Friendly reminder that fat shaming is not okay. Blinded by your privilege, you fail to see that most fat people don't want to be fat, but are so because "healthy" food is so expensive, and fast food is more affordable. Living a healthful life is pretty hard when you're barely making ends meet.
Friendly reminder that fat shaming is not okay. Blinded by your privilege...
You're right but faggots will kvetch that you're wrong. Eating healthy is too expensive and I'm not going to be some queer who plans his meals for the week.
Protip: Dollar menu at McDicks is the way to go
I just bought like 10lbs of ground beef for 32 bucks yesterday. That's like 6 or 7 big macs, which all together have about 2 lbs of meat.
Fruit and vegetables that are in season are cheap. You can cook and freeze a few portions, like a ready meal but better.
You can buy all kinds of dried beans, bags of rice, frozen fruit and vegetables at fucking Dollar Tree.
Lentils are dirt cheap. So are legumes of almost any kind.
Bullshit. Healthy food is affordable, but it takes time to prepare and people are fucking lazy.
You can go 3 weeks without food
Perhaps she shouldn't go to Wholefoods and buy all "muh super organic gmo free fair waged" crap.
Easy. Don't spend your money on stupid shit. A 5lb bag of rice and potatoes would cost something like 10 bucks.
Healthy food is not expensive you can buy canned fruit and wheat bread for 1.49$ a pack. Anyways nice b8
>One soft drink
On that note, the amount of money I save is in portions. You don't need a kings meal every day.
It should be legal to hunt a kill fat people and process their bodies for fuel.
Think of how environmentally friendly it would be.
How the fuck does that come to $32?
I call bullshit.
>Buys all organic fruit out of season
chicken patties are even cheaper, it's not hard to beat the $1 mcchicken
Those are high-sugar imported fruits OP, try living from just them, you will get just as many rolls as you do now faggot. Vegetables are actually cheap, healthy and useful to a diet. Try buying them and getting some impulse control you cretin.
inb4 1pbtID
No shit, nuts and berries are expensive. They're just looking for an excuse to continue their disgusting lifestyle
Of the top of my head,here's some foods if you want to eat healthy on a budget:
Carbs: rice, beans, pasta, potatoes
Protein: chicken, ground beef, cheese blocks
Vegetables: corn, green beans, broccoli
Fruit: apples, bananas, tomatoes
t. fit poorfag
> rice and potatos
That won't help them stop being fat.
I'm literally in a grocery store right now. Pineapples for $2.77, soda for ¢0.50 per bottle, etc.
Most of the world eats rice or potatoes. How many fat Polish or Japenese is there.
It will if they proportion their meals correctly and pair it with some protein sources.
Fat people are just overgrown children who can't even take care of themselves. They need to be treated like children until they learn.
If she bought rice, beans, and things that actually require cooking she could have stretched it a lot further.
But pineapple? Fucking really?
Subtract the $15/hr effort she would put in and the real price is $17.
You know whats cheaper than eating 32$ of McDonalds? Eating less than 32$ of McDonalds you fat fuck
>Forget the pineapple
>Forget the grapes
>Fucking raspberries are you serious
>Get bananas
>Get apples
>Get potatoes
>Get chicken
Usually just costs me 20 dollars. Sometimes less if I can find on-sale ground chicken.
Just eat less fucking McDonalds jesus christ. It's cheaper to eat less of the same thing and you won't be as fat. How is this not obvious?
>I'm so poor that I'm starving to FAT.
Sure, we totally believe you.
I'll take "WTF are beans and rice?" for 200 Alex
For £5.38 i can get all of this.
>buy ramen
>buy eggs
>enjoy $0.70 meal
fat people are fucking delusional
American obesity and poverty do correlate.
It's not a scam or talking point. In the USA, it is far cheaper, and requires far less work and planning, to eat absolute shit and bloat to whale-size than it is to eat healthy.
It really does take a decent education, some intelligence and above-subsistence income to eat well in the USA.
Nuts and fresh fruit is expensive? No shit, those are luxury items that 95% of humanity didn't even have access to before.
