How I stopped loving America

>Be me, white English dude.
>Most of my friends are American, been friends with for like 15+ years with these people.
>Decide want to move to the US, so I look into it
>Slowly discover how hard it actually fucking is
>"H1B DO NOT APPLY", "Must have valid greencard"
>Look at how competitive getting visas is
>Realise i'm never gonna get in, been depressed as fuck for a few years now.
>Notice how much shit from America is imported into England, how much we talk about you and how much you're in our media. This makes me more depressed, even this fucking website is.
>I thought being your closest ally, and the fact you're anglo would make it easier for me, but guess you think we're scum too.
>Realise its a democracy, the people of the country voted for this shit to happen, they're the reason its so difficult.
>Slowly develop anti-american mindset, my Sup Forums activity has skyrocketed in the last year.
>See Americans in England, makes me salty as fuck, purposely treat them like shit.

Basically fuck you all. Should I an hero?

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I just want to be with my friends and I fucking can't. The fucking timezone makes it almost impossible staying in contact with you fucks. Just want to fucking die.

Gonna be sick off work 2moro just so I can stay up and talk to you cunts.

>being this puckered over some bizarre fixation.

Sorry bro times have changed

How I started loving America
Started researching 6 million, found out that countless people have been deported, jailed, etc. for daring to question it. Very reasonable guy but damn glad that I won't be put in a government sactioned cage for publicly questioning authority.

Just marry one of them, genius.

Bingo. Then get a no-contest divorce in a few years.

just find an american chick and marry her. simples.

You don't know what its like fuck off

I don't care if America is shit or not, I just want to be with my friends.

>implying this is easy to do

Are you me OP? I thought I was the only one who felt like this.

Mate if you are, I seriously feel really fucking bad for you.

If you really wanted this, you wouldn't give up.

Are you gonna give up?

>implying even a single person ever voted with the intention of keeping british people out

Out of interest, what do you do for a living?

You weren't expecting to be able to fly over and settle in the US with your business degree and 2years at a desk job just because you identify as white were you?

It's the same going to any country you mong. .. unless you do it illegally and are brown then do what you want.

I'm still here ain't i? But most of this shit is out of my control. I'm just waiting to see if Trump / Brexit or something will make this easier for me. But its constantly thinking about this whats killing me.

I don't believe you.

I don't want to get too personal, but i'm currently a web developer, I have an honours degree in software engineering.

our government fucks over Polaks too, it's bullshit. hope this changes for you guys, maybe the new immigration policies will be more favorable to Europeans.

hey cunt to be fair the corrupt politicians lied to get those laws passed

Fuck you Pommy cunt.

Karma for what you did to the Irish and Germans.

Rot on your 3rd world island. The Irish you tried to starve in the 19th century now rule America (Look at how many Americans with Irish blood are in Trumps cabinet)
And your capital city is ruled by a Jihadi.

I don't hate brits, I can't help that the corrupt system is keeping us apart man.I sort of miss the shitpost on here also, now all people do is call us amerimutts and spam that fucking 56% meme all day long.It's becoming cold on Sup Forums that's for damn sure.

Fuck of Tea Nigger, we're full. You can crash in Canada if you want.

British accents, even the low-class ones, are like an aphrodisiac for Burgeresses 9/10the of the time.

so yeah, do this.

I would just have a One question test that asked "Who is the King?" And if there was any other answer but Elvis, then you'd be out. Which means Bongs would still probably be fucked though.

Retardus Maximus

we're only interested in bringing in people from south of the Rio Grande here m8.

Even Doug wants you here bro

We should only fucking grant R1b visas nigga.

i fucking doubt we'll get any change in our lifetimes.

I didn't do anything, please fuck off!

Just do something please, i fucking beg you. Nothing ever gets done because no one actually gives a fuck.

>I thought being your closest ally, and the fact you're anglo would make it easier for me, but guess you think we're scum too.
>and the fact you're anglo

Easy solution, brother.

>bong has friends a thousand miles away across an ocean
>I don't have any and I live here

Fuck off, we're full.

This just makes me want to an hero more user. It's great everyone saying "Oh just come on over", its not that fucking simple!

Fucking dreamworld!

If it makes you feel better I have no friends here at all. Hope things at least get better for you



my man

Get a job here and you get a work visa.

You're welcome

I am but one person, everyone here is so occupied with what gender or what other fucking bullshit they can complain about.The only people who seem to care are overshadowed by selfish children who care more about fucking rapefugees than other whites who are struggling out there.

