Why do some people cut themselves? Also why does it seem like females do it more than males? I don't understand what you get out of cutting yourself. If your life is really depressing, I don't see how adding the physical pain of cuts and the scars, is making it better, seems to just be making it worse. I can understand killing yourself though, that just ends all the struggles of life.
Why do some people cut themselves? Also why does it seem like females do it more than males...
subconscious cries for attention.
The self-loathing is just the face value facade, it's not the root of the issue.
releases endorphins which feel good then a habit forms.
>do it on an obvious place
>doesn't hurt very much
>some girls I know even roll their sleeves up and wave it around
You tell me
it is the route of the issue, if you hate yourself and are depressed and want to cry out for attention but physically cant, you would cut yourself.
borderline people research shows that they cut because there's a part of their brain that read other people wrong and their own emotions wrong or much more intensely than others. Punishing themselves for perceptions of wrong doing helps to alleviate this neurotic behavior. Often they are also in situations where they are unable to cope or escape on top of this brain dysfunction which creates a perfect storm for selfharming.
Also they get to care for the cuts and get a feeling of love and healing from being able to change something anything in the environment. There is also an extreme addiction to the endorphins received from inflicting bodily damage. A much much stronger version of runner's high is available and heavy self harmers can easily reach catatonic morphine like trances where they nod in and out from how high they are.
There are also people who do it for attention, but it is usually fairly obvious when you compare the two who is psychologically addicted and a neurotic psycho and who is trying to get likes on their social media for posting pictures of what would be an incredibly shameful and private act.
I do it because I'm alone and the pain is too strong, is the only way to feel better and all is because of women
They want you to notice they're "suffering."
Also, slide thread.
The depression is rooted in a lack of attention for cutters.
Oh, thanks.
I used to cut myself (on my thighs) because i like playing with scabs and blood. I actually enjoyed it but knew to keep it to a somewhat minimum level.
I also cut my fore arm twice over the veins last year while i was drunk because i also like poking my veins. Good thing is for my arm i just say a glass cabinet broke and cut my arm. And not like a chick is ever gonna see my thighs unless it is a prostitute
While i have done it mostly for fun and enjoyment, i did do it a couple times due to my depression and looking back at it now, i did at those times to feel something
I cut myself after withdrawing from alcoh combined with my wife leaving me and spending the night in jail. Didn't tell anyone about it until a long time later. Took an insutrual packing tape device and ran the blades up and down my arm. At the time it helped.?
For some reason, the Eye of the Tiger just popped into my head. That's why, OP, because
they got the eye of the tiger
and they want to have stripes,
gotta get up and get thoose Cheeetoos
Yes if you're a 13 year old stacey
I cut myself on my thigh so no one will ever see because my depression was pushing me close to suicide, there was an intense physical pain behind my eyes and it was the worst thing I have ever felt, when I cut myself it relieved the pain and the urge to commit suicide
>i did at those times to feel something
They are dismayed that world does not revolve around them. They get upset because they aren't recognised as special and unique so they cut themselves. Attention seeking faggots.
Girls used to do this at my school all the time. They would display it openly but burst into tears or get insulted whenever somebody asked.
Also, if any male does this they deserve to die. How fucking beta lol
That's the most faggiest thing I've ever heard
>New thread theme
Is this some sort of raid thread? No one here is suddenly going to start cutting themselves because they heard someone other fag was doing it. Especially not here. Go home, Reddit.
transferring one form of pain for a more manageable form
worthless fucking losers do this shit, mainly for attention. they do it so people see their scars/cuts. mental illness is a helluva drug
If your seriously cutting yourself its because you feel so void of any emotion that experiencing pain is just enough to fill the void in your heart.
in a sick way it makes you feel better, more human.
i dated a girl who had like 20 cuts per arm. serious relationship for 3 years. The cuts are because they are frustrated at themselves for their life being a certain way and they are subconsciously punishing themselves as a release of the self-loathing.
They also use it for pity and for attention.
I don't recommend dating one, because if they are that judgmental against themselves, think how much more they will judge you for your failures.
