. White women lust after the big black cock. White men desire to see their women bred, and the wombs seeded by a black mans cum.
Who would have ever though after hundreds of years of pillaging, slavery, genoicde, discrimination, of non-whites. that the white race would fall to black cocks. How far the mighty have fallen. Lmao fucking cucks
>Quintessentially Svensk
Sverige elsker svart, dritt hud innvandrere.
Have you ever had sex with someone you actually like as a person? It's way better than random sex with bitches. I've got a fuckbuddy right now, we've both said it isn't going to last forever, we enjoy each other's company, then we have good sex, and that's it. I've had one night stands, I've fucked a few escorts, I've had shit girlfriends that I didn't like, it's always better with people I like.
This is the girl in the video practicing her favorite hobby btw.
Schüssler = someone who makes schüsseln (bowls) = actual work
only with my then gf when i was 15
otherwise no
I imagine it probably is better with someone you like
Some very esoteric knowledge you got there bruh
You're acting just as bad as them by enabling their behavior. Be the change you wish to see.
blocked in my country ? how is cuckold propaganda blocked in cucknada ?!?
>why are people around the world influenced by the cancer we export around the world?
Stay bluepilled you dumb fuck.
Why is the white race destroying itself like this? Many of these countries get money from chinese and american tourism...but if Europe is overrun by niggers and coloureds, who will want to go there?
>sharing intimacy is better with people you dont despise
wtf and I was doing it wrong alll the years
Sophie Elise... er så lei av denne dumme bærta
its not like i wanted to watch it but thx anyway
>tfw no black bull to breed my gf
Well he is a hero for stopping the degeneracy from Sweden. So that's great. Never heard of sharia but I'm not muslim.
I've been with countless guys, done amateur porn and didn't have a relationship last more than 2 months for years. I've been with my current boyfriend for 4 years. I broke down about 4 months ago while drunk to confess my sexual history.
He found it "hot". I felt disgusted. My attraction to him has diminished (not extinguised). Thing is, I have two kids with him and stay home. Fuck.
There's so much propoganda displaying black men all as chiseled tall adonises. The black community has the highest obesity rate in America. Most black men are fat, ugly dudes who are terribly dressed and who speak ebonics. If you are afraid to compete with that you deserve to be genocided.
>highest obesity rate in America
Any stats or sources? Seems everyone is fucking fat and proud of it.
Also the comments are amazing, I like the current Zeitgeist.
damn that sucks
tits and time stamp ma'am
Sauce my dear leafbro
it's the trajectory of cultures that have abandoned morality and religion in exchange for hedonism
hedonistic society that aggressively pursues pleasure above all else ---you are here---> nihilistic death cult
The starving children on the charity adverts get my Dick hard, if I could get away with it I would stomp a baby nigs head in and feel no remorse. I feel no empathy and a pretty pathetic person so I will probably die committing a terrible act to a filthy animal like you
It's natural for a female to be repulsed by a cuck, him being like that doesn't justify your behavior though. As long as you see that you fucked up before and mended your ways you're ok in my book.
dank maymay my dude
fuck niggers
shes not for you white boi
>all those predictable women in the comments
>that honorless dude who ignored me after getting BTFO
Gimme the ragu my dude
Can a young woman even sell a record today without copulating with blacks?
Post some of the comments. The video is (((blocked))) in the US.
>see flag
>checks out
I'm drinking in public with girlfriends in Venice. I'm a looking for a restroom and literally have to buy a pen.
I was a kissless virgin til 20. For 6 six FUCKING years, I was crazy about men. My man is buff and tall, so that cuck shit surprised me for the worst. I'm getting s horrible sensation he's Bi. I can't have that shit.
Hva faen?
what happened to her face
Not available in my country, but I was still able to thumbs down
racemixing BTFO
My new Favourite category for porn.
Jeuss that made me hard. What have i become...
Worst thing about the nordics is the fake american accent they all adopt
"Swedish" Kikes literally out to get their Swedish Goy infected with a good dose of African AIDS. I literally can't wait for Sweden's first case of Ebola...fuck it's going to be so funny.
Where's Zara Larsson? She's my favorite coalburner.
It's from a movie called Adulterers
Flag doesn't speak to that lass.
This is most likely a larp, there are very few women who are KHV till twenty that aren't mentally ill.
Here you go
Why do they bother with this crap?
I thought they loved globalism.
>the comments
the future is bright
FUCKING KEK. It's like the charge of the rohirrim at pelennor fields instead its the charge of pol into the degenerate modern culture.