
Have you ever wondered where the Alt-Right gets it's money? New spencergate release! Meet Daniel Friberg, the mining tycoon behind the Alt-Right!

Not only is this kike a kike but he's the kike behind TRS, the AltRight.com website and tons of other propaganda campaigns. Plus... he's friends with ANTIFA! That's right: the Alt-Right and ANTIFA are working together -- they're controlled opposition. This release takes a brief look at the Alt-Right's connection to ANTIFA but we'll examine this in-depth at a later. In the meantime, come learn about the shekel farmer behind TRS and other Alt-Right campaigns!


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Stop shilling your website faggot.

leftypol disinfo

I don't care much about Richard's politics, he may be alright, who knows.

I can't believe that' s Richard Spencer. I kept hearing about this guy and how good he is. but there's something wrong with his head there, seriously. It's like this egg shape.

Why is it that shape? I just showed this to a friend, who is a doctor, and he said that's a sign of some form of mental deformation that when the head is that shape.

Were you guys just ironically memeing about this guy because he's physically deformed?


lel, he archived his own site so he doesn't get hits. What a moron.

Woah is this guy okay? That's definitely not normal. He should get it checked out immediately.


>gets money
For what exactly? Paying for the server costs so we can shitpost here? The Alt-Right doesn't have expenses. It isn't an organization like ISIS that is actively fighting a war and holding territory.

>alt-right doesnt have expenses
then why does Spencer ask for money and donations? :)

that photo is shooped
spens looks like this IRL

post the original

woah haha he looks like Bert from Sesame Street! Was he born in Chernobyl!

>Alt-Right gets it's money?
Nowhere since it has no money.



>since it has no money
How can it afford websites, conferences, propaganda campaigns, rallies and etc? :)

Moarpheus and Spencer are part of the same CIA cancer shill team
LARP team 6 : destroy the political momentum

lel i believe it

This is a clear shop.
His arms are flabbier irl.
Stop shopping yerself for gainz richard.

t. your loving wife

Moarpheus just makes the opposition to cia spencer look like cancer so noone bothers to vet him. moarpheus doesn't represent anyone on this board


Websites are cheap but they take donations, conferences are paid for by attendees, propaganda campaigns are essentially printed fliers, rallies are usually cheap.
The expensive parts of the alt-right are all crowd funded or just paid for with donations they received.


>moarpheus doesn't represent anyone on this board
You're right! Moarpheus isn't trying to start a cult of personality. Moarpheus isn't saying, "Look at me!" Moarpheus is exposing and trolling the Jewish plot to spread Zionism among those subscribing to the White Nationalist movement. Moarpheus is also introducing real National Socialism to replace the Communist non-sense you smut peddlers peddle. Moarpheus leads no one because Moarpheus tells everyone to lead themselves. Now you know.

t. daniel friberg

nigger they raise thousands of dollars just to get their guys out to rallies. you cant tell me some nigger niggers 2k just to attend a spencer rally. The Indent fags raise 100k+ for a stupid boat and you're all connected. its all embezzlement and fraud. the goyim know.

>free mountain
>most jewish possible
Jews are generally [something to do with money][size of said object].

you are all fucking retarded, berg has nothing to do with jews in scandinavia.


>nigger they raise thousands of dollars just to get their guys out to rallies.
Yeah, all crowd funded or done with donations. They need to travel across the country, have accommodation and in some cases (like Spencers) they need security.
It's fucking nothing compared to Laura "Give me 2000 for a flat tire" Loomer. I don't know about the identity guys but boats aren't cheap.

I didn't catch the sarcasm but my post supports what you said, it isn't a jewish name based on the fact it has nothing to do with money alone.

notice how these kikes ignore all the actual claims and points while only deflecting to whether he's a jew or not? lel typical tricks rabbi!

>Yeah, all crowd funded or done with donations.
nigger i dont care HOW they raise thousands of dollars, i only care that they raise it. and what do they do with it? they certainly dont use 2k to get to a rally you dumb low IQ shitskin. where does the rest of the money go that isnt used?

>oh but its crowdfunded so we can do whatever we want with it

is that the argument you're really going with once i raise this issue publicly? will that be your response? i sure hope so.

95% of people in scandinavia with the name berg in some sort isn't jewish.

