you bought his book right guys?
MDE thread I guess
you bought his book right guys?
MDE thread I guess
No I pirated it tho :^)
He's weird and unfunny. No. Won't be buying his book.
Pirated it.. it sucks. Waste of time.
YES 3 COPIES BUT IT HAS NOT SHIPPED YET how many months do i have to wait?
this guys best work was his selfie videos.
MDE show only worked because of the director/editor. That one bit with Charls in prison with the John Maus song is probably the best thing that could ever come out of MDE.
DESU if MDE's fanbase wasn't a complete shitshow and stopped threatening people on twitter Hyde would probably still have a show. Hyde getting butthurt at Tim Heidecker really turned me off to anything this dude has to say.
the pirated copy does not include billy and the clown
Did he do a 3rd printing? I missed out.
Sam Hyde is really weird, I sometimes find him very funny, in a way I cannot place, but other times I just find myself shaking my head in bewilderment and thinking, "what the fuck is wrong with this freak?"
He only threatened people after they dropped him.
They dropped him for no reason/imaginary reasons and then Hyde became the open Nazi-sympathizer they said he was.
Hyde's funny ratio is about 50/50 but he's pretty damn unique and anyone who sides with Tim H on this probably needs to rethink things. Yeah Sam and MDE have their flaws but the opposition to them is way worse than they are and they didn't deserve what they got: fired due to namby-pamby OMGing.
classic bomb rescue
suicide bomb rescue
Would totally buy this shirt if I wasn't stuck in Eurolands.
ok that's no too bad. i bought a few copies as christmas gifts so it works out
i bought this shirt. also has not been delivered. feel like Sam is just hazing me at this point
it is sold out right? Has anyone gotten one, I havent even seen one being sold on ebay for way too much?
Sam, print, more you faggot. I went to ross.
posting in a shareblue thread
Character assassination is when you try to make a person irrelevant because you destroyed the perception of their personality. You try to make it so nobody likes them anymore, so nobody listens to them anymore. You do it when you see that person as a threat.
You can spot it when there's clear spam about a certain person, and asking who benefits from that spam. e.g. Sup Forums doesn't benefit from abandoning Lauren Southern. She is starting thousands of normies down the redpill path.
Shareblue/antifa does benefit. This is a shareblue character assassination attempt, using stuff they think will get Sup Forums to hate her. Lying about her being jewish is one way. Calling her a slut/racemixer is another. Calling her a coward or weakling is another. etc. etc.
It's to shareblue's benefit if every alt-light and alt-right personality gets entirely discredited so Sup Forums no longer has any big voices on their side, and normies stop getting redpilled, which is why they do it.
You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.
All that means is that nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit.
Die in a fire.
I ordered a signed shirt the day it went on the store.
I'm hoping it arrives before Christmas.
Calm down buddy, have you taken your antipsychotic?
man I got my shirts less than a week after I ordered them
the book I ordered eons ago and I'm still waiting on that
>$0.07 has been deposited into your account
he signed shirt was tempting but the estimated delivery was months away fuck that
Why would I support such a complete degenerate.
>tra I just wanted to a webcam vid of this trap the other day
Wtf he really banged her? Jej
>tfw i just wanked*
its a shame it wasnt a black tranny they are the best ones
Nah, just a meme.
A particular r9k autismo was just super obsessed with Sammy
>stopped threatening people on twitter
Don't fucking respond to that faggot hes a leftypol faggot and/or Tim himself. Fucking idiots saying shit like this >Hyde getting butthurt at Tim Heidecker really turned me off to anything this dude has to say.
he didn't actually listen to Tim at all. Tim heidecker is a big fucking babby faggot who deserves to be killed just like every other leftist.
Mine took 3 weeks to come. It's USPS so it makes sense. There was no confirmation email or tracking either.
nah i watched sam embarrass himself on tim's livestream. If you weren't blinded by sams nuts in your face maybe you could see reality. but reality won't hit you til you're older kiddo good luck in 11th grade this year
yeah I'm sure LMAO if you werent autistic you'd know sam didnt really give a fuck. maybe you should leave the house a little bit to understand how people talk to each other
Still confused how he got a television show despite being wildly anti-semitic, racist and contrasting from their views.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy some of his stuff, just somewhat perplexed.
oh yeah sam didn't give a fuck. that's why he has taken several moments of his life to talk shit about how Tim Heidecker ran a smear campaign against his show. to the point where he actually calls up Heidecker to confront him about it, only to walk away with nothing but his tail between his legs.
Cause he's a frickin closet Jew like Weev. You dont get a chance with your own TV show unless you've got the (((connections))), if you know what I mean.
But Sam is a self-hating dumbass that bit the hand that fed him so he got purged.
Yeah dude everyone on the right is a Jew because Sam got on an indie comedy network that has hosted tons of weird shit.
