>Do everything they can to attack and slander him culminating in the incitement of his torture and execution by crucifix
>*2000 years later*
>"Jesus was a jew you know"
How the fuck?
Do everything they can to attack and slander him culminating in the incitement of his torture and execution by crucifix
Other urls found in this thread:
theyve been rewriting history and science for years.
>You came from africa,goy.
>Jesus was a jew.
Daily Reminder; Any Christian who espouses kinship with Juden is NOT your friend.
>Daily Reminder; Any Christian who espouses kinship with Juden is NOT your friend.
Unfortunately that's like 99% of them in real life.
>How the fuck?
Maybe because Jesus literally was a jew.
Sage all Templarp threads
Jesus is to the Jew what garlic is to Dracula, and that is a fact. Don't listen to these protestant judaizers who were subverted by the scofield heresy. True Christianity is diametrically opposed to the Talmudists, and always has been.
>Maybe because Jesus literally was a jew.
Modern Judaism is not the religion of Judea during the days of Christ's mission on Earth. Today we have Talmudists that use the name Jew despite being anything but. The bible prophesied that this would occur, and so it was.
I think jesus may have been a jew a long time ago. But he came to Europe and Europeans made him white and Latinized, then Germanicized him.
Pic related is white Jesus now. Amen.
Marcion pls go.
You attack the church and in doing so stand alongside the Jews you supposedly hate.
your memes are weak sauce.
I smell Talmudist shenanigans in your posts.
Luke 2:41 – His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.
John 4:31 – In the meantime His talmidim (“students, disciples”) urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”
John 6:25 – And when they found Him on the other side of the lake, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You come here?”
John 4:9 – Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”…
Explain exactly what Judeans were in religious terms, and how modern Jews are not actually Jews.
Wow, it's another useful idiots thread.
Christianity rebuilt Europe, gave Europeans morals, maintained Europe European for over a thousand years, fought Islamic invasions, became the path to literacy.
Reminder than any Christian that does not espouse kinship with any particular group of people is NOT Christian.
>gave Europeans morals
They had morals morals tho
>fought Islamic invasions
Yeah but they also abandoned Spain and launched a Northern Crusade instead
>became the path to literacy.
Romans and Greeks could read tho
Jews were followers of Yahweh, they worshipped at a temple and engaged in sacrificial offerings as prescribed in the Torah.
The temple was destroyed in AD 70 and with it so to was the ancient religion which was replaced with Christianity.
The OT was a book that pointed directly towards Christ's mission on Earth. Upon his resurrection many Jews became Christians while the holdovers subverted the faith of their ancestors and replaced their holy book with its laws with the crazed ramblings of Rabbi's whose heresies were codified in the Talmud.
>Revelation 3:9King James Version (KJV)
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
It is there in black and white.
Original Jews actually obeyed all the laws found in the OT. They actually sacrificed animals and killed people for certain non-violent crimes.
Jews today just follow the rules that aren't that hard to keep, such as the dietary laws of the OT.
Also, every Jew in the first century knew which of the 12 tribes he descended from. Because there were records kept in the temple. When the temple was destroyed, these records were lost forever.
Western and Northern European were barbarians by the times Christianity converted them and civilized them.
The Reconquista of Spain was by the Christian kingdoms.
Not on a massive scale as during the Christendom.
The bible is the world history's most widespread book for a reason.
So how does this not make jesus a jew? It seems to me like you're saying the jews added onto their old jewish religion after the temple was destroyed. So by that logic jesus was the last true jew?
>The Reconquista of Spain was by the Christian kingdoms.
Yes, 700 years later by the Spanish themselves, not a united European Christian army.
>Western and Northern European were barbarians by the times Christianity converted them and civilized them.
They had morals though.
There are theoretically many true Jews today. Anyone who is actually of Hebrew descent and becomes a Christian is a true Jew.
That was the mission God gave to the Jews. The Talmudic Jews, who have rejected Christ, are the problematic ones.
Jews who do not come to Christ are in rebellion against God. Also, many Jews and Jewish converts to Christianity were triggered by the idea that now the Goyim are sons and daughters of God. They no longer get special treatment due to race.
Pointless debate. All non-atheists are pleb-tier sheeptards.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't.
That makes sense, but jesus was racially jewish is what you're saying.
What morals did the Vikangz and Greeks have? Raping, pillaging, and murdering like a a bunch of Peaceful Refugees?
Maybe the whole part of him considering the Old Testament the word of god was your first clue shithead.
Any Christian that isn't a heretic who denies the OT is a worshipper of the god of the kikes. I'm dead serious, you gave up the gods of the west, our people, for Yahweh of the Jews and the new prophecy of Jesus.
