>One of the most eloquent opponents of Texas' proposed gender bathroom law began identifying as a girl four years ago, when she was 3.
> most eloquent opponents of Texas' proposed gender bathroom law began identifying as a girl four years ago, when she was 3.
>opponents of Texas' proposed gender bathroom law began identifying as a girl four years ago, when she was 3.
>began identifying as a girl four years ago, when she was 3.
>identifying as a girl four years ago, when she was 3.
>four years ago, when she was 3.
>when she was 3.
Why do we let these lihberals get away with child abuse? On top of that, they proudly FLAUNT THE FACT THAT THEY GET OFF BY ABUSING CHILDREN AND FUCK THEM UP FOR LIFE!!
When the fuck did society decide that this was ok
Began identifying as a girl four years ago, when she was 3
Modern liberalism is a fucking mind virus. These people need to be hung in the town square.
Good to see you wake up! Liberals are destroying the new generation, ss must put an end to it!
Correction: it automatically corrected "we" as SS
>one of the most eloquent opponents against the bill is 7 years old
What a brave little girl
>boys can be girls now
What a sad state of affairs the left is in when a 7 year old is their most eloquent speaker
>Libby Gonzalez who identifies as a girl at 7 years old
Aren't spics big catholic anti fags?
Maybe we can use this against them
Dont let them turn your son Marco into Maria
If they're old enough to make a major decision to change their sex, they're old enough to take it up the pooper.
This poor little boy, and his entire family need to be humanely euthanized.
You export kike filth and think it would be unique to other regions?
pretty sure the LGBT thing is way more present in america than in yurop
I hate these Jews, so much.
>muh germans
>muh swedes
>muh europeans
lel @ sharty burgers and their transvestite 7 year olds
Gay for mommy since age 3!!! Won't turn into a serial killer by 18!!!
God, send death.
How is it kids cannot consent to sex because "muh brain development" but they can decide to change their entire sex??????????
Riddle me this, liberal kike filth.
His parents should be lined up against a wall and shot.
They should broadcast the execution live and uncensored on the 5 o'clock news.
If you notice 80-90% of the time it's a male to female switch. That should tell you everything you need to know about which gender has it easier.
This world is fucked
so? things change.
the way we see "traditional" gender isn't right. but neither is this new form of surreal absurd bullshit.
civilization was a mistake. we've become too complex for our own good. too many social constructs.
worshipping deer bones made more sense.
Just take a piss before you leave. Public bathrooms are a disgrace, if you really need to fight for this shit then you're being dishonest with the reality of the situation.
>>One of the most eloquent opponents of Texas' proposed gender bathroom law began identifying as a girl four years ago, when she was 3.
>This is the modern American Left
I also knew when I was little. This is the only legitimate path for being a transsexual.
The whole argument is that your brain developed this way in fetal development not you opted it at age 45 go fuck yourself transtrenders.
Who the fuck caress about bathrooms anyways? I've never had a single issue with a bathroom. Probably because Im not a transtrender who looks like some goodbye horses shit craigslist cocksucker and I just look like a legitimate human being.
Maybe just maybe it has to do with having actual gender dysphoria and I live in a fucking nightmare world of selfevaluation and psychotic levels of obsessive compulsive checking behaviours where I constantly adjust to make sure I not only pass on a normal female level but exceed my own personal neurotic depths of hell
Why can't they just be faggots like in the old days? Not enough attention anymore, right?
where is that
marry me
>When the fuck did society decide that this was ok
It didn't, it's just nobody is stepping up to stop it.
We're the testbed.
Prepare your anus.
I have noticed that almost all the boys somewhere between 3-6 years old has the princess phase. I don't why but that's something I have noticed. If this is normal then these sick degenerate parents are taking advance of this behavior and brainwashing these kids to their sick cause. I have three brothers and two of them went thru the princess phase probably because of my same age sisters. You think my dad or me let them become faggots, hell no. Good parenting and brotherhood is the answer.
This is child abuse.
In medieval times young boys and girls both wore dresses. The idea that a three year old has the capacity to decide what sex it is based on the clothing it prefers is ridiculous
When I was a kid, like 3 or 4, I used to sing backstreet boys with high heels on. Not because I identified as a woman but because it was hilarious to see myself, a boy, doing girly stuff. I assume it's likeley the same for most of these kids, but their mentally deranged parents go "yep, he must be a she now, time to virtue signal".
Progressives are so out of touch with reality that they see naive mockery as a standard.
If a child whose age is in the single digits can capably choose their sex and to take puberty blockers, how can they not consent to having sex too? Is that what this is ultimately all about?
While I doubt that is the goal for most people involved, it is an obvious outcome of the movement. Once you start delegating more and more autonomy to children it is only a matter of time before the ability to consent comes up.
Is this typical for white (or spic) people or something?
I don't understand all this girly shit, I was literally diddled as a kid and I was never into any of this girly shit.
Closest I got was watching some shitty anime when I was in 4th grade.