I recall him making a joke about his mom, stating he looks like a jew. Possibly unknowingly ousting himself, it usually seems to only be jews who are so absurd/bold with their behavior.
Honestly wouldn't shock me
Why would it be impossible for The Believer
film to become reality, where a leader of the right who is a former jew.
why is sam hyde fat and depressed now?
he seems to have started to give a fuck about things and it making him sad whereas before he did not and so could be happy.
Link pls
Yeah I wish he would quit this "serious" or "ironic" shit-show he's doing for /hydewars/ .... My laughter has significantly been reduced, I genuinely think the guy has potential to make really, really great stuff. Mde world peace bordered on the beautiful, it was so good. Its just too obvious he's grown sour from the fallout - I don't understand WHY his fan base, or he better yet, didn't start a crowd funding project when everything went down. Amplifying the pressure as a response to the censorship might have honestly brought down, or at least introduced a new platform for comedy ala "adult swim" flavor, but better and free from butt hurt fee fee gluttons. I would have fully supported an independent crowd sourced funding effort to create mde WP: 2 & beyond had he just done that, AND sold the book.
Fuck man, if you're reading this shit GET IT TOGETHER, YES I KNOW ITS HARD BUT ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS REACH OUT to the audience Instead of buckling
Still waiting...
Smocaine 3 was great and if you're signed up to his newsletter you would know the guy is doing just fine. He's starting his own studio with two other full time employees, he said he's working on several different projects. Just be patient and we'll see more MDE material in the future.
why was he doughy and mildly depressed before?
He should have done some crowd-sourcing thing. There was demand. I bought his dumb ebook and paid for his kickstarter tv series to support him but he hasn't done anything meaningful since. Oh, well. He gave me some laughs.
This line absolves him off all sins
all of his new videos still make me laugh
i wish he would do more with that boy charls, they have such an energy between them you know.,...
We could have been watching an entirely new network. I don't think he realizes (maybe be does) the potential in that.
Its like when a band does well enough that start a label and hire other like minded individuals to generate more new music / genre
I'm all about THE DIVAS mayne
he does look like a jew and yes I remember that video where his mom says that very thing. he also jokes about it himself about how he's jewish and we're his little goys he's brainwashing in like ks tv or maybe something else. it's ironic I think. He's definitely mostly Irish would be my bet, him and Charles always talk about stuff like the 'gift of gab' and Irish writers
Get ready for Jaihoo, boys. It's essentially a cyberpunk version of Candide and it just might be Sammy's magnum opus.
you're 100% spot on i have no other input
Sam Hyde is a legitimately dangerous man and likely a white supremacist.
I hope none of you actually like him.
Luckily he doesn't have much of an audience. He could throw the world into dangerous chaos if given any influence.
I got my hat and stickerrrrs
yea i bought it. it was autographed by his assistant, too. pretty cool.
MDE never dies
she's great, isn't she?
fuck off leftist faggot. Tim's show was never that funny but (((adult swim))) loves his faggotry.
>how Tim Heidecker ran a smear campaign against his show. to the point where he actually calls up Heidecker to confront him about it, only to walk away with nothing but his tail between his legs.
BECAUSE HE FUCKING DID. YOU DUMB FUCKING NIGGER. Also he didn't walk away with nothing he made a lot of money from that adult swim show. Its just the second season was canceled because of retards like Tim heidecker hes a fucking lying kike and for you to think that he isn't responsible its a fucking joke. Why don't you go look at how Tim heidecker and his faggot buddy kike talked constant shit about the alt-right or really anyone on the right 24/7. No see the thing is you are a fucking leftypol faggot either that or you are some Tim heidecker cock sucker.
daily reminder Moms isnt actually funny and just relies on a dumb 4th wall gag. daily reminder that officer maggot, ideas man or utopia are 1000000 times better
stay mad
Tim - 1
Hyde - 0
Sam Hyde preys on depressed teenage girls who are his fans and grooms them to the point of giving up their anal cavities to him. Fuckin degenerate little homo. Also seen a picture of him sucking a cock once. Pretty grim. I wanted to like the nigga, too.
Bought a copy of the second run, but it's not out yet I don't think.
i thought this pic was putin shopped to have blonde hair lol
No because his shipping rates fucking sucked.
I pirated a pdf copy instead.
>Sam Hyde preys on depressed teenage girls who are his fans and grooms them to the point of giving up their anal cavities to him.
This is supposed to make me dislike him?
no matter how bad i want to find this guy funny he really is a hack and just hides behind 10 layers of irony so people dont realize how unfunny and unintelligent he is
>those Sup Forums threads that are full of buttmad sjws spamming REEEEE SAM LEAVE!
i love em
Hope he doesn't become a Maddox, though I knew he was a just an act when I finally saw how he really looked like.