The meaning of jew changed over 2000 years, being jew back then was associated by being from the city of Judea, it's the same what happened with Caucasians being from the Caucasus,
All that territory during those times were of eastern Roman empire, most ancient Israelites inhabitants came from eastern Roman provinces.
You can't just pretend modern day Jews are descendant of said exactly people, in fact most modern Israel came straight from Poland and Germany after WW2.
>And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.
And yet when the Renaissance began in Italy, the discovered widsom from the Greeks and Romans that had been lost to Europe were kept in Egyptian and Persian libraries.
See: algebra - from al-jabr, or performing the same operation on two sides of an equivalence.
The Christians shut down the universities and burned philosophers alive as witches.
Christianity is kike nonsense. If you believe that the OT is canon, and listen to Christ refer to it (It's canon), then you may as well just go full bore and be a Jew, because you've already become a traitor.
I don't know about Greeks and shit but the Germanics were pretty strict about putting homos in bogs and staying true to monogamous marriage. The Icelanders were pretty famous for having basically a court system and common laws. Look up weregild as well. Christianity didn't do away with that until like the 1200s or something.
>burned down universities
We INVENTED universities, user. Much of the Dark ages was spent salvaging the works of antiquity from oblivion.
>Much of the Dark ages was spent salvaging the works of antiquity from oblivion.
They did destroy a lot of writings from the last pagan emperors of Rome that were critical of Christianity though.
>Yes, 700 years later by the Spanish themselves, not a united European Christian army.
Hurr durr hurr during those times Europe was devastated by the black death.
You're such a piece of shit, what kind of a retard believes Christians didn't want to remove a Muslim invasion that was hostile to them.
Did you retard get your shit arguments from Varg low quality trash videos?
He was racially Hebrew. And religiously Jewish. But to him, and his disciples, he was the messiah of the OT. So following him was in line with true Judaism.
Judaism today rarely talks about the messiah, even though it's a concept found everywhere in the OT. I think it's a really touchy subject for them.
Woah, black death lasted 700 years. Learn something new everyday. Thanks user.
Except Jesus never existed, get over it and find some real spirituality.
People like you are holding humanity back with your nonsense.
You didn't invent anything who is this we?
I will never deny that Jesus was a racial Jew. Sup Forums hates the Jews because they have arbitrarily labeled them as Emmanuel Goldstein to blame their NEET status on.
Christians, meanwhile, have good reason to oppose the Jews, because the Jews have often attempted to undermine the Gospel. We don't just hate Jews because they are jews, unlike Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums hates the Jews because they have arbitrarily labeled them as (((Emmanuel))) (((Goldstein))) to blame their NEET status on.
Sup Forums hates them because they're flooding our countries with hordes of shitskins.
Well said.
>The Christians shut down the universities and burned philosophers alive as witches.
You know you're a retard when you use SJW's-tier buzzword argumentation. Libshits say the same exact thing from the Nazis.
None of those events were significantly destructive at all, Christendom mass produced bibles and literacy, that lead to the creation of libraries and universities.
Its actually strange how polarized Jews are politically. Orthodox Jews are about 80% republican, and secular Jews are the opposite.
If anyone doubts God's sense of humor, look no further than his chosen people.
The only jews I've ever seen criticize other jews are the ultra orthodox ones who say Israel shouldn't exist.
OP doesn't know difference between JESUS (God) and a "generation of vipers" from the "synogague of satan".
An actual "jew" knows who god is, the other ones who ain't really "jew" are of their father the devil, a LIAR and MURDERER from the beginning.
got it? good.
>The Christians shut down the universities and burned philosophers alive as witches.
What a fucking retard! First university ever to bear that name was made by Christians in the low middle ages, formerly called the "Dark Ages" by idiots who didn't know about all the things Europeans accomplished in those centuries.
Reconquista lasted between 700 and 1500
Black death hit in 1200 to 1400.
The Reconquest of Spain took over 700 years of non-stop war, that means the black hit during the most significant years of the conflict.
>ual "jew" knows who god is, the other on
Look you can't reason withe these pagan scumbags. They are followers of a dead religion. They are irrelevant now and will be for the rest of eternity. It is not worth wasting your time with these maggots.
You mean the people with the highest IQs in the world?
Retard. 700-1200 is 500 years of the Spanish being alone while the rest of Christianity was busy fucking around and attacking other white people.
Only because all the stupid Jews were culled during the many purges they suffered in History. Jews experienced a Darwinian selection program in real time many times throughout their history. BTW eat asians actually have higher average IQ's than do the Jews - just saying.
RIP Ernst Zündel (1939–2017)
>his people didn't like this upstart cultist
>that means he wasn't one of them
>the ultra orthodox ones who say Israel shouldn't exist.
Yet they're willing to live there and soak up welfare.