Never disrespect the Anthem.
Career Over
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is his career actually over? what an idiot, thinking americans would appreciate him disrespecting their country and flag. even up here we know now to say anti-patriotic things to americans, as they take that shit real serious
why does he always look miserable when he kneels? shouldn't he be confident and happy to do it?
Quick rundown? I don't watch niggerball.
Hated by the NFL
Loved by Black Twitter
Over is a big word. But the season is about to start and this cunt is unemployed.
Refused to stand for the anthem during last season as 49ers QB. Status: Unemployed.
He's a shitty player who was about to get cut for being shit, so he decided not to stand for the anthem to stir up controversy and hope that dindus would stand by him so that he kept getting a new contract
Nobody wants him because he sucks. The 49ers went 2 and 14 last season. His meme style of QBing got figured out and he knew he was done, which is the only reason he started all this bullshit in the first place. This is a guy who follows and retweets Shaun King on Twitter. He's an idiot.
This cunt gave me a real good reason to not watch it ever again. Especially seeing how many millionaire players followed his lead. The NFL will be dead when the boomers are gone.
I would boycott any team that signed this ungrateful nigger
Respect to America for doing this.
He's too high profile. Owners of teams wont sign him. He's a decent player but a liability. Pure business.
Here's some salty nigger tweets when Jay cutler got signed and he didn't
especially when you grew up spoiled and privileged in a white family that paid for all your shit
>He's a decent player
Lies. His first couple years were good, but he's shit now, just like RG3.
dont forget he was adopted by a white family and had a fairly rich upbringing hence how he went to college in the first place
>anthem meme
He disrespected the flag. The media only pretended his dumb little protest had anything to do with our anthem.
His career was basically over before he started protesting. He wasn't very good.
The dolphins just passed him for retiree cigarette smoking Jay Cutler. Yeah, his career is pretty over.
When you're an overrated nigger, you should count your fucking blessings.
>Niners fan
Can't read defenses, and is not accurate. He's fucking trash
>tattoo of praying hands
blasphemy af.
shouldn't have been hired in the first place.
>Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler is 10x the QB that Kaepernig is
Refusing to stand during the anthem is one factor, but it's not the only thing keeping people from signing him. He lost a shitload of weight after converting to Islam and becoming a vegan. He was already wildly inaccurate while throwing, and relied on his large frame and toughness while running. Take away his running and arm strength, and you're left with a noodle-armed, inaccurate QB.
Tebow was the exact same situation: inaccurate, best at running, cannon for an arm. Except Kaepernick had a team literally handed to him by a god-tier coach that had a stroke during the season, whereas Tebow was reluctantly named the starter each week by an overrated GM that hated him.
The riots that are about to accompany this will be the start of the race war.
His inability to go through progressions and read defenses was going to catch up with him eventually.
yep. Niggers are legitimately not smart enough to play QB
>blacks protest in the streets
>they need to stop rioting
>guy kneels peacefully and quietly during anthem, doesn't make a fuss, simply voices his opinion
>people chimp out about it
this fucking country
>riots that are about to accompany this
still larping, i see.
Cutler to me acts like he just doesn't give a shit, but at least he doesn't hate the country that lined his pockets with millions of dollars.
Are they going to burn SF down? one can dream
He's the reason I quit watching.
Also my last straw for niggers
Thank you, Kapernick, for helping me discover that there are better things in life than sitting on a couch all day eating junk food and watching sports.
Oh, I'll check the scores at the end of the day and tune in to the playoffs if my team is in it, but I really have better things to do.
So...thanks for ruining football?
Agreed. Is accuracy is middling, and his ability to read a defense is bested by any 8 year old that's ever played Madden. He can't compete without a run game that puts 8+ defenders in a box, so he could never succeed post-Harbaugh.
RG3 is better than Crapernick. And RGKnee managed to not piss off the entire country, just his Offensive Line.
>Get unwanted media circus because of your political bullshit
>team drops you like a hot potato
>can't get hired as a free agent because they're all terrible
I'm not arguing that. However, Jay Cuter looks like an out of shape frat boy. At this point in both of their "career" I honestly don't know who would actually be better. They're both overrated as fuck.
