Flat earth theory is impossible to disprove.
Only sheeple believe in "globe earth"
Flat earth theory is impossible to disprove.
Only sheeple believe in "globe earth"
you're welcome.
I dont see a horizon up here.
>"when you look at the horizon, you see the horizon"
Oh my god, so ground breaking.
Explain the seasons, comets falling to earth, observing the moon at the same time from another continent yet doesn't look the same.
Nice try Mr. Paid shill but no one is falling for that.
Globe earth btfo, look how the curvature changes, the lens is clearly altering it
Daily reminder that all "globe" pictures are like this.
>look mom I posted it again! xDDDD
You fucking moron.
who /square and stationary/ here?
Yeah, let's not answer that.
Nice rebuttal fag, shows just how much of a shit thread this is and how much of a moron you are.
> Gravity pulls me down, so obviously gravity pulls everything down. Since I'm so stupid I believe the earth is flat, obviously gravity would pull the water down to the bottom of a round earth rather than in towards the center where the gravity is coming from.
Literally being this retarded. Reminder, these people vote.
Am I supposed to believe that picture with no other evidence?
>no matter how high you ascend
>hasn't ascended above 35,000ft
Learn how perspective works.
It's falling off the edge.
People don't actually believe this do they?
disprove this
That's a pretty cool render.
Go away with your online social experiment
Clearly a sinking ship.
Nice try
Perspective doesn't cause the bottom of objects to disappear, holy shit look at something far away out of your parents' basement's window if you don't believe me.
There are 3 types of people who promote flat earth theory: the gullible and lazy, the propagandists trying to discredit conspiracy theorists, and the shit disturbers that do it for a laugh. OP is the latter.
its literally a lake. water doesn't sit flat.
Flat Earth fails at the only thing it should get right: mapping out the Earth on a flat map
Most probably don't
Flat earth threads are important; they help you to recognize that you're not crazy for thinking the kikes lied about the Holocaust.
Good one sir
>burger education
I have no fucking words son well done you made my brain implode
you are so fucking stupid that you are being used as entertainment for people you will never meet. stay retarded, please.
why are forests, shadows, and low quality images such a mystery to you? do you ever leave your house?
>its literally a lake. water doesn't sit flat.
that is so fucking retarded it doesnt deserve a rebuttal. if you dont understand the differences between those two images, you are beyond salvation and should kill yourself immediately.
This, if flat earthers can great a map of the earth free of scale and angular error I will convert and become a flat earther. The only way such a map would be possible is if the earth was actually flat.
its literally air, dude, air is super dense.
Your bible told you that, didn't it?
OK, fine. Earth is flat. You've convinced us. We believe you. Scientists have conspired for centuries to lie to us.
Question: Why do scientists work so hard to hide the fact that the Earth is flat? What do they have to gain from this conspiracy?
So...you have no argument?
The cognitive dissonance here is astounding. You should be able to explain why you believe what you believe.
those buildings should be thousands of feet below the curvature btw
That's not flat, there's grass in the way retard
Flat earthers btfo by ancient greeks. How will they ever recover?
my argument is a first grader, a six year old child, is expected to have the reasoning skills to understand why those two photos are not comparable to eachother, if you cannot, you really should just drown yourself, castrate yourself at the very least.
Explain the Southern Cross.
>this defeats the flat earther.
Even in a game where the world is literally cubes, it's still round.
Flat eathers cannot recover.
you are not considering all the measurements necessary. keep searching, this shit is so basic its hilarious it is foreign to you.
This has been answered many times, and if you have two brain cells you can think of reasons on your own.
Im not a flat earther but god damn.
I do believe theyre lying to us.
height of observation is just as important as the height of the object being observed. i really shouldnt have given that to you, but it really seems like you are PURPOSEFULLY ignoring it.
Why were you purposefully ignoring that measurement?
Its literally JIDF training threads.
>This has been answered many times
>just not this time or by me
Must be the subterranean reptilian humanoids right?
elevations are all calculated for sorry bro
its been proven flat you just have people living in a delusion