You sound like a negative little bitch, begging for leniency and charity.

You're a dumb Larpy cunt. There are hardly any Americans in the UK. It is just as hard for an American to move to the uk as a brit to come here

Shit bro, makes me want to Jihad too.
If only they had more films I could purchase a ticket to see staring anglos.
We should hook up sometime.
You have a chicken shop near you we can go?

Fuck you. We don't want a bunch of jihadists going Ballyhoo Snackbar and 3rd world rapists mucking up our country. You change your laws, we'll change ours. Even then, seeing how you've already messed up your country, I would be wary of letting britbongs in.

Nobody wants the British in their country.

Why don't you show your flag eh?

I can't look at this, going through all your immigration paperwork makes me physically sick.

ITS NOT FUCKING EASY! You go pretend your me for 5 minutes, google some jobs in the US, see how well you do applying. They don't fucking want you!

Everything is shit

I've given up on everything else so yes, you have no idea, but thanks for judging me you cunt.

>hate 300million people because of their immigration policy
hate to see what happens if someone accidentally scuffs your shoe

We have no choice...our political leaders keep letting these greasy fucks into our country even though we don't want them

We would welcome you if we could (unless you're a fucking shitskin)

I'm not against you coming, but why do you hate it there so much? Sup Forums has ruined you, and you have IRL Sup Forums'd friends in the US? Hm.

Anyway, I'd /visit/ your friends on one of your long European holidays before you try to move, permanently. You might find that the US is nice to visit, but not paradise.

Find murican grill.

If your white, just come here on vacation and don't leave. You will have zero problems.

Hey brother, just don't give up.

My uncle (in-law) is British from Wolverhampton, married my aunt and had kids here in Ohio.

You can do it man. Just gotta try. Most red-blooded Americans appreciate Euros, it's a matter of mutual respect and customary dignity. Unfortunately you're competing with the rest of the miserable world.

Let me put it like this: I got in a Facebook argument with an old college acquaintance who was slamming the new immigration proposals. He works at the Cleveland Immigration office.

It's fucked. We are dealing with the absolute worst ideologies over here. I guarantee even the most reprehensible Euro libshits are tame compared to the raging leftists we have here in USA.

Trump has made this place electric, man. You can feel the tension in the air depending on where you are.

Well...britain is kind of a big brother police state now.Yeah we are, but not that badly...

He'll have to wait for after Trump for that. A lot of long-term Irish illegals in Boston were deported recently. ICE is merciless.

Why don't you just marry some fat bitch and move here?

If they gave a fuck they'd change it, if they're actively trying to keep me out then yes, fuck all of them.

I think a group of people I hate more than americans is the fucking immigrants that have already moved there. They're the ones that make people want to tighten immigration. And when some brown fucking beaner with American citizenship tells me "Fuck off we're full". It fucking hurts.

I literally do not care about how well the US is doing, I care about my friends that is all. And I hate England because my friends aren't here and its too difficult to move all of them instead, I'm the odd one out. I'll never be able to be with my fucking friends.

Get caught once then good luck for me every even stepping foot in your country again.

Try to seduce a land whale while depressed as fuck and also only to get them to marry you. I can barely talk to people in real life without wanting to cry.

I don't know how long I can wait.

I'd let you marry me desu.

It's a yDNA haplogroup chart. R1b subclades are quintessentially British. Nothing to do with visas.

Sure, gay marriage is a thing now, isn't it? Well well well. Will the immigration officers ask you to kiss in their presence to make sure you're not scamming them?

bullshit desu, and even with marriage, the government would find out its fake, they will.

Oh btw did I mention the marriage doesn't guarantee you a visa?

>guess you think we're scum too.
I don't think you're scum,and Trump is making it easier for whites to come to America on visa.Don't give up.Your politicians are just as shit as our's.We're both in a mess where our own politicians wish for our genocide by immigration replacement.I don't care that you've developed an anti-American mindset,in fact it's understandable.
Stop bitching because you're not trying hard enough.We all got dealt a shit hand in life,but I sure am glad I was born here and I sure as hell want more whites coming into America;,and not some 3rd world shitter that does fuck all that any American can do.
Also,if an American tourist can't take the piss then they shouldn't be there.

American girls get wet as soon as they hear your accent!

It's your attitude not chicks, so fuck you. You need to change that kind of attitude.

Basically, it's harder if you're European. You don't have NGOs and the Democratic party fighting to let you in.

Forgot pic related.
Explains,America's immigration policy.
Apply yourself!

