Do you guys still wake up and think to yourself, "HOLY SHIT! Donald Trump is actually president"?
Do you guys still wake up and think to yourself, "HOLY SHIT! Donald Trump is actually president"?
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I still masturbste to pictures of him to give him my meme magic energy
a lot of us do
I think "Melania is the first lady" and feel all warm and fuzzy inside as I prepare for the day ahead.
Everytime a family or friend bitches to me about something he said or did I just nod and smirk and do a little celebration in my head
We fuckin did it lol
Yes. Sometimes, it gives me the hope I need to get through the day.
Yes! Everyday! He is a whole new character now but still Donald Trump. Its crazy.
>Melania will never ask you to photograph her like one of your French girls
Every hour at least. Its the greatest thing.
I usually think "Holy shit how the fuck do so many dumb faggots exist on this planet" every time I come to Sup Forums. Most people on this board have the skepticism of a child and question absolutely nothing they believe. They just want to circle jerk their stupid opinions into an idiot tornado.
This board depresses me because it makes me aware just how much power stupid people have, whether they're left wing retards or right wing retards. Being dumb is better because it's easy to get a lot of people to agree with you if they're stupid too and you speak about things in a way that a bunch of stupid people will understand(and want to believe, so they will choose to do so no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented)
Trump was a genius at exploiting this part of human nature, but it's fucking depressing that I'm being carried on an avalanche of stupidity and there's no way to stop it. I guess I should just stop wanting people to be more intelligent and go full "jew" mode by subtly manipulating you retards into doing what I want.
Some mornings I wake up sad thinking he will be gone in barely more than 7 years.
>tfw Australia still hasn't been taken over by the yanks yet
I know that feeling. Every time I see a story about North Korea whipping their dicks out or Sweden surrendering more territory to mudslimes, I feel very thankful we live in this timeline.
I honestly try not to think about the lead up to the election anymore. Feels like we were at the precipice of something terrible happening that was narrowly averted.
Judging from the extreme butthurt of the other side, I feel like we definitely put a stop to some (((master plan))) that the left was building us up to. Possibly turning us into Sweden 2.0.
m8 I'm with you on this avalanche ride, but it wasn't the genius of Trump that elected him; in this case it was literally the stupidity of the voters. Every day I am surrounded by people who voted for Trump and their reasons vary from blatant racism (mostly against Hispanics) to plain old "I just don't trust Hilary, and he was my only other option"
Young democrats just didn't go out to vote. Even though *cough*Hilary won the electoral vote*cough*
Lol, you dumb fucks just don't learn. Its pretty sad really.
Almost daily
I think that when I see ICEE agents and the DOJ actually enforcing the immigration laws.
I'm more excited that Barron is prince.
Learn what? That he won the election through sabotaging the election with his bros in a recently toppled Communist government? I'd be willing to accept that.
Exactly this. If you are a "leftist" could you please explain the outrageous amount of butthurt please?
I shitposted so hard during elections, shitting on Bernie for being literal commie and sHillary for being literal evil witch that electing Trump gave me literal boner
I remember it was tuesday/wednesday night in Poland when results hit
faces of liberals were so painful
Donald trump is just playing a better chaos deck than y'all that's it. It's not hard. Just play chaos better
>calls be stupid
>doesn't know that Hispanic isn't a race
Hillary also did not win the electoral vote. If she did, she would be president.
Seriously, how dumb of a bastard are you?
I think the extreme asspains coming out of the left ever since Trump was elected are just symptomatic of the cognitive dissonance they've been experiencing ever since he actually won. I mean think about it from the perspective of a liberal/Democrat. You've been living your entire life under the belief that you see the world the way it really is because you watch snarky commentators like Rachel Maddow and the Daily Show, and they're telling you that only poor heroin-addicted racist white men would vote for Trump. How could more than 40% of the America vote for enforcement of immigration laws and for a conservative interpretation of the Constitution when all the snarky pundits I follow on Twitter say that the "Brown wall" will stop him? They had spent months coming up with witty one-liners to post one Twitter and Facebook once the world came crashing down for all of those poor losers who thought Trump would help them. Then on the night of the election they found that actually they were the butt of the joke. Every tantrum they've thrown since then has been trying to save face after that one night of torrential cognitive dissonance they felt as they saw Trump winning in places like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
I haven't stopped watching YouTube videos of the breakdowns from that night. I miss the first few days of Twitter after the election too. Not just pundits & famous libfags but regular, everyday libfags and their total disbelief and fear. They were so confident in the outcome and lost to the guy they hated the most. It will never get that good again, lads.
