Is a 18-19 year old a "Millennial"? Jewgle says they're too young for that

Is a 18-19 year old a "Millennial"? Jewgle says they're too young for that.

Yes, they're Gen Z.

fuck i'm right in the middle.
jan 88. so almost 87.

Well, that doesn't stop middle-aged cunts from still calling little kids millennials. Like for example, when Jake paul's 6-14 year old little shit fans caused property damage in a neighborhood, his neighbor took the opportunity to bitch about millennials.

I really don't understand how millions of middle-aged people are so retarded that they can't Google the definition of what millennials are, and continue using the word to mean Gen Z, like they're Tumblrites trying to change the meaning of a word. Isn't Jewgle the easiest, most popular thing to use ever?

It's like if, for instance, millions of voters kept referring to Bill Clinton as "Hillary", even though every other source would say otherwise.

ITT: Millennials rationalizing why they can't possibly be Millennials.

Expect to see plenty of posts like these:
>I was born in 1990. I can't be a Millennial.
>Millennials are people born after 1995
>I'm not a Millennial, I'm Gen Y.
>My family didn't have internet service when I was 12. Definitely not a Millennial.
>I ate cereal for breakfast as a kid. Not a Millennial.
>I thought Millennials were born between 2002 and 2007
>Millennials are people born before 1994
>I like tacos. There's no way I could be a Millennial.
>Generations are about 4 years in length and it's been that way since 1980
>I was born in 1992 and I have absolutely nothing in common with someone born in 1994
>Rule of thumb if you can remember a time before the internet your a millineal, if not your gen Z.
>Oldest millennials right now are 27
>Gen Y is gen Y. millenial is anyone born after 2000. hence the fucking name, millenial.

All of the above were copied from other Millennial threads.
Half of them are completely retarded, and the other half just feel too extra super special to be part of their generation.

Actually i'm describing why i *am* a millennial you fucking idiot. I'm wondering why middle-aged people are retards and keep conflating millennials for Gen Z, even though the real definition of Millennials is a click away.

I was born in 97
I'm pretty sure that millenial is born in 90's and gen z is born in 00's.

Implying they'd use such an outdated Hetero-normative term such as "Honey"

I believe that remembering 9/11 is the barometer for millennials. Do you remember 9/11?

Gen Y and millenials kinda fused together for some unknown reason.
I wonder (((why)))?

I don't think that's how it works.
I don't remember it. I don't even know if I knew it happened. I don't remember too much of my childhood.

I think it's a different name for the same thing.

The dates changed though. Gen Y was 1977-1994, now Millennials are 1981-1997.

of course, i lived in NY and i was in the 8th grade.
i'm a fucking millennial.

I was asking the 97fag



>I believe that remembering 9/11 is the barometer for millennials

Typical Millennial bullshit.
If one kid born in '96 remembers 9/11 and another one doesn't, you think they're different generations?

My grandfather was born in 1923 and he remembers 9/11.
Does that make him a Millennial?
If he gets Alzheimer's and forgets it, does he suddenly change generations?

>I don't remember too much of my childhood.

His point is that if you were such a small child when 9/11 happened, then you're not a millennial but a Gen Z.

Nah I'm pretty sure I'm millenial

>If one kid born in '96 remembers 9/11 and another one doesn't, you think they're different generations?

One is of normal intelligence, and the other is a moron. But neither are millennials, because the term literally means "the first to come of age in the new millennium".

If you did not turn 18 between the years 2000-2010, then you are not a millennial.

Gen Z is 1996-2010

Gen Z is 1996-2010

Can't comprehend how people lived without the internet. I really can't.

>Gen Y and millenials kinda fused together for some unknown reason.

They didn't fuse together, and the reason isn't unknown.

Gen Y was lazily used for those born between 1980 and 2000 since they were the generation following Gen X (who were called that because they were the 10th generation following the Revolutionary War), because XYZ.
In 1991 the term “Millennials” was used in the book ‘Generations’, and the name stuck.

Same way that what was called the 'G.I. Generation' later became called the Greatest Generation when Tom Brokaw coined that term.

Same way that Gen Z will get it's own name eventually. Some that have already been used are 'iGen', 'Homelanders', and 'Plurals'.

All this generation shit is stupid and poorly defined.
Here's how I define Gen Z/Millennials.
Could you vote in the 2008/2012 elections?
Did you get to experience a time before 9/11 (ergo were you in at least 1st grade before 9/11)?
Was MTV still extremely popular when you were a kid?
Then you're a millennial.

If you couldn't vote until 2016, didn't know shit about the world pre-9/11, and had internet before 3rd grade, you're Gen Z.

>the term literally means "the first to come of age in the new millennium"
Ask me how I literally know you're literally a Millennial. Literally.

>If you did not turn 18 between the years 2000-2010, then you are not a millennial.
Another one for my stupid Millennial list.

The average length of a generation is 20 years--roughly the time it takes to go from infancy to majority.
It doesn't change just because you don't want to be a Millennial.

I honestly don't see how you can include through around the mid-late 80s in. The internet didn't start becoming a thing until right around 2000 (which would be the year someone born in 82 graduated high school). The real divide seems to be around those who were born around the mid90s.

pic related is from (((Harvard)))

Baby Boom Echo is what Millennials used to be called (1985-2004). The idea that Millenials are only from 1985-1990 is a meme started by retarded Gen Z wannabes.

Pretty much everyone on here is a millennial.

Also it's normal for one half of a generation to be left wing while the other half to be right wing. Early boomers were Free love hippies whereas late boomers were Free market yuppies who voted in Reagan. Both early and late boomers wanted more freedom and wanted to tear down regulation.

The internet became a thing around 1995

>All this generation shit is stupid and poorly defined.
Not really. You're just lacking any knowledge of generational theory.

>Here's how I define Gen Z/Millennials.
This is how I know you're a Millennial.
You could define dog shit as apple pie, doesn't make it so.