Just a friendly reminder: Catholicism is the only institution that has ever put the Jews and their Muslim golem properly in their places.
Return to your heritage, White men.
Haven't you got tired of constantly losing yet?
This Trigger the Christ-Killers
Other urls found in this thread:
White americans Christians are all Baptist or Pentecostal
Inb4 catholics are white
Inb4 mormons are Christian
Pick one.
>Many evangelical Christians believe that the end of days and the coming of the Messiah will center around Israel. And they interpret the foundation of the Jewish state as biblical prophecy becoming reality.
>It's a hugely emotional issue for the Christians who come. They believe it is their duty to help Jews expand their control over Judea and Samaria — the biblical names for what is now the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
Begom orgodox
Run them through an archive
oh look another "christian" thread designed to cause division and strife between christians
Jews are all 100% hellbound since they knoweth not the son. These guys are just trying to hastening the rapture or some shit.
I dont hate my wayward Christian catholics who are mostly mestizo though.
inb4 irish are white
>tfw Anglican Continuum masterrace
>have caught my priest browsing /po/ and /x/
come home anglo man
"Sup Forums
Catholics are getting really uppity lately though. It's amazing that Protestants understand James 2 better than they.
The thread was caused to unite us Europeans
under the only banner that has ever braught us victory and societal success. You're the one causing division. Christians are united under the Holy Catholic Church, which comprises the 24 ancient Churches.
>Return to your heritage, White men.
>The thread was caused to unite us Europeans
under the only banner that has ever braught us victory and societal success. You're the one causing division. Christians are united under the Holy Catholic Church
Yeah, no fucking thanks my man.
Catholicism esteems human tradition & culture over that of the ways of God, its basis is rooted upon human decrees, they are unable to argue from the Bible, instead it has to rely on Vatican-sanctioned histories, they use idols, pray through false intercessors like Saints & Mary, even though Jesus alone is the way to the Father, they instituted pagan festivals & holidays, and even presumptuously assume the power to remit sin. In their Catechism they tampered with God's Law -- removed the 2nd commandment, altered the 4th, and split the 10th to preserve the # (fulfilling Daniel 7). The history of Catholicism has been one of Satanic abuse employing political & martial power to exert their will. The only Biblical argument they use for Popery is "Peter is the rock of the church" yet that isn't a justification for Papal hierarchical arrangement whatsoever -- read the books written by Peter, he never in anyway condones such an architecture. Upon the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the Church was small, far-flung, and fragile, and so Peter was raised up to clarify questions and give context to the example laid by Christ to the early church -- so yes, in this way the "church was built on the rock of Peter" which is to say, his teachings & clarifications -- not the man or any man -- Jesus is the foundation on which we must place our faith completely.
Orthodox have many of the same problems as Catholicism.
Faggot-sects of Jesuit-infiltrated "Protestantism" have lost their balls and are no longer standing up against the seat of the Antichrist power which is Popery and most still false sabbath. Although the early Reformers didn't agree on much, they got the ball rolling and agreed that Papacy was illegitimate.
>Comprehensive history of the Reformation & Catholic blasphemy
And you wonder why the reformation occurred. I feel plenty united with anyone who says they love Christ. Even when they spew hatred for their Christian brothers.
Fucking heretic.
Mark 7:1-13King James Version (KJV)
7 Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem.
2 And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault.
3 For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders.
4 And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables.
5 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?
6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:
11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.
12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;
13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
Catholics are no different from Jews with their strict adherence to tradition of men. Jesus Christ took issue with them rejecting a single commandment. I wonder how He would react if He learned that Catholics tampered with the commandments.
>white heritage is worshiping a Semitic man
The amount of delusion you cucks swim in is fun to watch.
>Thread designed to unite Europeans against the Christ-killers.
>Triggers Protestants
How am I not surprised?
>Waller is the founder of Hayovel, which brings together more than 300 volunteers from 14 countries to work in the summertime and winter time in vineyards owned by Jewish residents, or settlers, of the West Bank.
>Referred to by residents here by the biblical names Judea and Samaria, the West Bank (the land on the western shore of the River Jordan, where Jesus was baptized) is where much of biblical history took place.