Two cases:
flagellation ( punishment by causing pain and harm to self)
Easily distinguished by the second being much more extreme and trying to hide the process and the scars.
I knew a couple of girls who did both.
The fact that you're laboriously explaining this means you're full of shit and just doing it for attention.
>there was an intense physical pain behind my eyes and it was the worst thing I have ever felt, when I cut myself it relieved the pain
Yeah, you aren't the norm.
The short answer is that it feels good.
It might not start off that way, but without boring you with the details, the neurotransmitters responsible for pleasure sensations are damn close to those for pain sensations. Add into that the subjective component of perception, and it's really easy to sort of rewire yourself to where you perceive painful stimuli as pleasurable. See also people addicted to working out, BDSM, runners, etc.
But you should embrace your urge to commit suicide. It is the best thing you could do.
they do it for attention
I dated one off and on for several months. I hate her, yet pity and love her (but obviously I don't want to see her ever again). I genuinely believe she and other people like her should be put down like sick dogs
Yes pic related is real
I've heard it releases endorphins and feels good. Kind of like smoking cigarettes.
Humans crave pain. It's a biological imperative because it's through pain that we become stronger. Modern humans don't experience enough physical pain (especially women) so we inflict it upon ourselves to fulfill that need.
BPD people cut themselves because the physical pain they experience from cutting makes them temporarily forget the intense emotional pain they are agonising over at that particular moment.
It's a very morbid form of escapism.
you should clarify that that isn't your gf
>it's (((current year)))
The people who actually feel like that are in the minority. The people I've known who've self-harmed have stable families, good opportunities, etc. They do it because they're selfish and want to feel unique. They want to pretend they have some weird personal battle or struggle they're dealing with. They don't. It's fucking bullshit.
If anyone is self-harming in a first-world society with everything they could possibly want, they deserve to be laughed at. They have no idea what real struggle is.
The only explanation that makes sense to me is that it's displacement activity.
They're too emotionally immature to confront emotional pain (regardless of how serious or trivial it is) so they inflict physical trauma as a means of distracting themselves. Being upset because you're a loser is mentally pushed aside to the far easier to deal with upset of being injured.
After it starts their self-importance starts to show and they try to act proud of it. Like most 'problems' with teenages and teen-minded people it's just a simple bad habit they need to kick, plain and simple. The real problems start when we try to spin it as having some sort of deep, cultural significance and place the burden of responsibility on everyone but the actual perp.
Sometimes they are trying to get back at someone who hurt them in some way, like suicide
>proceeds to cut themselves
But in the end, everyone will just move on and turn the page in their life and when that person does slits their wrists in the bathroom everyone will go "Oh shit, this got real a bit"
Why is self-harm so sexy? Where can I find more of this?
>it's the 1900s! not the 1500s you piece of shit imma do what I want!!
>oh wow really its the 700's! not 100 AD you loser IMMA DO WHAT I WANT IM SO SAD FOR YOU
It's an adrenaline rush and gives you something to do. Others who do it in visible places are just desperate for somebody to ask what's wrong.
I used to, worst mistake ever. I now have scars all over my thighs and left arm. and I can never wear shorts or a bathing suit. I can't wear short sleeves. It's my own fault though. But now I fear my future partners will think I'm an attentionseeker. To any mentally ill anons, don't cut yourself.
Guy that used to cut himself ~ten years ago here
it provides a temporary sense of relief for whatever reason, be it a physical response via endorphin release or a Catholic need for penance
in the long run I think it added more psychological damage
if you cut and show it you're an attention-seeking fuck, but most people with genuine issues go out of their way to actually hide it; unfortunately, arms provide the best sensory response
What you mean
Poisoned lefty mind, unnatural environment, hopelessness, no healthy emotional outlet.
Should have used Neosporin. Even though I never cut in visible places I'd always use it afterwards and don't have any scars now.