Canadian football will sign this nigger. They love this type of shit up there. Good riddance.
It's funny how he looks more like a jew than a fucking nigger.
>more like
>protests are okay
>rioting isnt
>disrespecting the anthem isnt okay
>already be a shit qb, except for one season
>dont get signed again
He's so fucking retarded that we had to simplify the offense so much that we would run the same plays over and over again
His job was to play football, not virtue signal. And he sucked at both.
Only whites have the I.Q to be QTs.
I'm not even into American sports but this guy shot himself in the foot. He thought Hillary would win and he could count on anti-American sentiment, not MAGA.
This. His mom was a coal burning whore, and his dad was gone long before he was born. And he was raised by whites. And now this. No respect for the people that gave him everything he has. Typical American-nigger.
This nigger was wearing Fidel Castro shirts to press conferences last season and dumb nigs wonder why Miami, of all places, passed on him.
The NFL put themselves into a stupid position. They have their core audience of suburban whites mad at the disrespect the league has for them and now blacks are threatening to boycott if a team isn't forced to sign Kaepernick. At today's Hall of Fame game there was race baiting speech after race baiting speech going on and on about slavery and diversity. So it appears the NFL is going to double down and follow ESPN down the SJW road to destruction. No doubt their arrogance is making them believe their core of white suburban fans would never stop watching. Hopefully that's what ruins them.
Do you cucks actually watch tv sports? Do you also get fat on Cheetos and bud light while you're watching? Do you fantasize about the muscly black men in spandex while you watch?
He's a muzzie but I can see why people wouldn't respect tjis country much anymore with all the faggotry and abortion it allows
>abandoned by coal burning mom and black dad
>adopted by two white people
>lived in white Turlock, CA which has a black pop of like 1%
>went to white college at UNR
>got a muslim 'activist' gf
>suddenly grows a fro and is Muhammad Ali
Lol. He looks more like an Arab than a black guy.
Hate nigger-ball. NFL needs to doe. Overpaid monkeys
What's wrong with entertaining apes? That's what they're mostly good at.
There's definitely some fucking Pakistani/Israeli type of shit going on there. He's far from black that's for sure.
>decent player
He's mediocre at best as of now. He's 11-24 in his last 35 games. He lost his job to BLAINE FUCKING GABBERT. His style of offense requires teams to reformat EVERYTHING around him. His odds of finding a back up job anywhere were low, now he has no chance since he pissed off everyone by being a dumbass.
>black people get together and yell a bit
>police show up in riot gear with ARs and armored cars with tear gas everywhere
>white people literally start wrecking property because their sports team won/lost or a pedo supporting coach was fired
>police don't do shit
may have been his intended outcome. nfl is a relatively right-leaning entity and its been under attack from the left. muck it up with the whole concussion ordeal, some breast cancer pink faggotry and some racial lecturing and behold viewers start to fall
He's probably better than some current backups, but what you need most from a backup is reliability. He needs to be able to run the second offense in practice, be ready to come in anytime, and not draw attention otherwise. Things you might overlook in a guy good enough to start, are actually a bigger detriment for a backup.
Also, his girlfriend has made it clear that she's going to sabotage everyone who comes close to him. Hire him as a backup, and how long until she and ESPN are saying he should be the starter? As soon as your starter has a 2-interception game? Sooner? Then you'll get called a racist for keeping him on the bench, after being the only team willing to hire him in the first place.
It's just not worth it. A couple more QBs will have to go down to injury before he gets signed.
>trying this hard
CK's crappy skills aside, you underestimate the anger the bulk of the owners have for the man for his actions, PLUS the fact that fans have been ABSURDLY vocal to management and owers, about now wanting him on the roster in any shape or form.
Several coaches and owners BOTH have openly stated they got hate mail from longtime fans and ticket holders etc threatening to boycott their teams if CK was signed.
It's not the NFL's fault. You have to go team by team and see who wants him. The 49ers obviously aren't gonna take him, established teams with established quarterbacks and backups don't want him. Teams in which he is marginally better or slightly around the skill level of other QBs won't take him for the almost definite profit margin losses.
The NFL isn't a monolith for fucks sake. It's not the League's job to give people starting positions.