Great job, Poland. We're very proud of you.
Every day I do something small to remind myself (or someone else). Next I might buy a new history textbook just to stare at his portrait in the list of Presidents.
Every day, but more in a way that makes me want to kill myself.
Don't say that.
We're gonna put some Dems in prison by the time we're doing memeing.
>and all the shills and SJWs will be forced to confront that they shilled for criminals while believing nonsense about Trump
>they'll probably just refuse to accept it of course and develop a mania that will make Louise Mensch look well adjusted
I sometimes randomly laugh that Hillary held her election party under a glass ceiling
>tfw dad gives you the orb power
Donald campaigned harder than Hillary. Didn't she completely ignore Wisconsin? Can't remember what state but he just has more ENERGY. MAGA
I'm amazed that shareblue actually has the balls to use that flag. Normally they stick with something neutral like gadsden because their fear of taboos extends to a North Vietnamese cave drawing board
I recorded all 7 hours of the ABC radio network's coverage of election night as the results were coming in. I still play it in bed as I'm falling asleep.
They deserved it.
in retrospect, donald's rise to power seems absolutely natural. i love the man. he gives me hope.
and I like you back
I hope it won't bite me in the ass like trusting anglos and frogs in '39
welp, now we have common "enemy" in form of soviet union of europeans
Trump had fans. Hillary had lukewarm supporters.
>i'd accept that
which is why everyone thinks you're a mentally ill faggot. you'll never be satisfied because what you want isn't true/doesn't exist/is not possible. you lost. eight years bitch. and have fun being perpetually unhappy.
Who here cried that night? I did.
Me too, brother. It was glorious.
I ate snacks until 2 first states results came in, and then I fell asleep because it was 2 hours past midnight in Poland and I had test next morning
>I haven't stopped watching YouTube videos of the breakdowns from that night
Post some of the good ones
every day he is president is just one step closer to oblivion, so I cherish every day,because if shit doesn't change, there will be no more USA, just a bunch of tribes with some faggot or nigger in charge being whipped by another jew.
Nice. That's a good comfy on standby anytime you need it.
No my eight year old just keeps asking me if we'll be deported....
>Don't say that.
>We're gonna put some Dems in prison by the time we're doing memeing.
From your lips to God's ears, user.
I made an entire Trumpwave playlist that I listen to when I drive. Here are some of the classics:
I also like these:
I firmly believe the election is bested viewed in Musical format for maximum keks.
and that Katy Perry was there to serenade her with "Firework" under the fireworks she cancelled. and that she was too upset & small to address & comfort her supporters that night. imagine the howling if Trump lost & did the same.
imagine thinking you're about to get two scoops of ice cream, then all of a sudden you only get one. How pissed would you fucking be right now?
I am sad that at one point Bon Jovi played for hillary, but then I remember that even with Bon Jovi they had no audience comparable to glorious TRUMP RALLIES
James Carville was my favorite
This was hillary on election night.
I bed her handlers picked out that red pantsuit years ago.
Katy's 8th grade level education has left her brain incapable of independent thought and highly susceptible to liberal programming.
Unironically every day, and it still brings a smile to my face.
We did it anons :)
post amish voters
The important thing is you found a way to feel superior to everybody dot jaypeg.
>he won the election through sabotaging the election with his bros in a recently toppled Communist government
How? 'cause "muh Facebook feed?" lol. Dems rigged their primary for a frail, shit candidate who couldn't campaign & lost. You swallowed the Russia™meme they barfed up (when they lost) to make you dopes forget that the right Dem candidate would have won due to demographics. Trump ran because he saw HRC was going to be given he primary and she'd be beatable by a white guy and probably the last time it would be possible. The Dems will NEVER make that mistake again but it was "her turn."