I was seeing a girl the a few weeks back that has them bad on her arm, but there pretty well faded and not entirely noticeable on first glance. The ones on her thighs though, look fucked up. It's hot here in the south right now, but she would insist on going out in shorts all the fucking time and it was embarrassing as shit. I finally brought it up and asked her to wear pants and all she had to say was 'are you ashamed of them, because I'm proud of them'
I went to get my cigarettes from my car while she finished getting ready and then drove off and never talked to that crazy bitch again. Hope she cut some more.
Being with a lot of guys does indeed make someone a slut.
I used to do it but for fetish reasons
Consuming my blood kinda turned me on
About half the girls I slept with had cuts on them. My ex did. Heed my advice and avoid people like this.
I was crazy about using first aid, it scarred regardless. Even now if I get even a very mild scratch it scars. feels bad.
Post more pls
It's a sure sign of a personality disorder at least:
>When asked why they do it, there are two common reasons given:
>Some say they feel a sense of numbness or emptiness and do it because it feels good to feel “something.”
>Some say they are under acute stress and do it as a diversion.
>"are you ashamed of them, because I'm proud of them"
>I went to get my cigarettes from my car while she finished getting ready and then drove off and never talked to that crazy bitch again
No u
lol, it's way beyond that, people who cut themselves are wastrels
Fucking retard stared at a computer screen for 12 hours, then couldn't believe his eyes hurt. So he decided to cut his thighs. British education everyone.
ive seen those pictures posted here along time ago
The quick version is that abuse during childhood such as sexual abuse or physical abuse like spanking, these actions dull the pleasure/reward system and so as these kids grow up they fail to be able to feel normal and content. They need to do things like take drugs and do risky behaviour in order to stimulate what a normal content body would feel.
Cutting causes pain but releases chemicals in the brain which results in a rush for them, a temporary high which many cutters describe as better than most of the drugs they've done. Only it's temporary so they have to keep cutting to get it.
Bottom line is that you need to treat your kids well as they develop, years 1-5 especially when the brain is plastic, if you're spanking/hitting or in any way abusing your kid, they'll grow up to be really fucked up.
First post is also the best post. I personally knew a 'cutter' girl and as she stated on numerous occasions "she cuts herself because she hates her life" and "the pain of cutting herself was nothing compared to the pain of her soul" etc. - for her it was a great conversation starter, ie. pity me because of muh feelingz. Also she would cut herself on her forearms for everyone to see.
I've posted them here more than once. I still laugh at them
Trans-amputees. The only solution is to give them surgery to cut off the appendage they cut.
watching too much jew tv and jew movies is toxic for your mind.
Some cunts are just stupid attention whores for real
There's literally no reason to cut lmoa like FPBP said, it's subconscious cries for attention
t. Former suicide-attempt user (Life is not so bad now and I'm not a gay cunt anymore)
Cutting for me was a way to end panic attacks. When I was in 7th grade I was put on an acne medicine that fucked up my hormones and eventually gave me an imbalance in my ability to create adrenaline, serotonin, and norepinephrine. It fucked up a lot of other things too but those are the relevant ones.
I suffered from a form of acute anxiety that basically caused me to have flashbacks to my worst moments. It ranged from things like car accidents to just getting questions wrong in class like an idiot. When they happened I would press my palm on my pocket knife and it calmed my down and brought me back to the moment.
I don't do it anymore. I spent years in therapy and am on a lot on medications to try to undo the side effects of that medicine. I understand people that do it for that. It's not a form of self hating. It's just a desperate attempt to end a moment of acute stress and return your breathing to a normal rate. People who go home and ritualistically cut their arms into their ex boyfriend's name are idiots. But for some people it's real and it's not nearly as detrimental as the media makes it out to be. I always tried to keep mine under the radar but a few close friends knew what I was going through and would help me if they saw my hand fly into my pocket.
Idk. If anyone has questions I can probably answer them.
When did you decide you're a trans-amputee?
Former cutter here. I'm incredibly embarrassed by my scars and have only recently been comfortable enough to wear shorts or short sleeved shirts. I would cut because the slight numbing the body does after getting hurt would slow my thoughts enough so I could sleep or get whatever I was thinking about out of my head. Failed a suicide attempt, realized I was fucked up, and took up some hobbies like hiking, camping, and shooting. Ive never felt better. Sorry for the blog post, just wanted anyone who was like me to realize it's not a good way to deal with shit and a more fulfilling life outside of self harm is possible.