>they certainly dont use 2k to get to a rally you dumb low IQ shitskin.
You work fucking retail, you know nothing about the costs of sending people across the country.
Oh and nice try trying to accuse others of being non-white when you're anti-white and have a name that's based off a nigger.

>you work retail because you can make it to a rally without ripping off thousands of dollars from internet people
cmon. also whats wrong with retail? why do you shame the working class? you want to scam shekels from them but you cant respect them also? you jews are the worst sorts. there is no bad job, there is only the bad jobless. ok? :)

>Oh and nice try trying to accuse others of being non-white when you're anti-white and have a name that's based off a nigger.
pic related. is that all you got?

>you work retail because you can make it to a rally without ripping off thousands of dollars from internet people
No, you work retail so you have no idea what expenses are. It's a braindead job that a monkey can do (and what do you know, monkeys do do it). Maybe once you graduate from a job made for just-out-of-school teenagers you'll learn about the expenses of life.
Travel isn't cheap, security isn't cheap. If you want to know the details of what it's used for then why not make a thread about it on their websites rather than trying to character assassinate like a kike?

>you have no idea what expenses are.
You mean to tell me that I need over 2 thousand $$$ to attend a rally for the weekend?
>security isn't cheap
Maybe if your movement had any real organic momentum going and not just TRS shilling 24/7 about how great the Alt-Right is...you guys wouldn't have to pay for things like security or even transportation. Do you really think when I give my teaching I'll have to pay for security? lel. You Jews never learn.

Stop thinking "Berg" automatically means Jewish. The name is common in Europe and most Jews in Europe adopted these names, then later fled to America hence the large number of Bergs there.

what is this ?
and what the hell is wrong with your women?

>You mean to tell me that I need over 2 thousand $$$ to attend a rally for the weekend?
Are you speaking at it?
Are you going from far north of the country to the south?
Do you have to pay security?
Do you have no normal employment?
>you guys wouldn't have to pay for things like security or even transportation
You see, the difference between whites and people like you is we WANT to help our brothers, so even if they offer to do security work for you, you realize the guy who's doing security work is literally homeless and you want to pay him and the guys under him for their good work.
>Do you really think when I give my teaching I'll have to pay for security?
You're a literal nobody, no one knows who you are nor does anyone care. You don't have your face out there, you didn't have the mainstream media doing hit piece after hit piece on you and talking about how it should be ok to punch you. No shit you have no security costs, the only people who'll manhandle you are the doctors trying to feed you your meds.

I'm not saying this person isn't a Jew but simply that people shouldn't always jump to the conclusion that one is a Jew because of their name.

>what the hell is wrong with your women?

Nothing at all, she's gorgeous.


Your movement is supposedly going to save the white race from all its troubles and yet you kikes can't even get real-world people to volunteer as your security. Your entire movement is a facade. It's all just an act. :) And other people are beginning to see that. I'll show you swindlers how to do it right tho.

alright fair enough m8

Well done ignoring my post, kike.

Holy fuck, is that thing human?

No, it's an abbo.

>we need all this money because..
no you dont. name the Jew. its free.


>what's wrong with you women
>has a folder of abbo women on his pc to keep him warm at night

Hmm. Makes you think.

Is this the best thing you leftypol faggots could come up with in your discord?


post yfw its one guy doing this

You can name the jew wherever you want but it costs money to go places and good luck with employment afterwards.
Also, Enoch spent most of his segment at the free speech rally a while back naming the jew. I bet you still disavow him though.

Also, you said you were going to be "teaching" right? I take it you're going to the unite the right rally and are going to preach?
What's the bet you're going to preach anti-white shit rather than anti-jew shit.

>and good luck with employment afterwards.
Spencer is a millionaire. Enoch is a millionaire. Southern is likely a millionaire. What jobs are they going to lose by naming the Jew exactly?

>Also, Enoch spent most of his segment at the free speech rally a while back naming the jew.
Enoch is a Jew! (inb4 23 and me). Plus, he is married to a B'nai Brith Jew who has done work for the NSA! Mike Enoch is Talmudist garbage. They have no problem bad-speaking diasporic Jews like George Soros, but Israel oh no! Israel is perfect and how we goyim should model our own States! How dumb do you kikes think I am? You under estimate your opponent.

