>Isn't afraid to push for AI unlike anti-tech alarmists
>Will bring cheap ultra-realistic VR pods so we don't have to deal with the suffering of reality
>Supports UBI so we'll all get FREE MONEY
So why aren't you voting for him in 2020?
Isn't afraid to push for AI unlike anti-tech alarmists
Other urls found in this thread:
Weak person. Once foreign leaders start pushing he will bend to their demands
Yeah, but free money user, how can we lose?
First candidate ever to stream his life 24/7 on Facebook live.
>no poop breaks
>sign me the fuck up
The man is literally the top bluepill merchant.
Fuck, Zuckerboss must have enough material to blackmail everyone involved in the election process. Say hello to your new president.
>supports UBI
that's why.
Did you know the facebook chat app has a therapy function? Imagine the data they'll mine from in.
>wants to get into political office
>not a lawyer
>actually added wealth to the economy
Well you got my vote. Srsly half our problem is the fact that politics is dominated by lawyers who actually benefit by making more and more convoluted laws and have never built anything productive in their entire lives.
Pol will cry jew but Zuckerbuns is not finance, he is from productive industry. Its the finance and legal spheres which are hampering society not any one ethnic group.
>pls don't give me free money, I want to be a wageslave for the rest of my life
>you get to live in a highly advanced technological society, but all meaning is taken away in favor of conveniency
would unironically think about voting for him.
He'd bring about a nihilistic nightmare, but one in which humans become god.
God has no meaning after all, he is everything and nothing at the same time.
why must all coins have 2 sides?
I don't vote for bug people
UBI is the future wether you like it or not.
Manual labour won't exist in 30 years (robots), and simple office jobs (accountant etc) will be taken over by processors.
What do you do when only 20% of your population is needed in the workplace? Do you get rid of the other 80%?
>inb4 yes because I'm 16 years old and think overpopulation is a problem
>doesn't have to give up ownership of Facebook because Republicans don't care about conflicts of interest for Trump and aren't Massive Hypocrites about it
Give Em The Zucc 2020
>Collecting user data for years
>Runs for president
>Exploit user data by forming a political platform based on it
>Get elected
>Back pedal on everything you said to get elected because you were just pretending
>Free VR program
>Make new reality where individual preferences are met
>Make robots with AI to take care of people in VR
>Move everyone to a gigantic warehouse so they can be monitored easily
>Transform the USA into a land of your vision by keeping the goyim locked up in VR as you transform reality to your vision
And that is how the second Israel will be created
That faggot should use a bra those hormones are not male hormones kike
>Zuckerboss must have enough material to blackmail everyone involved in the election process. Say hello to your new president.
He has enough to blackmail everyone on Earth.
If you've ever visited pornhub while logged into (((facebook))), he knows about it. He can force someone like Paul Ryan to capitulate or have their Shemale Porn history released to the public.
That won't be good for mankind at all. Being pampered by tech and robots will be the end of humanity
i understand, though I wouldn't agree 100%, as vaguely stated in my earlier post:
life as we percieve it consists only of paradoxes and the interaction between contradictions.
"the end" is way too simple of an explanation/hypothesis.
>(((Zuckerberg))) runs in 2020
>splits the vote
>either way, (((Zuckerberg))) wins
Dirty kikes.
> Is Big Brother Corporate Jew Aiming to use AI to Creep-sell to children thinking they are talking to another child
> Want to passify the general population with VR like a porno-Jew
> Wants to proxy grant hiself money by giving it to his customers from the pockets of the general population while undermining competition like a Jew
> Censors internet for political gains
> Sister is a typical SJW Jew pushing the "being higher up on the ladder to kiss my brother's ass is the most important thing for society" narrative.
>pls government, my income depends on the money you give me.
So what? They'd be mailing you a check once a month and you wouldn't have to do anything in return to get it. Why would you voluntarily decide to work for a living?
I hate porn.
>Why won't you vote for him goy?
He's the worst kind of Jew. His early quotes together with that zionist fucking jacket should tell you all you need to know.
The odd way he acts, people saying he's kind of inhuman, well, he's not. He's simply extremely psychopathic.
>Not shädman
What are you, fucking gay?
You forgot
>atheist scum
He doesn't look like a human being
More like some kind of lizard creature. Look at those fucking bug eyes
Era of Data Scam social media is ending
Kill youthoughtcrimetube incorporated & kill facefuck incorporated
should be Trump's #1 tech and free speech priority
have a painless & seamless overnight replacement with a meshed together network of competing platforms so they're not lone data scam platforms hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube, meshbook and meshtweet so that youtube & facebook for example would just be one company of 10 or so competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts and can interact with them even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam assault of the public square & ideas
all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers, or your family and their friends using facebook nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a group of 10 generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up
end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrimetube
The only lever I'll pull for a jew has a trap door attached to it.
UBI first for 5 years then I'll consider giving him my vote.
>He doesn't look like a human being
If he can get me free government checks for doing nothing I don't care if he's a reptilian, I'm still voting for him.
Get a job faggot
sorry user, looks like you won't be receiving your monthly check because of a few problematic posts you made :^)
enjoy living on the street you fucking bigot :^)
>look at me smoking meats
>I'm so normal, teehee :^)
you need to post the list of joogle alternatives with your tirades