Bon Jovi had a rough 2016
He attended a friend's wedding and the wedding band started covering his songs. it was song gold tier cringe
oh fug, how mighty have fallen
at least we have TayTay
>right Dem candidate would have won due to demographics
I was hardcore for Trump, but even I know that Biden would have kicked his ass in the general.
A better caption would be:
"Weekend at Bernie's"
It's gotta be rough being the family's biggest retard.
What was election night like on pol? Especialy whenever it was almost certain trump would win? I bet b was full of trump supporters
it was like 8 hour long orgasm of shitposting, with occasional break for looking at unheard of levels of salt from Young Turks, liberals, and SJWs across the globe
Yep. Michigan & especially Joe's home state of PA would have easily fall to the "Good ol' Camaro drivin' Joe" meme. PA alone would have ended things that night.
Trump is the God Emperor but demographics & numbers are what they are and even he can't defeat them. However, when it was clear as glass by late 2015 that HRC would be the Dem candidate, he saw an opening so he ran.
Dem voters are too stupid to realize the Dem primary rigging was much, much bigger than Bernie. HRC & four boring white guys were the only ones interested in running for the primary of the Party of Youth & Inclusion™??? lol. Nah.
It took Debbie Wasserman-Shultz forever to announce details of the primary & debate schedule & a lot of attention was paid to that. It was clear she was in a bind to engineer the primary for HRC. Even one more likable woman or minority would have given her a repeat of 2008 but it was HER TURN so she was inevitable. Trump realized this so he saw an opening & took it.
Reminder: he almost ran in 2012 but decided against it. No way a white man running against Barry could win the EC. Even Cernovich, like him or not, was loyal as fuck for Trump even during the low points last year but he said if Trump wins he likely won't seek a second term if the Dems run an Obama 2.0 because who wants to lose? Plus it was always about the chase for a guy like Trump.
Bottom line: The Dems could have the WH but they gifted HRC the primary & she fucked it up.
Thats why i wasnt here because i wanted to try and watch all the libtards burst out in defeat and anger
salt mine threads were the best
I fapped to liberal girls crying too many times
All the dems voters were bad this year, but I personally despise hard core Hillary voters the most.
i get it
This is true, user.
jesus christ
delete this
i knew when one of my friends didn't respond to my text after pa fell, which i had told him was the key and he laughed, i knew that this was one for the memory bank as they were hurtin!
>jesus christ
most people find Sup Forums because they questioned everything they were fed in school and weren't satisfied with the answers. But you're perfectly describing a newfag who doesn't lurk.
enjoy your ((you))'s faggot
I love the guy and I like the chaos but a part of me wishes I could go a day without some bullshit about him being reported. how is he supposed to get shit done
>muh idiots
Please, all the smart white male shitlords have now congregated in one place. Kikes and leftists BTFO
>how is he supposed to get shit done
>>muh idiots
>all the smart white male shitlords have now congregated in one place
>a part of me wishes I could go a day without some bullshit about him
wow, should have voted for the reptilian globalist hag puppet instead
well, maybe not, but I can definitely trust the kike news media to speak the truth about Trump and the political climate
well, definitely not that either, but I can talk with normal liberals and get real discussion that didn't come out of a mountain of feefees and estrogen
well, okay they're all a bunch of whiny faggots and women that have no clue but...
you can't win
As a liberal leftist I'm so happy it's breaking my soul. Trump had to win to create the conditions necessary for a huge swing to socialism: destroying the DNC and RNC establishments, discrediting RNC ideas, and forcing foreign money out of politics all in one bag. All I asked for was the destruction of the GOP: instead I get the destruction of the GOP, the Clintons, the Trumps, AND foreign influences in our political process will be fought tooth-and-nail in upcoming elections.
It's literally a perfect storm. Gore/Sanders 2020, here we come!
loser. I didn't sleep for 32 hours out of sheer glorious happiness and probably gained like 3 pounds from all the comfy snacks I ate
yes, and it's fucking amazing. its so unreal
Anyone who has watched him being interviewed since the '80s kept saying, what the hell took so long?