He was only successful because of
>harbaugh's system
>frank gore
>vernon davis
>that fucking 6 man oline
>that fucking defense
All of that was gone and honestly most qb's wouldn't fare too well in his situation
But the anti american stuff is because of his wife pumping the ideology into him. He is a horrible hire right now, all of the blue collar nfl fanbase really fucking hates him.
Tough shit though, NFL just like any job requires you to get along with coworkers and not piss off customers.
I'm really hoping Dak Prescott is just another one of these meme QBs who gets figured out in the off season and becomes a one season wonder.
>donald sterling of the clippers states his offensive positions
>colin kaepernick states his offensive positions
The NFL moves further to the left each time a team is bought by a Jew... and the Jews love buying sports teams because they can get their grubby hands into the public treasury demanding hundreds of million in subsidies to keep them from moving the team. The scent of easy money is just too great for Jews not to be attracted. If cities don't have the balls to start saying 'NO' to relocation threats, within a decade the majority of teams will be under Jew control and the league will become extremely leftist.
The Ravens were looking at picking him up. Then his girlfriend basically called the owner a racist and Ray Lewis an Uncle Tom. (pic related)
i laugh so hard when blacks turn to islam as some sort of protest against whites.
islam was the biggest buyer and seller of african slaves in history and only stopped after the ottoman empire was dismantled by guess who...
I wonder which will pay him enough to be able to afford to eat.
Turns out viewership for the NFL was actually declining directly as a result of this groids decision not to rise for the national anthem. I imagine there was probably pressure from the league to drop him, since the NFL is a business and viewership is it's biggest goal.
Now he gets to go be a Millionaire for the rest of his life.
the more espn shills for him the more I hate him and espn
turns out football fans dont want to see anything else but football when they watch football
This fucking nigger deserves the rope.
His birth mom was Jewish.
I plan on abandoning the league after Brady retires. American football as whole isn't a very good sport either, I'd rather watch ice hockey.
Did you watch the speeches today? The NFL has been driving all of this diversity shit because they want to expand their base of viewers. They virtue signaled until one of their players got overly excited and thought it was ok to shit on national anthem. They created the environment in which he felt it was something he could get away with. So yes, it is the fault of the league. That doesn't take individual owners off the hook but it is them in amalgamation that caused this.
80% whites larping as niggers are better at it than legit niggers.
considering who runs most cities id say that its not a case of ballslessness but jews helping jews snatch other peoples money
Professional sport is all as fake as wrestling. Scripted theatre, performed by actors.
>whites better at niggering than niggers
>whites better
Makes sense, desu.
>Now he gets to go be a Millionaire for the rest of his life.
Nigger can't manage money. He'll be begging for quarters outside of a soup kitchen in less than ten years.
I miss Tim Tebow.
He is the definition of a meme and I really wanted him to succeed in the NFL.
I don't watch anymore but it would have been cool.
The pats should pick him up specifically to end quarters by taking a knee.
>Standing up
Wait, I thought they needed to sit down
>I plan on abandoning the league after Brady retires
And miss out on the next great white hope?
It won't be the same after Brady goes, though. Peyton Manning went downhill his last few years but I still missed watching him a lot last season.
Can't stand up if he's kneeling down
>kaepernick supports BLM
>no job and goes like 1-10
>tom brady votes trump
>wins the superbowl with the greatest superbowl comeback of all time
How come I can go a full 24 hours during Le Mans and never hear a single fucking comment regarding PC bullshit, but you fags can't go a week without someone trying to poke a stick at the bee's nest?
Proof that racing is the only white man's sport.
>shit on america
>america shits on you
Did you see Ladanian Tomlinson hall of fame speech shit?
This argument is always retarded he sucks as a quarterback. That is why he doesn't play. He only kneeled because he knew he was a shit player and it was the only way to get into the news.
Dozens of fans will boycott the entire @NFL if they don't sign Kaepernick.
>Abandoned by nigger dad
>Adopted by White grandparents
>White America makes rich
>Identifies with hood niggers
Niggers not even once
He's going to have to apologize and soften his image.
If he does that, he'll have is career back.
He "may" drop football and become sort of professional SJW figure head rather than apologize to whitey.
Google pictures of him and his white family
He's culturally a classic cracker