He literally and unironically did nothing wrong

He literally and unironically did nothing wrong.

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Hitler was a socialist - some areas were ok but I still argue in most cases was left of centre.
The reason ? His focus was the nation and not the individual.
I.e. National socialism.

This is so pathetic.

NatSoc was fundamentally an ideology built around race, while Marxist socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, including workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on racial identity. Socialism, in contrast, was a class war between workers, bosses, and owners (Capitalists), aiming to build a workers state in which race and gender were insignificant. Socialists, especially Marxist socialists, were anti-religious atheists, whereas NatSoc went so far as to make Christianity the religion of the state.

The differences go on and on: Marxist socialism was internationalist, NatSoc was nationalist. Marxist socialism was egalitarian, whereas NatSoc believed that nature was unequal and required competition. Marxist socialism wanted to nationalize all private industry, while NatSoc privatized every major industry except the railroads (it considered these a military asset). In fact, Hitler once joked "they didn't need to nationalize property because they nationalized people". NatSoc drew on a range of pan-German theories, which wanted to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates into a super Aryan state, which would involve the eradication of class-focused socialism as a non-German ideology.

> His focus was the nation and not the individual.
The volk = the nation.

Jesus Christ everyone knows about Seth rich. You're about 6 months late to the party.

OP I must concur. Hitler was a good man and the greatest white man of the past 150 years.

Wasn't he a puppet of the Rothschild

uhh actually I can think of about 6 million things he did wrong.


He's really powerful

According to brain dead shills.



Bavaria swag.

Now that their legal, anybody got nudes?


Who do you think was greater?
Not Dishonest Abe, Destroyer of the Constitution?


He did a lot of things wrong, but he wasn't wrong.

So close...


Then why did his own Generals want to kill him and tried to?

If he did nothing wrong, he would have won the war, right?

Obviously he did things wrong, he failed, committed suicide and ended up burnt to a fucking crisp.

He's a loser. FACT.

speaking strategically, he did make mistakes, he lost after-all. but in terms of ideology and morals, he did absolutely nothing wrong

>Then why did his own Generals want to kill him and tried to?
Yes 2-3 traitors with illusions that the allies would have granted peace.

That is indeed rare with the SA hat.

except for invading Russia without proper planning.

Hitler overextended himself in trying to control military and foreign policy and ended up unable to defeat his enemies

>fantasied about his niece peeing on him
>lived in an unmarried relationship
>stabbed the Christ of Nations
>killed himself like a pussy
truly a great leader

I thought it was because they saw his drug-induced interference was costing them the war.

His meddling in strategy was a major factor in Germany getting BTFO. In the end his generals were just ignoring his mad ranting orders as he murdered his family and dogs like a faggot.

Hitler is in the shit heap of history for a reason. He was all hat and no cattle.

Germany backed a clown. You're all surprised by the failed circus that came with him

he didn't kill enough sl*v(e)Shits there is still too much of them.

Lmao do you also believe he was a jew and had 1 testicle? Please read Irving at least.

Your country is a Bnai Brith project.

He killed Hitler

>believes everything unfitting his perpective is a lie
>recommends Irving

If you weren't with a polish butthurt complex you would know that Irving may be the only historian who dug up the actual diaries of people like Goebbels and interviewed the SS officer that burned Hitler etc.

Wait. You're sitting here denying that Hitler had any fault in Germany losing WWII?

I bet you believe he was a good General. Go read some objective sources and not propaganda that feeds your preconceived noting.

The fact he was a heavy drug user was easily proven, the bunker was filled with it.

Did Hitler's poor decisions lead to Germany's defeat? Simply yes or no will do.

Ivring is a saint
>Sacrifices himself to preserve the truth
Absolutely a hero

He had minimal fault for Germany losing WW2. Only the lack of resources (USSR, allied colonies) and manpower finished Germany.
>I bet you believe he was a good General
No he wasn't a general at all that's why the OKW exsited you moron.
>The fact he was a heavy drug user was easily proven, the bunker was filled with it.
Filled with what? Cigarettes? Read Hitler's War by Irving.

Have you listened to his biography? The whole Austria part is like from a James Bond movie.

>Did Hitler's poor decisions lead to Germany's defeat?
Seeing how Hitler decided to go to war, yes. On the other hand he did allow for a decent military buildup, and embraced new strategies such as the Blitzkrieg that gave Germany its military successes.