I've known a handful of people who got citizenship through fake marriages...albeit, they were all Isreali, but it's not hard to fake if you're not a moron. You'll just have to fork some cash over unless you have a friend

Yeah I'd slip in some tongue to make it genuine, no homo of course.

lol It should just be a hard NO to everyone until we get these filthy muzzies and illegal cunts out.

I can't.

How hard do i have to try! Should i just fucking swim!

>Should I an hero?
All posts that are green text that start with "be me" need to die.

No, you should work harder. I just brought one of you full Anglo britbongs over on a work visa and my HR team is working with our immigration counsel on green card for the guy (will take a while, always does). So why'd we bring this bong over? Outstanding math and computer science skills and one hell of a software architect. Fastest way to get sponsorship is via freelance consulting in a hot field (and being actually good in said field).

Good luck bong... hopefully your cracka ass makes it here 'cause we need all the honkies we can get.

Claim you are Mexican and get a California Drivers License.

Then get a gay marriage license.

Trump is gonna pass a law favoring you over unwashed third world hordes. Just be patient Britbro.

blame obama and decades of shit immigration policy,trump is fixing it anyway

dont go shitting on the yanks lad they are our bros

Don't be a racist you salty bong. Just take the trucks of peace like the upstanding cuck you are!

Don't care how you feel, in hindsight we dodged a fucking bullet by keeping you out. You sound like a cry baby faggot

the average pom has the same cuck mindset as the average eurofag. kiwis and aussies are slightly less gay but we're pretty shit too.

honestly the yanks apart from their beaner problem are pretty good. I don't blame them for keeping you rats out.

You can either break the law by going over there and never leaving or you can compete with other legal applicants. Don't bitch just because you can't make the cut.
Or you can marry some American sloot. They go nuts for Euros over there. Why do you think they all brag about being 1/200th Irish

Look man home is home. My home (not like my literal house) sucks in a lot of ways, it's hot, the air is 50/50 gnats, there's blacks all over the place, but it's still home. It also has some good qualities too but more importantly it's my home. I guess there's always times when people make a new home, or else my people wouldn't be in the USA, but I'm just saying don't give up on a place. However I think when new countries or colonies are being started is a slightly different situation. That is not the case now.

This is unrelated, but I think one of the major problem with cosmopoiltan city slicker culture is that there is not much notion of home. It should be part of your identity. This is especially bad in suburb culture too. People never put roots down anywhere and there is never a community. And people just bail out and have no interest in making one place a "home." The rural retards understand this, probably because of a literal connection to the land that they have. But even those places are quickly losing it and becoming shitholes.

ill marry you

It's your mindset that's making you so miserable, even if you were to successfully gain citizenship here, you'll still be miserable unless you find a purpose. Sounds like you're trying to run away instead of starting a life here. You only think you'll be happier here because I've what you read or hear about us, but have you actually experienced living here? Is there a state that you actually want to live in? Is there a job opportunity here for you? Why do you really want to move here?

Again, I think you're trying to run away instead of pursue something and that's not going to make you any happier.

Sorry for starting my thread this way, I hope this didn't trigger your autism too badly.

>Lol its easy just be a rocket scientist lol xDDD


I'll bitch as much as i fucking want, if I'm gonna end myself I want to at least tell some cunts!

Did you fucking read the whole post? I don't give a shit about the US, nothing at all! I care only about my friends, they just happen to live in your shithole. I'm not fucking running away, i'm done fucking responding to you. EVERYONE OF YOU FUCKING CUNTS JUST TRIES TO CONVINCE ME OF SOMETHING ELSE, WELL FUCK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!

And I 100% agree with you.They're a huge issue in my state ,but worse in Minnesota.We're getting the illegal spic problem solved pretty quick,though;which is surprising.

>Should I just fucking swim!
Sensible chuckle.
I bet if you sunbathed,got a dark tan,took a door,and tried floating you'd get picked up.Oh,wait.We're under Trump now that shit won't fly.
Have you read the RAISE Act that Trump gave a speech on a few days ago?If not you should.If you're skilled,a hard worker,amongst other easy shit,you'd most likely get a visa.Keep applying for a visa,don't just stop at one denial.Don't get discouraged,ans say,"Fuck it,I'll never get to live in America..".
Honest,question.What state would be your choice to live?Please,don't say fucking Commiefornia or Jew York.

Do you think one of your friends can set you up with a job here? You have a degree and I assume work experience. Get a job set up for yourself and a corporate sponsor or something. If your friends can't help with that, then google around for a job you can apply for.

