Looks like buzzfeed bested us.
Looks like buzzfeed bested us.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fixed the unarchived clickbaiters
hi buzzfeed
also bye
Thanks, I should not have given them the views.
>Sup Forums begins to mass produce fake promotions
>it gets to the point where nobody can tell the difference between real and fake
>normalfags get fed up and ragequit the internet
.....or we could also send out a fake "Starbucks" apology statement where we say we will honor the coupon. We have to wait until the ninth tho
Does anyone else report illegals that come into their store? I work at a place where we have to get a lot of information, and I make notes in the back of a journal I keep of names and addresses of illegals, then pass it on to ICE. I know at least 4 people deported because of it so far.
the 9th is my birthday
You guys should know better than to use Sup Forums to plan shit. Pretty much everybody from CNN to Fox News browses this place
This is pretty devious. If you can spread a hoax wide enough, there's a chance a company may actually honor it which only hurts them further.
I wish this was true.
Can you imagine how many illegals The God Emperor will be able to deport if we spread this enough to the point most people think it is legit.
It is. I work at an auto shop. Honestly, it started out as just a way to thin my non-english speaking customers because they are always a fucking problem and their cars are so shitty that we can't catch every problem it has when it comes in, so they always blame issues on us and we end up paying for it.
>Walk in with funny accent and lederhosen
> Ask for free coffee
> ???
> Profit
evil genius
Just go into Starbucks and order a coffee and when they ask your name say "Magga M A G G A" spell it for them immediately after saying it. When they hold up a drink and say "Magga!!" say "That's right mother fuckers!!" then grab your coffee and walk out like a boss. Don't forget to hang around the front for a while and collect female phone numbers cause you're a real man.
You're doing god's work son.
it made the fox news scroll
Jeezus, the kerning on that poster is really shitty. The graphic designer should be taken out and shot
Pure genius.
The SJWs back at hq wouldn't know what to do!!!
so all 10 people that read buttfeed won't fall for it?
I have all the OG files of the posters, I'll come up with something for the 9th