>Evangelical Christians don't just farm here beyond the Green Line, the Israeli-Jordanian armistice line from the 1949 Arab-Israeli war, but donate significant amounts of money to support Israeli schools, hospitals, Holocaust survivors and even immigrant absorption.
The catholic church was useful for the white race, but its power entirely derived from the absolute authority it conveyed. Without that it can compel nobody...and suffice it to say, there is no authority left in a church that does this.
Haha, you worship a jewish nigger on a stick. I'd rather worship literal trash like Sagiri-chan than a nigjew.
You are amazed that protestants understand king James version of the bible better than who??? You do realise KJV was written for the protestant church of England dont you.
Pax Christi!
The KJV? lol.
>The Masoretic[1] text is the authoritative Hebrew and Aramaic text of the Tanakh for Rabbinic Judaism.
>Rabbinic Judaism.
>Many believe that the KJV is based on the Hebrew Masoretic text of the Second Rabbinic Bible, edited by Jacob Ben Chayyim and printed by Daniel Bomberg in 1525. However, the KJV appeared to follow the First Rabbinic Bible, edited by Felix Pratensis in 1517-1518
King James was a well known homosexual fwiw.
What do bible version do you like?
Nice proxy, kike.
Are the guards letting you post from your cell again, Josh?
Aren't the worried you might organize another ISIS terror attack?
They're blue pilled as fuck on the subject of religion. Heck, maybe I should start unironically believing in fairy tales.
First, tell me what sect you belong to.
>posting a statue of Mary who we have 0 idea who she looked
Fuck Cuckolick
I would also like to know what translation is Sup Forums-approved. I don't belong to a sect, I just believe in Jesus.
Also new testament only please, none of that jewish shit of the old testament.
You don't even follow the Bible you heretic.
Catholicism is based on the belief that there can only be one church on earth, and they believe that the first pope was the apostle Peter.
Protestant religions began approximately around the creation of the printing press, and the return of literacy to Europe. Because few people could read the Bible, and in many cases, Catholics forbade reading the Bible, the Catholic church created all manner of rules to extort money from the populace (which they used partially to fight Islam's incursions). When Europeans eventually read the Bible and compared Catholicism to Jesus's teachings, they weren't happy. Enter Martin Luther.
Differences Rundown:
1. Catholics believe that you can only be forgiven for sings if you request forgiveness through the Catholic church. Protestants just ask God directly. There was a time when Catholics taught that the payment of money would absolve sins.
2. Catholics created a new stratum of heaven called "purgatory." You were sent here to be cleansed of sin. However, a simple *large* payment to the Church would release you from purgatory. When protestants/literates pointed out that the Bible doesn't mention purgatory, they were deemed heretics.
3. Catholics worship and pray to dead humans that they consider holy. For example, Mary (the mother of Jesus) is considered holy and worthy of worship. To protestants and other literates, she is just another dead human - however nice and devout she may have been.
4. Catholics created 'fanfiction' about Jesus and Mary and required their followers to consider it Christianity. One of my favorites is to point out to Catholics that Jesus had a brother, James. Catholics were told that Mary was a virgin and *remained* a virgin, yet the bible quite clearly states that she had another child named James - who at first didn't believe in Jesus, and then did.
I'm not watching a two hour video faget
The Catholic Church codified the Bible.
The reason why the four books of the Gospel are the Gospel is because of the authority of the Church to deem them such. You implicitly ascent to the authority of the Church you deem as un-Biblical.
>This much cognitive dissonance
Yeah, fuck the Jews! Let's all be ruled by the Pope and the Vatican instead!
Look at jew, calling me a kike. By the Nine Divine go fuck yourself. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the same Abrahamic shit.
>hi i'm here for the job interview
>Vatican II
Pick one.
Their proper place is seated in a chair while the pope gives their feet a tongue bath?
Look at how he dodges my question.
These prots get triggered by an anti-Jew thread, and then can't even engage in honest discussion.
You realize James is a book in the Bible right?
Catholics not ever reading the Bible is a meme for a reason.
