There are many Jewish ethnic divisions. A lot of Jews don't even have the typical hook nose and the Afro hair. Which Jew should we be worry about? And how to identify them?
Which Ethnic Jew Should We be Worry About?
Without a doubt the most dangerous is the irreligious Ashkenazim. "The International Jew" if you will. With the possible exception of the Sephardis, they're the only Jewish group with any power and will actually oppress others like the Mizrahis. Curiously enough, since they are probably the most pure blooded Jews still around anymore.
Anyway, even before appearance you should be more concerned about what they're actually saying. Anyone who tells you that you need to embrace diversity and remove all borders is pushing the globalist Jewish agenda, whether they mean it or not. They might be a goy too, but should still be regarded as an enemy.
beta israel. look it up
Did they kill Jesus?
Mizrahi because they vote far right. Tel Aviv Ashkenazim are /ourguys/
Oh shit, beta Israel is Nigger-Jews?
They didn't exist in those days. Ashkenazi are the most common, European kind. Back then they were all still purebloods.
Which Jew group did the Fuhrer want to gas?
There are far more Ashkenazi Jews in the US than Israel. Are we doomed?
Don't worry. The time for all of Jewry is coming soon.
What's the plan, user?
Ashkenazi and sephardic are the main enemies. The other are poverty jews, but still enemies.
All Jews are a problem because they are amoral, they can't help it, It's just what their beliefs make them. For the Jew the observation of all laws of man or state aren't followed out of a sense what's right and or ethical, only that they might be punished if caught.
I never understand why you think we have hooked noses.I understand the jewfro but still I have straight blonde hair and many other ashkenazi jews have it
we turn every bank into a gas chamber
That's because you're a European whose ancestors contracted a mind virus
Should we ask the Chinks to build them? It will save us a lot of money.
Does Australia have Jewish problems as well? I believe the Muslims are heading that way.