White people... Do something

White people... Do something.


If by "something" you mean "kill all nonwhites" then, sure

>we have problems
>you have to solve them
>cuz you racist


Of we will. Soon.

>What a save!
>What a save!
>What a save!
>What a save!
What the fuck cunt? You only have 80 points.


> telling white people to get a job
What do they mean by this?



We already did, niggers. The computer you used to type that in. As well as the internet you're using to post this shit on social media.

last time we did something, 6 million jews burned.

> do something
as usual

im browsing this shit so much that in my dreams i go abroad to kick western lefties , should i stop browsing or wait until i actually do it

I agree, it's time.

>pay bills on time
>don't commit crimes

Yep, white people are definitely not doing anything about the black man's self-made problems.

>things that didn't happen: the post

*6 billion jews

I was just gonna watch Netflix and chill, but okay.

Well... They need to be more specific...


I will call you an idiot.

are you sure?

i got you

Wh*te p""OEPLE!"e

I completely agree

niggers. this isn't. how you english.

So you're saying that despite Nazi's being a superior people and Hitler being right about the Jews, they wouldn't possibly have killed so many?

The second one. Im in the same position turkbro


Sorry, I have little time to think of anything but between work and my guilt sessions I have little energy to devote to much else.

Stunning...and brave.

You know what maybe poking a caged bear you've been pissing off for the last 45 yrs might not be such a smart idea,you niggers seriously cannot be this stupid. You know if whites go fourth reich the only place nigers will exist is stuffed and mounted in natural history museums with jew lampshades at the front desk.

Mixed messages on this one, I'm going to sit back and see what happens first.

They felt so entitled to shit on the white man because they thought they had Hillary locked in (which would have pushed forward the radical left agenda full speed ahead). It cost them the presidency, congress, and now a majority of governors. The GOP isn't perfect, but it's definitely smart enough not to throw the white man under the bus just yet.

yeah , latter one is better ,maybe ehst causes the dreams is the inability to do anything

This fucking sign was at my school
I was about to rip it down

let's sterilize non-whites

Why is it always white people who have to do something? Why is every other race so fucking incompetent?

So progressive.

Fuck everyone else and women. I will continue to live by myself and jerk off to furry porn.

Asians got around to doing something but people got mad at that too.


Take a look at the African continent,more oil than Saudi Arabia,diamond and platinum and gold mines, thousands of miles of coastal beach property that could encourage tourism but instead all you get is ooga booga gib me hep whitey and fuck whitey in the same sentence oh and here enjoy some AIDS and Ebola in return for the billions you tossed down the rat hole that is this nigger continent.

Do what?

On it

The fuck is wrong with you people.

>White people... Do something.

Purge all shitskins.

The GOP is now one state legislature away from being able to call a constitutional convention. Meanwhile the leftists still insist that there will be a great blue wave... next election... next election for sure.

Might want to take that sign down because by the looks of things, white people have responded. Bigly.


Now THAT is 56% if I ever saw it.

>killing all non-whites
Is this 2015?

What an uncomfortable looking doggo



Careful what you wish for

One day this will be in a history book in a section called "Why there was a Thousand Year Trumpenreich"

Very good

I'm right with you famalam. Let's get this show on the road.

>lands on the moon


I want to know how black people respond to this image

fucking lold

Okey Dokey.


>white people, do something
>white people does something

Seeing the truth about race is universally the first step toward the "red pill." Seeing a group of supposedly OPPRESSED people up close and realizing how incompetent, morally deficient, socially irresponsible, and intellectually void they are is where it all begins. These aren't people being oppressed. These are people who can't get their own shit together and end up slitting their own throats and eventually finding ways to avoid responsibility...like children.



Right, reinstate slavery. Happy trails, blackos.

I feel the same way they do.

But for completely opposite reasons.

*hangs nigger*


Le ebin.

Someone should spray paint a swastika on it



>white people. do everything.

>*invents vaccinations*

I had a picture I took of it blown over by the wind but I lost it on my old phone. It's somewhere deep in the archives


When we do something they complain and now that we don't do anything they complain? Shitskins just live to complain eh?

No, we're done. Fuck off.

it isn't time; yet. we'll know when we get the digits/


poor dog, I bet dirty dan schneider is jerking off on the other side of the camera holding a whip screaming that he will beat the dog and little girl if they don't get this shot right.


They need some dead nigger storage.

>Those puny empires

this. the timing was perfect as well.


>China comes incuz niggers are incapable of building societies/civilizations
>no ticky no gibs
>no worky, no play

crickets chirping ...because a soulless people imperialized the soulless continent and quietly offed half of the inhabitants of the chocolate continent. Population figures are revised.

Black Population - 423 M
Chinese Population - 500 M

(((American)))TV for kids?
>pedo programming

Outside of the art school on the lawn, right? It really pissed me off that this counts as art.

White people probably invented the printer that made that sign. They probably created that font. They probably would have capitalized the first word in the sentence. They would have designed, built, and erected the contraption holding that sign up. They would have been the major movers of developers, architects, engineers, and trades that built the buildings in the background. They probably are responsible for isolating that genetic strain of grass so it looks nice on a building lawn.

...and they invented the phone that took this picture.

The reason you people don't live in the mud and stimulate cow pussy with your mouth is becuase of white people.


The woman who made this is Canadian

Typical nigger, waiting on there master to do some governing


we tried that once and you're still mad at us for it