This seems like a sensible explanation to me and I have encountered a lot of cutters in rehabs.
>They're too emotionally immature to confront emotional pain (regardless of how serious or trivial it is) so they inflict physical trauma as a means of distracting themselves.
They never have a real reason for that dumb shit. As if all women weren't already borderline psychotic, cutters are just on an entirely different level. I mentioned one earlier and she was just completely over-emotional about the dumbest shit. She would never shut her trap and for someone who put their scars out there in the most exposed places on her body for what I could only assume was attention, she would constantly go out in public looking like complete shit. She also lived like a fucking slob. Poor girl needs death.
I've been a puncher. I punch the shit out of things and it feels pretty good. I literally cut myself on purpose once and instantly regretted it. I see nothing in it. Bloodying my knuckles by punch concrete walls? Feels pretty good. Cutting myself. Pretty fucking stupid.
Nobody watches TV anymore, we have Netflix, Youtube, Amazon Prime, and Alex Jones/Info Wars
More meds to correct the effects of previous meds. The pharamjew has you by the balls user. Such a good goy
Shut the fuck up and go suck daddy's dick, Sierra, you fat bitch.
>She also lived like a fucking slob
mine too
>when I cut myself it relieved the pain and the urge to commit suicide
You didn't explain how or why cutting yourself relieved pain or suicidal urges
Cutters are cries for attention.
Drinkers and dopers are the better rout because we all have issues. I choose tk drink a fifth of taaka everu night instead of carving myself like a turkey vecause at the end of the day i do that on my oen time and i man the fuck up and stilk contribute to my society as a 10 year officer.
Hah. Fuck yall i get pension to fuck nigs and booze my lifr away.
>Poor girl needs death.
I never thought I would have that opinion about anyone but at least I'm not the only one
sorry, i just got here from 1980.
Underrated post
In all honesty, that was the deal breaker with her. I was able to tune out the constant rambling and crying and she would never notice, but there's something about walking into a house that smells like dog and having to step over 100,000 different things just to get to her bedroom that just wasn't worth it. I guess if you don't care about your personal appearance, you sure as shit don't care about the way you live either. Lesson learned.
I did it a few times over a period of a couple of days when my mum died. Stupid thing to do, but it was just taking my anger and sorrow out on something. Ofcourse I immediately regretted it once it dawned on my I'm scarred for life.
Broke niggas cant afford a gun
They all do it wrong way
You could've saved everyone time and just wrote "Im a massive faggot"
Correction: its all women doing this. They see one girl doing it then they copy her and another copies and then another. Google that group of high school thots who suffered unexplainable tics. It turns out they were all faking it but didnt even realize it.
Did you do it out of curiosity because it was more like a, I see other people do this so I wonder if it will help me deal with what's going on right now, or did you have an actual urge to harm yourself?
>Literal cock carousl
don't worry user she clearly only values herself on the wish that men wanna pump and dump her because she hates herself. that's why she tries to excuse her self destructive behaviour with "ITS CURRENT YEAR PEOPLE WANT ME ;)))"
just pray some day soon she'll cut a little too deep and bleed out drugged up in some chad's room
Urge, i didn't care about anyone else or anything. I was locked up in my house totally alone for a week for the first time. I was miserable and incredibly drunk. This was just two days after I turned 18, I didn't really know what I was doing.
hmu bb
My ex was a cutter. I think I managed to get her to stop by attempting to open my wrist in front of her with a pocket knife.
I unironically fantasize that she kills herself for her own good. I was going through shit before/while I was with her (which is why I was dating her in the first place) but once I began to pull myself together I unlocked semi-chad mode and haven't looked back since
cut your throat lad
Been there, user. Alcohol is definitely what put me in that mindset. Hope you're doing better.
BPD ex
it was a nightmare
but god... dat pussy exploded like a volcano
>"I know big girl words that are 4 entire syllables"