Your kind led to the downfall of Rome, fuck you Jewish-Christians.
How diverse! You're hired!
Lol, you're replying to a Lefebvreist.
>Worshipping Mary instead of pic related
KJV only
They still don't follow it. And you can tell what's scripture an what isn't without some peedophile in a long robe telling you. That's most don't believe the aprocrypha.
Not true. Barbarians (aka pagans) led the downfall of Rome.
KJV if you are unable to read Greek. Its Shakespearean language is beautiful and truest translation.
well you should, it chanhed my mind.
Look at what kind of trash the Prots unite with to attack the Holy Bride of Christ.
Is anybody really surprised though?
>Martin Luther also took note of the similarities between Islam and Protestantism in the rejection of idols, although he noted Islam was much more drastic in its complete rejection of images. In On War against the Turk, Luther is actually less critical of the Turks than he is of the Pope, whom he calls an anti-Christ, or the Jews, whom he describes as "the Devil incarnate".[16] He urges his contemporaries to also see the good aspects in the Turks, and refers to some who were favourable to the Ottoman Empire, and "who actually want the Turk to come and rule, because they think that our German people are wild and uncivilized - indeed that they are half-devil and half-man".[17]
>The Ottomans also felt closer to the Protestants than to the Catholics. At one point, a letter was sent from Suleiman the Magnificent to the "Lutherans" in Flanders, claiming that he felt close to them, "since they did not worship idols, believed in one God and fought against the Pope and Emperor".
There's nothing more modern to read that's more easier?
Is that Yennifer?
But isn't that incest since Jesus is God?
Not that isn't heresy. Even NKJV is bad.
>Doesn't know history
>Typical Prot
>Thinks Catholicism created Islam to take Jerusalem from Catholicism, so Catholicism can take Jerusalem back from Islam.
t. cryptojew protestant
nice torah quotes rabbi
Rah. Instead of Vatican II we should have just went on crusade and purges II.
It's not about the interpretations. You're still encouraged to read and live by the word of God. It's about the support of degeneracy, and the failure to spread the western, culturally educated world in Vatican II.
i'd rather not kiss nigger feet
or allow nonwhite subhumans to exist
cuckstainity just isn't for me, kid
i honor the ancients and their traditions, not new age kikery
I'm not going to watch you fucking hour long videos
It's Nocturnal.
As much as it hurts to admit it, Catholicism came from the Romans who captured the city of jews and made the religion after the jews forced them to crucify Jesus who criticized the jews. Catholicism made the west great in terms of power and influence.
>truest translation
>Masoretic texts proffered by Rabbis in the 16th century.
If the catholic church was the True Church Of God^tm then anything they do is from God which includes Vatican 2
If ease of reading is the goal, English Standard Version is the best. Good for kids or anyone who's not up on the old english, the ESV has plainly understood english. I'd avoid the NIV though. While similar, the NIV has a lot of removed trigger words like sodomite or lascivious and changes many passages
By that stage it wasn't even Rome.
When Jewish-Christians took over (((they))) won.
Then keep reading heretical versions. Just listen to it while doing something else.
Will you not try to teach your ways to your brothers in arms? I've had many religious and political debates with my fellow Marines when I was deployed. I've disagreed with them. I've called them heretics or communists! And we served together nonetheless. I did my job and they did theirs and our unit accomplished its mission because of it. Don't you dare say that this is wrong. If you happened to be wrong, wouldn't you want to be corrected. Has your opinion ever changed (even in the slightest!) about abortion, baptism, justification, sanctification, or works? That was because you heard a dissenting opinion.
Stop being a pussy. Just because I disagree with you on even the biggest issue doesn't mean that I need to cast you off entirely. Do you and I both want to cease all Muslims from entering our country? If it's yes then I will support you there. Stop being afraid of ad Hominium attacks. Stand up for what you believe in and find common ground where you can.
Thanks man.
When did catholicism ever put the muslims in their place other than one crusade to clear the passage to the holy land??