>He had minimal fault for Germany losing WW2.

LOL. What a bunch of bullshit.

>No he wasn't a general at all that's why the OKW exsited you moron.

I knew that, wasn't sure you did. So you're saying Hitler put out no orders regarding strategy or tactics for the battlefield?

>Filled with what? Cigarettes? Read Hitler's War by Irving.

LOL. That's for children.

Dr. Theodor Morell regularly provided Hitler with Dolantin. He quickly became a dependent drug addict. This increased his already bad decision making as it came to military strategy.

This is basic knowledge.


Hitler speaks to the leader of Finland
Sounds like he was aware they were fucked from the beginning (so to speak) but was trying to address the problem and how Russia was basically zerg rushing everything

>didn't kill all of the jews within conquered territories
>invaded russia way too late
>went as far as even CONSIDERING invading russia when he had enemies to the west
>didn't finish off britain because he had too much respect for the backstabbing anglos
>didn't pressure spain or portugal or turkey into the war

why do we even respect him

>On the other hand he did allow for a decent military buildup
Actually he didn't. Read Hitler's Revolution. Even looking at the %GDP dedicated to the army you can understand Hitler had no intention of going to war. All the allies and especially the USSR spend way more.

>I knew that, wasn't sure you did. So you're saying Hitler put out no orders regarding strategy or tactics for the battlefield?
He rarely did and after consulting with the OKW.

>Dr. Theodor Morell regularly provided Hitler with Dolantin. He quickly became a dependent drug addict.
Bullshit he started giving him late in the war because he developed Parkinson's.

People do give him credit for his initial successes. It's early success. He won battles but lost the war, no?

The claim of this thread is Hitler did nothing wrong. If that was true, he wouldn't have ended in loss, failure and charred remains.

I know lost cause faggotry leads to delusional depictions of shit people buy into. But Germany lost the war, and Hitler holds most of the blame. This is a fact.

In the USA we see this same type of sad shit from Southerners. You lost. Get over it.

no he killed 100% of the jews because the fake jews claim he killed 6 million jews in ww2 and thats the estimated number of jews in all of europe in ww2

this allows for israel to exist and be filled with faggy brits. so by the transitive property hitler did a lot of evil shit from promoting homosexuality and feminism to supporting refugees

>invaded russia way too late
Tbqh Mussolini fucked his plans with Greece.
>went as far as even CONSIDERING invading russia when he had enemies to the west
If you're referring to Britain he had no way of taking them out of the war. They refused peace deals.
>didn't pressure spain or portugal or turkey into the war
Turkey could have maybe made a difference if they weren't cucks and didn't have a horribly equipped army.

>muh Seth rich

The two met in 1936. He first gave him the hard stuff in 1941 when Hitler started to have a nervous breakdown and kept getting sick over the failures on the Ost Front. Hitler liked it, most do, and became a regular user.

From 1941-1944 he was a full on addict. Cocaine was also a big injection for him.

Hilter was a junkie. It's a fact.


>It's a fact.
Because you repeated like a parrot on Sup Forums what a bunch of jewish newspapers wrote? Read actual biographies that have sources from people close to him.

> satanic
> Jewish

So what are these memes for the mentally handicapped?

I think people don't like Nazis and Neo-Nazi because Nazis are dumb as shit, not because they hold on to failed ideology.

Don't know about the book, but Hitler definitely improved on the Weimar Reichswehr. He massively increased the size from 100.000 in 1933 to over 4.7 million including reserves, motorized large sections of the army to allow for Blitzkrieg tactics, and even managed to get the UK to renegotiate their naval limitations for further navy buildups. Not to mention the immense amount of military equipment and industry gained from the annexation of Czechoslovakia.
Whether he intended to go to war or not, he made sure Germany was ready for it.

I can see you're becoming hysterical. Jewish newspapers? Perhaps if I did will Irving have some Jews involved is his writing and publishing?

Stop being such a fucking rube. I've probably read more than you, since you don't now this BASIC fact about Hitler. His drug use is in all his well researched biographies.

Does him being a junkie really bother you that much? Perhaps it gives you another excuse to why he was a failure. Think of it that way.

True but just read the book it will completely change your perception.

And then what happened?

He was too much of an idealist and a dreamer, but he created a beautiful Germany before things went to hell.
It's sad to think how things could have been if Churchill had taken the peace offerings.