Try ground beef, beans, lentils, grains, etc. Cheap as shit and lots of protein and calories.
did she pay someone to pick that up and deliver it to her government housing from the gas station?
I mean everything that she bought is full of sugar so she still made horrible decisions while trying to "be healthy"
>implying you cant get fat off eating fruit
>implying sugar is somehow less unhealthy when it comes in something other than a candy bar
How about just eating less
Literally free
Fatty food is not necessarily cheaper. It is just more convenient.
About 10 dollars per day and you can have all your vitamins and minerals and calories covered...
1 Capsule Co Q-10
2 Capsules Fish Oil
2 Servings Lifeway Kefir Strawberry
1 Capsule Phosphatidylcholine
3 Eggs Over Medium in 1 Tortilla
Buttered Melba Toast Crackers
1 Yam With Butter
2 Huge Heads Broccoli Add Butter and Garlic Salt to Taste
>American obesity and poverty do correlate.
They do correlate, but IQ rules all. Genetics are destiny.
No. It isn't. It's tastier, sure. But I guarantee I can buy more fucking rice/lentils/beans and frozen vegetables worth of food than I could from mcdonalds at the same price.
healthy food is way cheaper than fast food. bitch is just cherry picking expensive items. our ancestors and people in other parts of the world are much poorer and yet they were/are skinny. only people in rich nations are fat
The type of sugar is what's important though. The stuff found naturally in fruits is much easier for the body to process and break down, so yes, sugar is less unhealthy when it comes from fruit..
It's amazing how limited people are when they don't have the correct information. Literally lived on 40/dollars a week for groceries for fucking years. This was while training and going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
>$32 worth of fructose
McDonalds is ground beef, bread, sliced cheese, potato and condiments, all of which you can get much cheaper in bulk at the supermarket. Even if you eat like trash there is no excuse to give the fast food Jews your money.
And tasteless and dull to eat, requiring more work and saving very little over easier, shittier foods.
A poor couple that can barely scrape rent together and has no education just isn't going to commit to eating well, in the USA.
Not that they can't. Not that society has unfairly disadvantaged them.
Just human psychology conspires to result in their being fat.
Which is a fair point, but see above. That takes work, too: showing self-restraint over cheap gratification. It's like telling a fifteen year-old boy with an internet connection to stop masturbating to porn and start working out, instead. Some can--sure. But the circumstance of being fifteen, male and having internet access are going to result in most of them leaving socks-a-crusty about their bedroom.
It's not an excuse for their behavior. But it is a fact that poverty places Americans in circumstances that result in horrendous obesity rates.
IQ correlates with very little, behaviorally. Most people fall within averages that make it an utterly useless factoid for predicting behavior.
Healthy food is really really really cheap user.
They just don't teach anyone how to cook anymore.
stop shopping at faggot jew shops like whole foods. its fucks like you who need to be executed
for 32 dollars i can triple that amount of food. fat fucks can just eat once a day at mcdees since they r so fucking fat their bodies can burn it up. you know as long as they dont use scooters to go everywhere
doesn't matter if you wolf down an entire bag of grapes every day.
1 mc double with a small fry is more than enough
but no those people will take a big mac with mcnuggets and a large coke
people should learn instead of being social media niggers
american people 150 years a go were MUCH poorer, and yet fat people were very rare back then. EXPLAIN THAT FATTY
>Ground beef
Please explain how ground fucking beef is tasteless. Or how some of the most versatile foods (beans and lentils) and an entire fucking category of foods (grains) are dull?
You really think those things save "little" over mcdonalds? Really?
>IQ correlates with very little, behaviorally. Most people fall within averages that make it an utterly useless factoid for predicting behavior.
>Veggies beans and rice are expensive
I've turned vegan out of respect for my gf, and it's turned out much cheaper then usual shopping. Especially considering a lot of initial stuff lasts longer than a month.
He can't. Obesity and poverty are correlated not because unhealthy food is cheaper but because both are the result of a person being a lazy piece of shit. They're poor because they don't want to work full time and they are fat because they can't be bothered to cook anything.
Laziness is the problem either way.