>I don't give a shit about the US, nothing at all!
I was just about to tell you how to get a visa but not with that attitude.

Yeah, you want to be with your friends, but that's not a purpose. You either need to mature or figure out what you want to do with your life. I get you're frustrated, but you don't have a real reason to come here and have nothing to contribute from what it seems. Why don't you reassess why you're currently so miserable or make friends that aren't over the water? Do you really not have a purpose that you think being with friends will solve your misery?

It's easy as fuck to go to the US.

First of all, you always visit first ya cunt.

There's a 90 day UK-US visa waiver if you aren't a muzzie or literally have murder convictions.

Then when you're here, you get together with your friends and do one of two things:

1. Find a business that will sponsor your work visa

2. Get together with your friends and a cheap paralegal and start a business.

If you are clean in your home country, and clean while in the US, everything will be smooth.

If you're a literal fag or have an online gf here you can also use the 90 day waiver period to arrange a marriage.

Why you commonwealthers never get the immigration and resodency agreements boggles my fucking mind.

The RAISE Act will overhaul the immigration system and make it easier for someone like you to immigrate (fluent English, in demand occupation, high educational attainment).

>I don't give a shit about the US, nothing at all!
Fuck off cunt. If you don't like our country, you can go get blown up by Abdul on your shitty island.

Steps for OP
1) hop off America's dick
2) realize the coming race war doesn't care for nationality
3) support your white brothers worldwide

Ohio/West Virginia. I'm really fucking tired.

I've been searching and applying for so fucking long now. And no, most of my friends are fucking useless in terms of skills, none are in a position to help with jobs or work for a company big enough.

>I was just about to tell you how to get a visa
Just fuck off

because it will, i'll be so much fucking happier trust me, please stop giving me these response why do you not fucking want me?

If none of you give a fuck then I no longer consider you a real fucking country. Just a bunch of selfish pricks who are too ignorant to give a damn. I hope something really bad happens to your land, something so terrible that you'll be forced to try and come here, just so I can personally tell you all to fuck off.


Aren't you cutting visa numbers though? Sounds more competitive to me or less companies wanting them.

Pretty much. You wanna keep me out? then I hope shit gets so bad you won't want to live there anyway.

So what's your education? GCSE? A-levels? Did you go to university? (I grew up in the U.K., so I was educated in your system prior to University.) What skills do you have?

If you want to come here, you need skills and need to be employable. Yes, it's far easier (though not easy, just easier) to get rich here than it is in the U.K., but it's also harder to be poor here (though the U.K. seems hellbent on creating ghettos every bit as awful as ours, so that's changing).

If you have what it takes to get here legally, you'll probably do great here. If you crawl through a storm drain, you'll probably end up in a miserable ghetto on welfare, wishing you were back in estates housing at home.

Yes I went to university, I have an (hons) degree in software engineering. Currently doing backend intranet development. My GCSE's are not too great, after school and during college I taught myself Math but I have no proof other than the software I write.

Personally, I don't want you because your reasons for wanting to come here are superficial and you've yet to show that you have anything real to contribute to our country. You honestly sound like a kid throwing a tantrum because they can't have their way.

I'm giving you these responses though because I've been in a similar situation and have known others in situations like this. Moving won't solve your problem no matter how much you convince yourself otherwise. Do you have a career lined up here? That'd be a different story. Have you ever worked here or really experienced the people here? Your whole basis for coming here is to be with friends, who apparently don't even have a decent job to get you a leg in and start you off. So until you give a logical reason for wanting to be here, you'll still be miserable because your emotions are dictating your decisions.

I don't want to take care of another child in our country we already have enough of them, but I'd be more than happy to accept someone who has a purpose here and can help contribute - you don't have those qualities based on this post.

It's another post made by American proxyfag.

No one in Britain likes America, except degenerates.

Also, most of the shit imported here is Chinese or European.

Caught you out fucker.

Even if you were an ameriboo, instinct would tell you to spell it maths.

The only way that isn't true is if English isn't your first language so it's still mentally malleable.

if it were up to me only white people could come here.

Would you want someone to immigrate to Britain who hates Britain? No? Then we don't want someone to immigrate to America and hate America because sooner or later down the line, you'll harm our country. I would be glad to help you get into this country if you loved our country, but I won't help out a liability. In any case, my last bit of advice is to start networking. Use websites like Linkedin to make contacts with people and see if you can get them to get you into a position over here in the states.

It's by design, I would hope. We're trying to not braindrain Yurop.