American Genetics

Daily Reminder that Americans have superior genetics compared to the inferior cowards known as Europeans. All the superior Alphas crossed the ocean to forge a new destiny while the scared wimpy betas stayed behind in Europe refusing to take a risk like cowards.

american isnt an ethnicity you retart

So why do you hate the wetbacks who crossed the desert to get here?

True. America is a nation forged in the fires of war and industry. Globalist's may want you to think America is weakened and mongrelized but that's just propaganda.
Truth is when America was discovered anything worth anything headed here and left all the shit behind and that shit is what composes Europe today.
And as a bonus getting here is never easy and is purposely kept difficult so that only the best even reach out shores.
The weak beans die in the desert. The weak chinks, potatos and niggers died on boats or were worked to death.
Only the strong survive in burger town.

yes, exactly the same thing paco.

>Running to the land of endless gibs is the same as colonizing an unforgiving wilderness


yeah because successful people always leave.
Your right in a way though, even though you are actually wrong and fucking retarded.
You see the strength of the anglo has, and always will be, in the commoners. The rich and the comfortable, they take all the credit, the kings and queens and generals. But it's the poor anglo, the shit taker, the iron breed that conquered the world.
And as many stayed as went burger, but you got mixed in with all the faggot europeans, who wouldn't know how to fight for their freedoms if their lives depended on it (it does and they still dont). So pipe down son, and accept that we're fucking family.
If not, then get ready to lose. You don't want to be on the other side from the anglos son, have a look at history's lessons....

This guy is trolling.

Good thing we have Mark Zuckerburg to promote things like basic income so we can make America more fair for everyone who is here, you know?

no im not ol buddy ol pal. What did i say that was wrong?

Not all Euro-Americans are descended from the original colonists though. In fact, most aren't. I think a plurality are of German descent.

t. family has been here for 400 years master race

Big, if true

>All the superior Alphas crossed the ocean to forge a new destiny

most excellent american revisionist history my dude.

Is that why you americunts are so short?

This is now an America appreciation thread. All towelheads and beaners can fuck off.

>american ancestors can't make it in their countries of origin so they run away to steal shit from native americans

Gee this reminds me of some sort of ongoing event but I can't quite place it.

We've got many superior genes, true.

>All the superior Alphas crossed the ocean to forge a new destiny while the scared wimpy betas stayed behind in Europe refusing to take a risk like cowards.
Kek. If I had a dollar for every time I heard an Amerimutt on Sup Forums make this same argument, I'd be a billionaire. In truth, you're our genetic scraps, who abandoned your motherland, because you couldn't make anything of yourselves here. And look at you know. A rootless, mongrel nation. A Jewish slave state, with nothing to cling to but your worthless flag and kike-approved (((values))). You'll be dead and forgotten in a century. A mere footnote in the history of man. Now don't forget to buy some moisturiser for your dry, mutilated penis, like the good goy you are.

Pilgrim descendant here. Am over 6'0.

>a quarter of the country can fuck off

Go back to sucking muslim cock nordcuck

>superior genetics
>5 foot 10
>see teen girls taller then me every now and then

I really wish I had superior genetics OP

Heh the whole world is mad about the truth bombs in this thread. USA is actual Alpha race. We easily defeated the "master race" in ww2. Only waited so long so Hitler could kill the max # of slavs.

How can they even compete?

You're alright. It's all the fucking estrogen we consume. I'm 6'0 and while I was taller than most girls my age, I see a lot of younger girls that are close to my height or even taller.

We have to do something about this. Soon there will be a whole generation of men dwarfed by amazonian giant tittied whores.

>amazonian giant tittied whores
I don't see the problem.

What can be done? There's unfilterable estrogen in our water supply. Sperm counts and testosterone levels are lower than our ancestors and continue getting lower.

Are steroids unironically the answer?

How is estrogen making them taller?

Come to my third world manlet shithole short man

You Britfags couldn't win World War II without the Amerimutts. Without us Europe would be under the Krauts or Russkis, fag.

Reverse osmosis works.

They're worth the price.

I don't know about the ethics of injecting steroids into your teenage son, but the only other option is that he would become a beta manlet.

Except they have shit like PCOS and Endometriosis, which fucks them up in their own way.

I approve this thread.

Fuckin pussy euro boys better get a clue

have a bump

I don't know, I'm not a doctor. Something has to be making them taller though.

>go to carribean
>6 5 usain bolt chadding it up and stealing all the womenz

You cant escape manlet hell

The reason white Americans are the now master race is because all the alpha German men either adventured to the new world or died in the wars

American white women are usually ugly as fuck. Idk what the fuck you're talking about

fuckin manlets when will they learn

If a quarter of the nation are the problem so be it. You can throw SJWS and Liberal fundamentalist in the same category.