>They just don't teach anyone how to cook anymore.
thats no excuse this day in age when there are thousands of websites and youtube channels devoted to teaching people how to cook.
Eating healthy is expensive
But you could also just eat less of the McDonalds you fat fuck
I go 4 days every week without eating.
Gimme that clarity.
If you stop eating in all then you get skinny and save money. Use your fat engulfed brain to think.
>buys a whole bunch of expensive fruit
I can take 32 dollars and make a weeks worth of food from it, you just need to cook for yourself and shop smart.
stress also wrecks willpower as well which may be a limited resource according to the theory of willpower depletion, maybe there's some cortisol fuckery going on as well, although welfare losers remain hamplanets despite no stressful job
stop deconstructing her narrative
I literally eat one meal a day during the week. You can too.
Corn is garbage, all sugar. Tastes good though
The food never makes it to the table.
I'm fat and I find it fucking halarious. I don't want to be fat but I don't care if I get mocked for being fat bc I actually want to change it. I'm making an effort to change it, but I just don't like most sports. I hate walking, hockey, football, exc. but I like h.e.m.a. , hunting, and fishing. I'm not in h.e.m.a. yet but want to find a branch of it near me. Now I think you might have the problem that the song "waves" best describes your sex life. "I'm slowly drifting. (Drifting awaaay) wave after wave, wave after wave... and it feels like I'm drowning, pulling against the strings..."
you could get 32 pounds of organic cabbage for 32 dollars
Just fucking eat less - Skip eating for a day - Dont eat 10x a day - Costs less not to eat anything
Someone should tell this sow how much rice and beans they could've had for $32 with better nutritional value than their overpriced sugar vessels.
Moreover, that exact food costs about $11 where I live, not $32.
>if you make a minimum amount of effort to care for your diet you are a queer
>I'm not going to be some queer who plans his meals for the week.
Tough shit, fatty. It's not difficult to eat chicken and veggies all week.
Grapes are fucking expensive.
Yeah ok, so find the luxury items and complain about the price. This bitch probably thinks scarfing down everything can be normal and healthy too. How can she afford a bag of grapes with every meal? Guess she has to go back to pizza.
Stop drinking calories, juice and soda, and you will lose weigh without doing anything extra. And don't sing to me, fatty.
Fat == calories consumed > calories burned.
It really isn't what you eat, it's how much you eat. Eat 8000 calories a day of fruits and veggies while watching Dr. Phil and you're still going to end up a land whale.
>packaged fruit
expensive nut mix... Is this faggot serious? It's more expensive to buy junk or frozen food, rather than cooking. Fuck me...
I drink water, the reason I'm fat is Nutella.
Fat shaming is okay.
Fat people aren't a protected class, aren't selected by universities over skinny people, and receive no benefit in society. Nobody loses their jobs for making fun of fat people online, and it is still funny to make fun of them in the media.
Sorry fatty, but you're fat and disgusting.
Then there would be no need of the wall, since US would probably invade Mexico...
when I am cutting for a week
>frozen chicken breast bag $8
>loaf of half calorie bread $2
>a typical cluster of bananas $1.50
>a couple pounds of apples $6
>a couple pounds of oranges $6
>cheddar/colby jack cheese $2.50
>various veggies under $10
>peanut butter and Jelly $8
>coffee at gas station before work 1.50x5 $7.50
>well water free
$51 per week being liberal with the numbers.
true numbers are likely lower
>tfw nobody on Sup Forums even remembers this anymore
Fat people should not eat much. Those pineapples and grapes should last for a while. Some lean chicken and you can live 2 days on that
Must be a shitload of it. I don't eat like a health nut and I've been dropping slow and steady ever since I switched to seltzer.
You have causality wrong. People are poor because they are stupid and / or lazy which is why they are also fat.
Dumping my fat folder. Make Fat Hate Fridays Great Again!
>captcha select all treadmills
as do i
He is completely right, especially considering fruits contain natural sugars
>buying raspberries and pineapple
Those alone were probably $20.
>I'm making an effort to change it, but I just don't like most sports
You can lose weight by sitting at your computer and doing nothing. Just limit your calorie intake.