I wouldn't allow myself to be associated in anyway with the Alt-Right, unless if by mocking it. Besides I'm not here to unite the right but everyone.

>Have you ever wondered where the Alt-Right gets it's money?

Have you ever wondered where the Anti-Trump groups gets it's money?

Many of the protesters who halted Trumps rally in Chicago were a part of a Soros-funded organization. These are all engineered events, propaganda schemes to silence free speech, and people like Soros are directly behind the manipulation of it all.

Advancement Project, All of Us or None, Alliance for Justice, America Coming Together, America Votes, America’s Voice, American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy, American Bridge 21st Century, American Civil Liberties Union, American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, American Family Voices, American Federation of Teachers, American Friends Service Committee, American Immigration Council, American Immigration Law Foundation, American Institute for Social Justice, Applied Research Center, Arab American Institute Foundation, Aspen Institute, Ballot Initiative Strategy Center, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Blueprint North Carolina, Brennan Center for Justice, Brookings Institution, Campaign for America’s Future, Campus Progress, Casa de Maryland, Catholics for Choice, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Center for Responsible Lending, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS), Change America Now, Campus Progress, Casa de Maryland, Catalist, Catholics for Choice, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Center for Reproductive Rights, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS), Change America Now, etc, etc.


>Have you ever wondered where the Anti-Trump groups gets it's money?
get a load of this deflecting Jew.
the left gets its money from the same place as the right: kikes.

you ignorant fucking nigger, it's a shill propaganda term.
if you were user you'd know this. gtfo, you'll never fit in here.

who should we look at next?


i don't know much about richard spencer desu, but the one thing i've noticed is that people constantly post pictures of him and laugh. why is it that he's head such a strange shape? it's like an egg shape. is this some kind of genetic disorder or is because of his fashy haircut he gets? im not laughing, im just genuinely curious.

>Spencer is a millionaire.
His parents are. I wouldn't be surprised if he just lives in a house they own and is self sufficient otherwise, they don't agree with his politics.
>Enoch is a millionaire.
That's a load of shit. The guy was a fucking mid range full stack dev, he made like 100k~ a year.
>Southern is likely a millionaire.
I highly doubt it.

>Enoch is a Jew! (inb4 23 and me)
>X is Y (inb4 you post proof X isn't Y).
You're not even willing to look at facts.
>but Israel oh no! Israel is perfect
Pretty sure he's been shitting on Israel since before he was doxed, saying that he doesn't care if it sounds hypocritical as a white nationalist but until they stop attacking white nationalism he won't stop attacking them. Oh, but that goes against your world view so it either didn't happen or is fake right?
>Plus, he is married to a B'nai Brith Jew who has done work for the NSA!
Wrong, she worked for a company with the acronym NSA, it was not the NSA we think of. Something to do with magazine publishing I think. But you're going to continue spreading disinfo even after being corrected aren't you. I doubt I'm the first one to call you out on this one.

If you've got anything except conjecture to connect lauren to this i'll give you $100.

Reminder that Moarpheus loves BASED niggers and thinks that IQ is mostly from environment, not genes (pic related).

Nuke Israel?

The purity spiralling natsoc loves niggers? HAH!

lol ffs... i check the link and the first thing i see is
>If this isn’t a Jew born of Scandinavian stock LARPING
You're a an idiot. Is it even worth reading the rest of it when i already know how shit your research is?

Lmao the same jigaboo that tried to convince me we can implement NatSoc in Africa.

Give me some credible evidence and i will seriously give you $100.

Another discord crew shill thread upset that we're raising money and moving our message. Remember to sage.

You're a fucking joke. how can you think anyone takes you seriously.

Look at all the shills it's like bots.

>IQ is mostly from environment
That's stupid as fuck. Humans are like computers. DNA is your hardware and the environment is your software. That makes niggers an abacus.

>Richard Spencer's family tree
>Those last names


>moarpheus doesnt want to genocide blacks off because genocide is a jewish meme
hey luke. i like your numbers.

convince me we cant?

>convince me we cant?
We can if we remove the africans. Photoshopping Spencer doesn't add anything to your argument.

