How close is she to white nationalism now?
I think she's getting there.
Also how is her patreon doing?
New video:
How close is she to white nationalism now?
I think she's getting there.
Also how is her patreon doing?
New video:
Other urls found in this thread:
not close enough to my dick
Shes become much better since she left rebel media. Thats why the left wing shills are out to get her.
And yet she is closer to your dick than white nationalism
who gives a fuck (besides you)
All I want to know is why she is on the compuer all the time and never the fucking kitchen. Also why is she not considered untouchable for nigger dating?
Pledge to her Patreon, unless you're a leftist shill.
SAGE Lauren Southern threads
She's obviously shilling for herself all day on Sup Forums. SAD!
Pretty accurate desu
She lifts.
I want to fuck Faith's mouth
good question. try to reason with a person who would actually racemix. it doesn't work. why are they into other races? we don't really know. they probably don't know either.
>How close is she to white nationalism now?
"poverty tours"
she just shit on liberal do-gooders and aid to 3rd worlders
she won't ever go full WN but she'll walk a line I think
She looks like a fat buffalo
This stupid woship of someone who doesnt actually work for a living is horrible, she is a awful example for anyone yet because she is a woman and parrots memes she has you by your waifu loving nuts. Get on youtube and READ A BOOK to gain knowledge about history and politics you fuckwads.
*off youtube
I know we can't talk about our women but yank females seem so fucking vapid and shallow.
Why don't you be a kike shill on reddit.
They are.
She wants you to roll over now doggy so she can pat you on the stomach
Why does Faith Goldy call herself a slav?
she's a slav/mediterranean mix I think.
I realize that now. Look man I'm tired. I've been shitposting for 2 hours. Time for bed, I got work in the morning.
I'm fine with her making a living pink pilling people but you are right about books, no one reads anymore. Pretty sad desu
She has very clear skin. I just wanna bang her.
>she is a awful example for anyone
she brought a lot of attention to the NGO refugee smuggling out of Libya, and she's a major factor in the Google/Patreon policy change
we could use two dozen Lauren Southerns desu
getting too fat desu
thicc not fat
she is 100% 1488
She is queen and you are a faggot. Stay hairy and unattractive, shareblue
I wish she would stop dying her hair.
Whatever she is doing to it makes her look like a full on roastie
what about this
What did she mean by this expression?
The more the left acts up the more people get red pilled
I'll never understand you faggots obsession with this 6.
Who's the other girl? She's way hotter.
Brittany Pettibone, a homewrecker
Bruh I would tear dat ass up
no way
if anything she might be getting a little too toned
her "The Great Replacement" video she looks almost buff like she's been working out her arms
>no way
>if anything she might be getting a little too toned
Is this cosmo or fucking Sup Forums? GTFO faggot
is this conversation about a political youtuber and her recent video upsetting you?
I'll admit it must be detracting from all of the "blacked" and "witebois BTFO"
>ywn come home from a long hard day at work to be immediately greeted by a passionate kiss from her, dinner already made, the house clean
>read a book
Ummm, we already read sweetie.
The other option is that she goes for WN right now and fades into irrelevancy, forwarding absolutely no goals. Seems like a retarded thing to even ask for.
Well she gets one point for being in the kitchen during this pic.
But minus ten for all that makeup and not making sandwiches.
Ur a beta faggot who would never yell at a woman.
isn't she a jew ?
weak bait
yeah she's been banned for her current positions, going full WN would certainly turn her in to a pariah and make it impossible to earn a living
I'm fine with that and I don't see why some get so upset with her being alt-lite
the rightwing is far healthier now in just about every aspect than even a few years ago
>get kissed by her
>her breath smells like cigarettes
>hide your disgust and run to the shower
>get out for dinner
>it's some bland ukranian meal
sounds like heaven
Once she got into it the vlog turn out pretty damn good.
I don't understand how there are actually fags on Sup Forums who claim to not find LaurSo attractive
>claim to not find LaurSo attractive
you answered your own question bud
"Maybe I could go bi for her."
Faith Goldy top quality waifu.
>controlled opposition
stop worshipping whores online that tell you what you want to here and stop buying into infowars you dipshit.
She definitely talks about the LQ a bunch.
>not fat
pick one, can't have both
This is actually Lauren posting, FYI
Is she back in Canada though?
Hahahahha Sup Forums's hate of any woman who speaks out for the right is hilarious.
Sup Forums is mad because a hot women speaking against white genocide are more effective than Sup Forumss autistic screehing.
God bless these women and the butthurt they cause to the cucks of Sup Forums.
You sir are a master tactician.
Because wants to have an identity.
This. Too much confirmation bias.
