You guys seem to talk about everything in terms of race, but it's obvious that it is a pretty trivial characteristic of a person/society. Culture, values and beliefs are what matter, and they are not determined by race. Fuck Muslims but not all brown people.
Why are you all so obsessed with race?
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A good protion of it is just banter, larping and being edgy.
But a considerable amount of it genuine.
To me, it's not different than nigz chimping about how white people are holding them down.
In this case it is "muh kikes" and "muh spics" and "muh nigz" and sheeeit.
I am not saying that illegal immigration isn't bad, because it really is.
Because citizens of almost every nation pays tax, if you allow open borders where taxation exists, this will be taken advantage of, a la spics in USA and mudslimes and nigs in Europe. It also creates crime, and hurts the accepted ethics and morals, it also alienates your biggest population, which you need if you want to stay in power.
Politicians pander, lets keep it real. So when politicians pander to the biggest population, the opposing sides will always frame it as supremacy, that is also taken advantage by actual supremacists.
Boom, instant political extremism on both sides.
Name a first world black country.
Niggers have been raised with Western values and culture and what do we have to show for it?
Responsible for the vast majority of violent crime, responsible for most rapes, broken family unit, underachieving in education and careers. I could go on.
Race breeds culture.
Otherwise each civilization would have been equivalent to whites in terms of academic achievement and technological advancement.
Race, culture and will = etnicity. I don't want my European identity to be destroyed because of some liberal egalitarian fantasy of equality.
A good portion of it is niggers,kikes, and beings spics
But a considerable amount of people ,who are the aforementioned, are actually statistically prone to violence, make ill informed decisions, and lower the quality of life of their host nation.
But I heard Argentina was white,no?
>it's obvious that it is a pretty trivial characteristic of a person/society.
It's not trivial at all. Societies that are not homogeneous have lower levels of social trust, more corruption, less community involvement and less political involvement. Turning a homogeneous society into a multicultural one is destroying the social stability.
>Not all
>what is warrior gene
>what are personal accounts of anyone who spends enough time in bingo bongo continent
>what are IQ results and FBI crime statistics
Go choke on a bag of dicks, you ancap faggot
latin america has the same christian culture as northa merica and they are poor and criminal as fuck. at the end of the day, what matters is race
says a half brown mongrel
It's a useful heuristic. It would be nice if we could label someone "average or higher IQ, low propensity for violence and aggression, low time preference, respecter of individual rights, K-selected reproducer," but it's easier to just say "white guy."
>Culture, values and beliefs are not determined by race
Yes, user.
Culture is some mysterious voodoo shit that grows out of the dirt.
Honkeys are evil because they took all the dirt that had good spirits living in it, and forced niggers to live on dirt with evil spirits. And we all know that dirt with evil spirits creates bad culture.
>Why are you all so obsessed with race?
Die kike!
My favorite part of that debate is where Suzuki says something along the lines of "you can't just tell people the whole truth"
Literally what I said, my dude.
The bigger difference is between social class. Rich people act rich and poor people chimp out.
when did you all realize that racists are brainwashed as much as libtards. they're both superficial and judge other people by superficial standards of appearances
Civic nationalism eh? Gas yourself ratboy.
Because niggers aint human.
I used to be just like you. A Ron Paul libertarian. I believed in open borders and the NAP. But then after the rise of BLM and my own personal run-ins with niggers from my childhood and adult life. I realized that intelligent people and those that can use reason understand such abstract concepts of live and let live. Niggers do not. If they want something they will just take it, like an animal. They are loud, smelly and barely speak english. Have you heard rihanna? Half the words I dont understand, and not from lack of trying, but because she mumbles so damn much. And it's not just her it's all blacks and Africans. In nigger culture the slightest offense is repatriated with immense violence and anger. Why do you think african nations are so savage? They torture, brutalize, mutilate and eat people alive!
That's not to say they aren't clever. They come into our lands pull on our heartstrings, demanding gibs while blaming us for the sad state of affairs in their homelands, when in reality it's they themselves that are behind the sorry state of their nations. They are smart enough to beg for mercy from us, but heartless enough to show no mercy to us. They are inhuman. Whatever freak accident led to the creation of the Negro is a tragedy for the ages.
The biggest difference between humans is the difference between goyim and the ratfaced inbreds blasting the most degenerate shit at our children and provoking war between us. Civic nationalism has never worked. It's a modern non-goyim invention. It needs to be eradicated like the rats that created it.
nobody cares about your false state of ameriga or its 'nationalism'. it's just a large shopping mall. you're just a shopping mall nationalist
Jews built an ethnostate from land that was 5% Jewish. Europeans will soon build the grandest ethnostate ever created. 500,000,000+ million square miles of ethnostate.