>moarpheus doesnt want to genocide blacks off because genocide is a jewish meme
Hangon, you shit on Spencer for being pro-Israel (in the sense that Israel should exist not supporting it).
Do you want to genocide jews and take the jewish meme or do you support the existence of Israel like Spencer?


>Do you want to genocide jews and take the jewish meme or do you support the existence of Israel like Spencer?
bro. Bro! BRO!
If he's a nigger expecting him to be intellectually consistent is kinda racist. They don't have the mental horsepower for that kinda shit. I'm just sayin.



since when has genociding the Jews been a thing? I just want them to fuck off and leave us alone.


Haha, Friberg a jew? He used to be a nazi skinhead back in the 90s when that was popular with youth here in Sweden.

convince me we cant sell natsoc to blacks?

no i dont want to genocide jews.
nor do i want to give them israel.
and we don't have too.

i still dont understand this meme.. do you want to know the font i used or something?

t. daniel friberg

Deliberate and well funded and organised disinfo. Expect more threads like this over the coming months. sage and hide.

>no i dont want to genocide jews.
>nor do i want to give them israel.
So what happens to them according to you? They just live in multicultural societies until the end of time? Also, are you a nigger?

>i still dont understand this meme.. do you want to know the font i used or something?

The evidence of this nigger being a nigger is starting to accrue with startling rapidity.

No, user. I mean to rid this Earth of the Jews without killing them.

>accrue with startling rapidity.
go write anudda blog post you pseudo-intellectual fagget. who are you trying to impress? you dont belong here.

>I mean to rid this Earth of the Jews without killing them.
How do you do that nigger? Magic?
>go write anudda blog post you pseudo-intellectual fagget. who are you trying to impress? you dont belong here.
Did I strike a nerve subhuman?

>How do you do that nigger? Magic?
No. I've developed a strategy that will answer the JQ in all it's parts, from what to do with the Jews and the assorted non-Aryans to fixing what the Jews have done already. And if I were to expose the fullness of this plan you kikes would co-opt, pervert and ruin it until finally it benefits you instead. So I'll keep that plot to myself for a while more ;)

>Did I strike a nerve subhuman?
I want you to out-think me, not out write me. And if you're going to shill on Sup Forums you should at least sound like us.

>So I'll keep that plot to myself for a while more ;)
Keep role playing dumb ass.
>I want you to out-think me, not out write me.
>implying you think
I've already done both by default.
>you should at least sound like us.
I'm not going to stoop down to being a nigger.
Just admit you're pulling this shit out of your ass and that you're a nigger. Simple.

>keep roleplaying
I'm only entertaining this point because intellectuals who call others "dumb ass" are just betas trying to sound smart.

Do you agree on these three points:

>that to win a war you must first win the minds of the People? And that
>that there is a Jewish plot to destroy the Aryan race and enslave the others
>that the only thing preventing people from stopping the Jew and his work is the lie of the Holocaust


Sarcasm, right?


im going to watch naruto. just get back to me. believe it

das rite

My post really chapped your ass. You must've had to pull up a thesaurus to decipher it you melon sucking pavement ape. I have bad news for you, white people routinely use words in conversations that are beyond your kind boy. Get over your insecurities for being natures half wit.
>Do you agree on these three points:
You're getting ahead of yourself, you still haven't told me your super secret plan that you have for solving the jewish question. Why not just admit that you were talking out of both sides of your mouth before the Aussie called you out on it?
>Sarcasm, right?
A little bit. To be more serious niggers are like an abacus being thrown across the room by a downie.

>you still haven't told me your super secret plan that you have for solving the jewish question.
I believe I have addressed this issue. And while I will not, as of yet, expose my full strategy I can prove the strategy I have is superior to yours even without exposing it. Wanna see? Answer this

I'm not giving you anymore (((you)))'s after this because you refuse to amuse me by revealing your super secret negro stratagem.
Peace out brotha.

>i cant answer simple questions because then you'll destroy me

peace out ;)



This man is wise.

I don't need someone to tell me that Spencer is controlled opposition
when he put on a show for the cameras it was obvious

>there are no jews in the alt-right (at least none known)
>there are no outright fags in the alt-right
Nice try though, porch monkey.

So this is what le master internet marketer has been building up to for months?
This will surely be the end of the Alt-right