Do you think Lauren is a squirter?
You know the scene where Cell creates a bunch of Cell Juniors in DBZ? That's what Lauren needs to do, birth 10 white babies who will carry on the fight. Lets make this a meme.
i wanna facefuck faith goldy till she pukes
Every woman is a squirter if you fuck them hard enough.
Grow up and wake up user... ALL these women on the political right are just like their Left counterparts. They're all about the "do as I say, not as I do" mantra.
Lauren is a 7.5
Why is this board so fucking obsessed with this girl? It's almost as if it is being pushed here.
Lauren is such a qt.
She's been gravitating more and more toward WN ever since she left Rebel Media, and it's why the shilling against her has been increasing so much.
>makes speeches exposing cultural marxism
>directly met Generation Identity in Europe and chased NGO boats twice
>constantly on the front lines on the streets doing activism and supporting nationalist rallies and movements
>redpilling hundreds of thousands of people including about the important issues
>she works independently now so she's not controlled by (((specific interests)))
>leftists and Mr.Noseberg are so threatened by her that they make endless threads trying to character assassinate her, and throw jars of fox piss at her, all of which only increases her number of followers and viewers because of the attention
>the only "arguments" they have against her is outright lies (that she's a "Jew", "coalburner", "not a blonde", "a man") or pointless ad hominem (that she's an "attention whore")
>calls out the (((media))), the alt-lite, cuckservatives, feminists, Islam, Marxism, mass immigration, and all the cancer infecting society accurately
>subtly promotes Sup Forums-tier values while being normie-friendly and not hurt her career
>she made a video exposing white replacement that got 200k+ views in less than a week, now a lot more
>fights off antifa on the streets
At this point it's obvious that all the people shitting on her are autistic MGTOW, shills or antifa
can we call this the Laurenpill?
90% of the threads about Lauren are made by shills who are trying to make people dislike her. You see the same kind of character assassination threads against RageAfterStorm, Stefan Molyneux, Richard Spencer, Jordan Peterson, etc all the time, but they focus on Lauren especially since she has a lot of outreach.
The rest is just normal threads when she does something relevant (like releasing a new video or going to Europe), because she's a big Youtuber and what she does is relevant to a lot people's interests here.
Also leftists and kikes are so fucking mad at all the work she does and the effect she's having that they actually got her Patreon removed.
Better question: why are some people here so upset that a girl who's promoting and saying all the right things is getting attention?
No, 90% of the threads here include beta neets who have never talked to an attractive girl cumming their pants over some girl who says right wing views.
Beta NEETs are the ones who get actually triggered by a girl getting attention and hate her irrationally for no reason. I mean look at the responses to this fucking thread:
This shit is embarrassing. No substance, no nothing.
They're unsuccessful virgin losers like you and they see a girl being successful, getting attention and money and it makes them mad as fuck.
These MGTOW are so insecure that they don't understand that you can appreciate girls or what they do without fawning over them, or you can be attracted to someone without being a "beta orbiter".
And you still haven't responded. Why are you triggered by a girl getting attention. Lauren isn't just "saying right-wing views", she's not your average female Fox News pundit. Girs like Lauren, Tara McCarthy, RageAfterStorm, Lana from Red Ice TV etc. are exceptional, and they deserve the credit and attention for what they're doing, and the way they're spreading views to millions of people and doing activism, just like people Stefan Molyneux, Jordan Peterson, Jared Taylor, etc.
They're actually getting shit done and risking their livelihood, putting their face and name out there, so why should they not be encouraged?
>Going apeshit in defense of LS
I wonder who it could be?
Also, maybe people can tell the difference between someone who actually cares about political action, and just money. I really do not care enough about Lauren Southern to follow her every move on """her path""" towards white nationalism. I was just pointing out there is an unhealthy obsession with a 21 year old girl here with 20+ threads of her a say.
She does look a bit fat there though
Would hate to see her when she hits 30
I'd like to sniff her vulva through her sweaty cotton underwear. No sexual contact, or even physical contact. Just get a deep lungful of her vaginal essence, then go home and burn myself with a soldering iron. She is very pretty.
yah. i could see taht
I would fuck Laura despite her political views.
Isn't she still in Europe?
If she just wanted money, she would've stayed at Rebel, or would just stay at home releasing videos instead of doing all this shit in Europe. A lot of her videos were demonetized and she just got her Patreon removed.
Also what's wrong with making money off your work? If "white nationalism" somehow becomes more profitable than cuckservatism or liberalism, it's a good thing. It's not like it's stopping anyone else from doing it.
>20+ threads of her a say.
I already said most of them aren't actually like this one, they're threads attacking her. I agree that this shit gets out of hand.