When did catholicism come to the aid of the eastern roman empire to protect against the muslims??(said empires fall led to the mass conquest of the balkans by turkroaches)
If anything, catholicism is an evolution of
the orthodox faith, as orthodoxy was what the roman empire practised before the fall of the west.
Even Protestantism did better in retaking the holy land, reclaiming 2 of the 5 ancient patriarchs from the muslims through the British empire.
(((They))) won when Nazi Germany facilitated the modern Rabbi state (so-called Israel), sabotaged the German army at Dunkirk, sabotaged the German army on the Eastern-front, enabled the creation of the anti-German United Front which doubled the size of Communism, and enabled the modern usurious system of Capitalism for Communism to pair in dialectical evolution with.
No, just use KJV. It's not as hard to read as most say and for words you don't understand(which shouldn't be much)you look up on Google.
Read it and weep, schism-cuck.
Woah, that's pretty weird. Is this for real?
>Creates niggers
>Is worshipped
>Muh redpilled christianity
>Morals don't exist without Allah
>Freedom, but all according to Yahweh's plan
>Christcuck logic failure
>Commissioned by notorious faggot who compared his faggotry to Christ
>17th century commentators, such as poet Théophile de Viau wrote plainly about the king's relationship. In his poem, Au marquis du Boukinquan, de Viau writes: "Apollo with his songs / debauched young Hyacinthus, ... And it is well known that the king of England / fucks the Duke of Buckingham."
>I, James, am neither a god nor an angel, but a man like any other. Therefore I act like a man and confess to loving those dear to me more than other men. You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled. I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect, for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George.
>Based his "bible of 16th century Rabbinical revisions.
>King James, the original Milo
>rejects the 10 commandments
Yes. And Jesus is rhe bright and morning star so basically thise versions ate saying Jesus fell from Heaven.
Revelation 22:16
16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
t. rabbi
Alright I'm going to get a KJV and leave the thread before someone convinces me otherwise again.
>muh vulgate
Yeah well i understand you as a Catholic want me to either learn latin or greek or preferably never read the Bible.
Why "Wow"? That isn't suprising coming from catholics.
Putting Jews back in their place by worshipping a dead Jew? Just give up. We paid off a pregnant teen, brainwashed and killed her son to create a large enough distraction and cashcow to grant us almost 2,000 years of background scheming.
Too bad we had to keep this facade going by letting a bunch of our own get slaughtered in the 40s, got a country for it tho and got people off our backs for when times degeneracy takes over and religion loses ground.
Good choice
Lucifer means light bringer. The KJV is Rabbi trash, but that's nothing to be worried about. Satanists and Jews coopted the word Lucifer to mean Satan, who they think is the real messiah.
He isn't dead and he isn't a religious jew.
Next you're going to act like these aren't just battles in a grand war that isn't complete.
When faggot whites worship sand nigger religions the side of righteousness gets weaker.
The other day your Marxist pope said Jews go to heaven despite not believing in Jesus.
Vatican 2 changed thousands of years old dogma denying the Jews killed Jesus. There is outright proof that Jewish groups pleaded and petitioned for this.
These same Jewish groups Try to change the killers of Christ in Orthodox prayer and the Orthodox Church denies them every year
I hate that Roman Catholics live in their own ridiculous world of fake facts.
Those versions are saying the "bright and morning star"(Jesus) fell from Heaven.
Fr. Coughlin was one of the greatest characters in the Catholic Manga
Catholics published the first English version of the Bible.
Faggot King James didn't know what to do about it other than commission his own Rabbinical distortion.
That doesn't mean it's rhe best one though. The Geneava Bible(the one before KJV i think) is still good.
This thread needs more eldritch angels. Dump what you have bros.
>Glosses over Hitler's sabotaging of White Europeans in favor of the Judeo-Communist Conspiracy.
1) The Vatican has been corrupted and Catholics are being lead astray.
2) There's no such thing as a "Protestant." There's no centralized Protestant church, the word is functionally meaningless.
Just pick up your Bible and read it. Read the old versions and the new, I recommend not sticking with only 1 version. The meaning is what is important, not the specific word choices. Accept Christ into your heart, if you are able. Do what God wants of you. Trust in Him.