>500,000,000+ million
Negroids are sub-human. For every good negroid, there are 1000 terrible, unintelligent, wastes of space. I really don't care about spics, arabs, indians, north africans, or asians. What I do care about is stopping the disease that is the negroid from taking over the world and wiping out all other races.
Also i'm convinced it's not going to start in America, although it will surely pick up there not long after. If I was a jew anywhere in the west i'd be heading to Israel very soon. The goyim know and justice is coming. Goyim are going to go full 360 very soon.
Fucking anti semites on here I swear to fucking god. It was 600,000 TRILLION!!!!
Oy vey it was real in my mind
Every country in europe in 50 years.
>being this proud of a large cultureless, degraded, muddied shopping mall
Project much.
Oh don't get me a wrong, a massive cleansing is clearly coming. Millions will be sterilized at best.
How about fuck Muslims AND brown people.
Fuck asians and spics too.
If we had an all white nation there would still be crime, sure... 99% less though.
>Culture, values and beliefs are what matter, and they are not determined by race
Citation needed.
Do you have studies you can provide us which demonstrate that IQ, criminality, violence, and trust are not linked to race?
Die in a fire, nigger.
Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger
We learned from the Jews.
>culture, values, and beliefs
Where do those come from lel
wouldn't even matter. no matter what you try, ameriga and amerigans will never have a real cultural identity
Why are they called "hispanic". They're not from spain. They're fucking race mixed mongrel mestizo and mulatto niggers.
You realize that third world countries simply did not participate in the last World War?
Mexico for example has some very rich and nice cities. Take Guadalajara for example, beautiful culture, beautiful women, wonderful people, family living, amazing food, incredibly nice houses and condos, weather is better than most of America and it's incredibly affordable to live there and save up without the Jew stealing all your sheckles.
Before anyone says they spotted Paco
So none, then?
I think we need a new world war to clear this up.
Spotted the paco. You really think we're gonna fucking believe "t. Japanese"; you could have at least written t. Nihonjin.
>Culture, values and beliefs are what matter, and they are not determined by race
That is where your are wrong, those factors are entirely determined by race.
>it is a pretty trivial characteristic of a person/society
How is it that you feel comfortable saying something this objectively wrong?
That says yellow skin is superior to white skin.
Good job
No I'm Japanese with a 149 IQ and a high level marketing job with a large corporation. I just ended up with a girl from Jalisco and we go down there twice a year. Yes I voted for Trump, yes I realize Mexico has a ton of crime, but if someone made an effort to westernize Mexico it would be one of the best places to live (their coastal cities)
Last name is Kumagai - means Bear In Canyon in Japanese. Grandfather worked for NASA
No wonder why fucktard liberals want easy access into the country because immigrants are the only people brain dead enough to vote for them
So does this one
spotted Paco
I like the shoes. I will think of this if I am stranded on a desert island with only sea plastic flotsam as a raw material.
You're a fucking slant and you have to go back. America is a white country for white people and you can fuck right off with your spic mestizo mongrel.
And this
It could be worse than that, imagine if we were directly connected to sub Saharan Africa.
Does anyone remember south America being more to the right?
We don't want you, or your grandfather, or any of your family. You're just jews with worse eyesight.
Go make your own country better if you're so fucking great.
My father is a son of the civil war. I'm Happa user. No where for me to go back to, I'm 50% more American than most of Sup Forums
Muslims are the closest thing to Europeans. We've been mixing with them for centuries (involuntarily). They are a better than native central and South Americans genetically (except for ar*bs)
Islam just makes it easier to remove them later. you just put bans on it and the Muslims will riot or leave. Either way, dead or gone.
>We do not even steal for a living, There is nothing left to steal anymore
America in 20 years if we don't solve this problem.
I'm a pajeet I pretend to be a white supremacist to piss off people so the white genocide continues.
lol I guess you haven't been to Japan, it makes America look third world.
Also I enjoy my high paying job I am taking from a 100% pure aryan Prince.
>he thinks he's going to be able to ban Islam
>50 %
Stop larping faggot. No one cares, I was only (Youing) you because it was funny to hear the lies go deeper. Smelly Smelly Jew.
>> why are you all so obsessed with race
A) you brought up race
B) because 90% of crime is committed by non whites
Post your fucking hand with a time stamp right now or you're definitely a fucking filthy nigger LARPer
>Why are you all so obsessed with race?
Because in the end, it's the only thing that really matters. Your race is your family.
Of course you can ban it. If you have the military and financial might to not get invaded you can do whatever you want in your own country.