>Stop being such a fucking rube. I've probably read more than you, since you don't now this BASIC fact about Hitler. His drug use is in all his well researched biographies.
Such as? This is a really pathetic attemp at shilling. You have no actual sources.

> before things went to hell.

Oh yeah, it just happened. He had ZERO to do with it going to hell. It was just jew magic I suppose.

You guys are fucking delusional.

>just wanted to create an ethnostate where his people could determine their own future
>nearly the entire civilized world attacks them on behalf of their bank overlords
>durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it's Hitler's fault he lost

We all lost because we shot ourselves in the foot. He didn't even want Danzig, just wanted Polend to allow ethnic Germans to travel back to Germany. Couldn't have that, could we, Chaim? We probably even killed Patton for too many questions and too much wrongthink. We ate too much bullshit and now we're on the edge of a cliff. And for what? So communism could spread from Russia to the entire world and subvert our cultures and our peoples? Good fucking job, Patriot.

He invaded Poland. This was a mistake. He could have absorbed Prussia back into Germany without firing a shot. If he straight-up invaded France first, no one would have blamed him. Everyone hates France.

You're the caricature of a jew. Starting to be neurotic and hysterical. Watch the blood pressure Moshe.

Churchill would have surrendered if Germany destroyed the B.E.F. at Dunkirk. Imagine the hopelessness that would have descended upon the British people if their entire army was destroyed.

Norman Ohler's booked "Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich" is the best account and researched.

Yes, Ohler was a German who lived under the Third Reich. Yes, the book was written in German and translated.

How's that? Bet you'll find some new excuse...because you seem like a whiny pussy about Hitler.

The moment he claimed Aryan race supremacy is when he signed the death sentence for his people. And there is nothing wrong with that, because his people are too stupid to realize that even today.

Leftist Zionist puppet, did nothing good, was a vegetarian, farted loudly all the time, had premarital sex all his life, greasy black haired degenerate.

Losing a war is right then huh

He failed.
That's literally doing something wrong.

The funniest thing about that book is that the jews got hysterical about it because it implied that Hitler was innocent because the whole time he was under the influence of drugs.

Germany steamrolled western Europe and the Balkans, and proceeded to maul the entire Red Army. Unfortunately for Hitler his African campaign proved to be unwinnable due to logistics (too few ports in Cyrenacia), and the Soviets proved to be tougher than anticipated, dragging Barbarossa on until winter and exposing glaring flaws in German winter equipment. Soviet scorched earth policies proved devastating as well, destroying important resource centres like Maikop before the Germans could reach them.

I'll see. It still doesn't pertain to my original point.

You don't end up suiciding in a bunker without having fucked up somewhere

>the BEF
>the entire British army
>American education

Kys Jew nigger

Well that's stupid since I'm a christian whose family come from Germany, Norway and England.

I'm probably whiter than you. And there's no way I'm hysterical the amount of Vodka I've drunk tonight. I'm relaxed as fuuucc.

You on the other hand are the caricature of a dumb fuck-faced moron, who believes propaganda and lies to fit your preconceived notion. You're getting angry because you're tiny bubble has been popped. Need a tissue sauerkraut?

This type of lack of adaption and intelligence is why ideologies like Nazism fails. You are the example.

I will admit with a grandfather in the British Army and the other in the US Navy, combined they killed a shit pile of nazis. But hey, war's hell.

Read at least the first chapter. It could've been written this year.


>And there's no way I'm hysterical the amount of Vodka I've drunk tonight. I'm relaxed as fuuucc.
I hope you see the irony.

What does that have to do with anything? If anything that would increase its credibility with you would it not?

After all, any criticism of your falsely held beliefs about Hitler needs to instantly be dismissed as a product of the Jew propaganda? Can't do this here so what's your excuse to dismiss it?

It's the Nazi "safe space" just run to the corner and cry "Jews, jews, jews."

Read the book faggot, learn something.

That makes no sense, so no, I don't. I'm about to watch the new GoT again. Dragon's burning armies like Hitlers own soldiers burnt him.

Or do you deny that too?

The fact is that Hitler had Parkison's in the late war and he was given medication. Nothing in his behaviour proves that he was under any kind of drugs or addiction.

If Hitler did nothing wrong then why do jews still exist?

Mein Neger.