What are they up to lately? They're always taking a backseat to ISIS. Is it because they're black? Is joining ISIS a form of white privilege?
Boko Haram
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Probably because they'd only half to kill a 20-50 people to make Western News then say the usual 1000 Africa Standard
Probably getting high somewhere extorting money out of people or laying low until people forget about them. Boko Haram isn't really a global threat or even a regional one.
Pretty sure they were beaten hard recently
They have taken over Kekistan.
they already joined ISIS under shekau in 2015 or late 2014 but ISIS central disavowed shekau because he refused to stop using women and child suicide bombers(which ISIS disapproves of), so ISIS central appointed their own leader of the branch and since then shekau went into the forest with the half of boko that stayed loyal to him instead of the ISIS appointed
>stop using women and child suicide bombers(which ISIS disapproves of)
There's not one documented case of ISIS using children(meaning pre pubescent) in warfare
Pretty sure they're drinking some delicious Wolf Cola ™
There's literal ISIS propaganda videos where they have little kids execute their enemies. So it's not only documented, it's documented with cinematography and shot composition.
Nigga whut, 2 weeks ago I read an article on a woman who did a suicide bombing in Bhagdad taking her kid with her.
Yeah but they aren't fighting or in harm's way, they are just actors in propaganda. How many hollywood horror movies can you think of with children killing adults. What's the difference
CAN I PLEASE DIE ALREADY.>stop using women and child suicide bombers(which ISIS disapprove of)
So are ISIS Mercenaries or Islamic Terrorist?
>mfw ISIS has more morals than niggers
none of those are seeing combat. Only post pubescents are used in combat. Children in propaganda,yes, and trained to grow up as sleeper cells. But never sent to front
Iraqi propaganda, just like their stories of a herd of wild boar killing an ISIS squad or any of the bullshit they make up on a daily basis to obfuscate the humiliation they have been in since 2014
I do agree with you there. I mean the allies have been trying to get rid of that small sand nigger army since late 2013 and still haven't properly done it.
But to say ISIS has morals is wrong. I mean they took and slaves and brainwashed women and children into travelling to join them.
I believe Boko Haram is a constituent of the Islamic State.
I think they're just ruling the little part they have control in now.
did I say they have morals? They follow islamic law, which says you cant use pre pubescents in combat
slavery, and sex slavery, are literally in the koran. Not even hadith tier. and so is hijra
they've boarded shitty ships and been put on better ships by sjws near the lybian coast
Probably doing nigger things.
okay then I concede and agree with you.
Hell yeah
The fuck is kekistan?
>There's not one documented case of ISIS using children(meaning pre pubescent) in warfare
Tell me more taqiyya lies you muslim piece of shit
>Syrian state television said a young girl of about nine years of age blew herself up on Friday in a police station in the Midan neighbourhood of Damascus.
Here's her dad preparing her and her little 7yo sister for suicide bombing
...and just so you don't say it's one case
>Families fleeing ISIS around Mosul came across this child who joined them getting out of the city, he was alone and they didn't know him, so when they arrived near a checkpoint they told the Iraqi Army that something is wrong with this child, he keeps touching his tummy and not giving us any information about his name or family...the specialist found out that ISIS sent him and told him to walk with civilians and get near the Soldiers.
Sex without compulsion and violence is different than rape you SJW rabid whore.
thanks for making my point buddy, those girls were sent by their father who was a member of the nusra front. Actually, he was a druze convert, and was arrested and executed by nusra front within 2 weeks of the event for sending his daughters to do this(they published a pic of his corpse)
other one is just iraqi propaganda. I can find you a hundred cases never with any proofs. Iraqis are big liars. Btw taqiyya is a uniquely shiite concept, why would a shiite be employing taqiyya in defence of ISIS
Blacks are even the worst at being mass murderers.
>gets proven wrong
>lol it's peopaganda
Get fucked pedo worshipping sand nigger. I will baghe in uour blood soon enough and send uour relatives to hell giving 24/7 blowjobs to dogs and pigs.
>muuh taqiyya is shia
>This practice is emphasized inShia Islamwhereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat ofpersecutionor compulsion.[3][8]However, it is also permitted inSunniIslam
Eat shit muslim trash
Calm down sovok, I said that ISIS doesn't use pre pubescents in combat and to proof me wrong you send me nusra front rogue and iraqi propaganda. Why would they have a cameraman up to a kid as they are cutting a bomb away from him? Iraqis used their own children wrapped with duct tape as propaganda stunt. I could do it in kitchen of your mom rn. Give me duct tape and a camcorder and your little cousin and ill film you sending a child suicide bomber
lol im not gonna get into a theological argument on islam with you, taqiyya was created by shiites due to the political situation under the abassids and is a virtually unknown concept in sunni populations, proofed by history, such as when all the muslims in spain fucked off to morocco due to maliki fatwa saying that hiding of religion was impermissible. more recently al albani advocated that all palestinians leave occupied territories because they were not free to practice. Such cases
There's a big difference between not publicizing your beliefs when doing so is going to get you killed (sunni), and propaganda on an image board (shia) you dumb fuck.
muhammad marrying a nine year old is a fake hadith created in the early umayyad period to cement Abu Bakr's(father of the nine year old wife in question) status as heir to muhammad instead of Ali
So every smart person knows terrorism is a controlled by governments to have an enemy . terrorists could be easily defeated very quickly but then we would notice how fucked up our own countries are and they dont want that . lets start calling them out on there bullshit
It's sahi a.k.a accepted as truth undeniably
Muhammad was receivjng revelations from satan by his own words!
A fucking pedophile and a mass murderer.
Die you muslim piece of shit.