>America became more powerful than Europe in only 300 years

It's not that they're ugly, most of them are just thicc.

Estrogen closes the growth plates. Excess testosterone aromatizes into estrogens. Doing steroids during puberty without anything to keep ones estrogen in check would stall ones growth.

Delet this

You're correct. The proof is in how cucked Euros are. Weakling faggots without speech and guns. End of discussion.

>saying Europe as if it's a united entity


>this is what amerisharts actually believe

>what is the battle of britain?

The average white American is pretty fat desu

this is a divide and conquer thread.
But give a fuck. All anglo haters get the fucking rope.

left has a jew nose and right probably did too before her surgery

shareblue: divide and conqueror

>pale from lack of sun despite living in arkansas
This is too real man

hiding behind a dixie flag. for shame

I highly doubt superior genetics. The average American Army soldier is borderline diabeetus ridden.

"The Great American Shitposter" is actually notwhite.

>Be me

>Be 5'8 manlet

>All my cousins from my maternal side in the U.S. and even their your adult sons all clear 6'2 MINIMUM

>My Aunt and her Husband are basically same size (husband a little taller but not even 6'0) as my parents


There are gyms in my home state than Europe combined. Yeah we have fat fucks but our active folk are in waaaaaay better shap than Eurocucks who walk a lot and eat small portions...

We make the Chads....

>britfags are literally STILL this assmad over american independence


>tfw you look like a cross between Nordic and Slavic

>tfw anglo but look portugese

Anglo working class is abbo-tier, the only great things ever done in your country were done by aristocrats and upper class pure-breeds

these filenames

my sides

Britain is a highly cucked nation. They suck muslim mohammeds cock.

Europeans are inbred at this point

Americans are a multicultural, multi-ethnic and genetically diverse mix of different Europeans (with a bit of injun thrown in somewhere down the line)

i vertically dominate my whole family back in norway, super genetics i suppose

I look Anglo and come from England, yet my DNA says 50% Irish, 25% west european, 25% Scandinavian.

Am I rape baby?

as much as I hate chads, American chads >>>>> European betachads. Australian chads are a close second


well given you're an island of convicts, I'd say rape is probably why you're there in the first place.

>attracted exclusively to short girls
>tfw my lineage is doomed to manlet status forever

t . Spic

Every mixed race fucker has curly hair and brown eyes and are ugly as fuck. That's not really diverse is it?

>tfw Amerimutt mongrels are literally whiter than any Europeans

>tfw paternal family tree goes back to start of colonization

>Not British soldiers

""""""terrorist""""""" or rapist + thief or prostitute.

Russians beat the Nazis , mostly

Norge is NOT Sverige


Squat and milk bro.

Now say thankyou to France for keeping the majority of the British fleet protecting the bongistan island.

Yes it is dipshit. Americans are a White English Speaking Protestant people. Our ethnic identity is a fusion of the WASPs, the Scots Irish, and the Pennsylvania Dutch.

They sure as fuck don't act very white.

Don't tip, like niggers.
Don't stand up for themselves, like pajeets.
Two minutes hate against us, like slopes.
Don't tell the truth, like Jews.

we literally don't need gyms
you just go outside and cut wood for your grandma and grandpa
they give you 50 euros and you drink yourself to death
thats my every weekend


You seem to have learned about genetics from a fat person.

Nah, France barely helped.

fucking eunuch. You know nothing pierre, stop projecting. I could literally list every achievement and how it directly rests on the strength of the anglo poor, but i don't have enough time left in the year.
So i'll simply say don't talk about things you know nothing of or you look like a fucking abbo yourself.

We won that war.

If youre so superior then why do American woman love European cock, huh?

I'm hispanic and love america and so does pretty much every hispanic person I know.

American is typically used by most of the world when referring to US citizens and refer to mexicans and leafs by "Mexican" and "Canadian." This is only made an exception when talking about people in continental terms which is far less common.

By that terminology, American is an ethnicity.

You two are retarded when it comes to connotation.

Probably true my great great great great grandfather came here from england and I found a picture of him and he looks like a real prick.

>won the war of 1812
>british education
Oh yeah I forgot the part where you conquered us and we're all speaking English right now.

because cock is great retard

>votes dem
>"loves america"
choose one

>literally rapefugees who couldnt handle the sectarian banter and ran away halfway across the world
you are like little babies


True I guess honestly I voted for Hillary because I thought trump was a jewish shill but after seeing what he's done I'm really glad he won.

Fucking Spic shit, you are a complete drain on the country. America would be better off with you dead.