Let's have a honest discussion about this. Is Sup Forums radicalizing young white men into far right extremism and violence?
Let's have a honest discussion about this...
No but communism does that very well
What's radicalizing people into the far-right is how retarded and pushy far-left is. That and the exquisite memes.
Not really into violence
It's mostly radicalizing them into being larping faggots or white nationalists who believe in inclusivity in their movement lmao
Bunch of big tent mass movement faggots
But yeah I have not seen a single revolutionary come out of the alt-right or Sup Forums
I hope so
that guy looks way too much like me
Yes, it's actually kind of frightening when you take off the meme lens and look at what some of the kids here are saying.
I hear people saying stuff like
>I'm white and I'm proud
>We need to do something about the Jewish domination of every industry in western countries
>We should physically remove non-whites from our countries
I mean do they not have any self-awareness? They're fucking nazis! They're literal fucking nazis and they see nothing wrong with that. I mean holy hell god damn baby no what the fuck is wrong with these people? Newsflash retard, Hitler was the bad guy, and you are all bad guys. You're the fucking bad guys.
No you aren't hip or edgy or "ahead of the curve" by being a white supremacist. You're just an edgy retard who's trying to undo decades of progress.
No, the leftists who insist on division and conflict are doing that themselves. Sup Forums is here to tell them they're not alone in their anger/disgust, and there are alternatives to the nightmare the leftists want to create.
Sup Forums is just an anonymous message board, if anything it UN-radicalizes people by letting them speak their mind
(You) look way too much like me
lurk more
Europe belongs to whites. Period.
We're telling the truth. The rest is the natural reaction to it. Simple as that.
Sage and hide this faggoty thread.
Forgot to mention pic related is the Canadian French guy who shoot up Muslims in Canada,. It's been confirmed he was a poltard, same as Dylan Roof so you guys are responsible for the people they killed.
Holy shit are you guys me?
No, Sup Forums is a board of peace.
i think the media is far more to blame. people see headlines like this and think "oh my god wtf leftists" and then come here to find a group of likeminded individuals who present viewpoints that aren't counter-intuitive and "make sense at face value" and then they go with it.
Minus Holohoax Nazi's did *literally* nothing wrong.
No, blacks and shithead liberals are. Pol was just a place for me to find like minded individuals. If it wasnt here, I'm sure we'd meet somewhere else. I was on voat before this, Reddit before that.
it's accurate even down to the v-neck sweater and white undershirt
People who are violent don't sit around shitposting. They go out and ride the tiger and fuck the girls the guys on here are in love with.
I rejected your morality and substituted my own instead.
Sup Forums is only radicalizing young men to be data-driven intellectual conservatives with a realist view on the state of the present.
It's Dylann Roof and he did nothing wrong
Also sauce for both of them being on Sup Forums
I am pretty sure I saw loose evidence the baguette was but nothing about Dylann
Hopefully. If we are then we're not doing it well enough.
You have to go back
most true right wing fanatics is 99% shitposting 1% action
>user doesn't realize this is a clone containment site
(Skinny) Man writes sweet & affectionate post about how he loves his 'fat' or “thick” (sic) wife and she's beautiful. Feminists ARE angry
Same. It is definitely a good thing that picture represents your average Sup Forumslack, though.
Negative. Only the individual who perpetrates whatever the fuck you're trying to pin on Sup Forums is responsible. That's how responsibility works. This is a mongolian basket chroming image-board...retards are going to participate here and be retards in real life. It's 0% "our" fault you gay-faggot-who-likes-penis's-in-on-and-around-you. Eat more dicks dick eater.
No, but the absurd lack of common sense, anti-liberty, and elitist smugness pushed by the left is.
He looks like a nice guy. I don't understand what your problem is.
White people need scapegoats. If there was one race that caused all troubles they would of been killed and peace on earth. But reality is if the whole world was white not much would change. Kosovo,World war 1 and 2 etc. whites vs whites.
Somebody woke up on the wrong side of their tactical bowl cut this morning
I spoke a while ago to a Muslim shia in my town and we discussed "Radical" Islam.
he said that if Europe or any country for that matter becomes Majority Muslim (demographic threat), that there is not one Muslims that wouldn't take up arms against the Infidel, if they don't want to submit to Allah, if so decreed.
I was somewhat shocked (Imagine my socks) and asked WHY.
He said that it would be a matter of survival for him as a Muslim, if he doesn't want to be killed as a hypocrite as the quran decrees.
naturally i then asked then if that's the case then there are no moderate muslims.
He just laughed in my face and said that the concept of moderate muslims
only exist in the minds of the West, but not in middle east or east asia.
I disagree.
You wish, because then it would legitimize your irrational hatred of the only good race
We're not left. We're not right. We are Sup Forums. We hate niggers, cultural appropriation, feminists, conservatives, and liberals.
Crazy people will get influenced by anything. The bible,the koran,Sup Forums,The beatles albums look at charles manson.
So Nazis then. Great how that worked out for them.
Okay, imagine this:
you're a loser who likes to play video games and that's about it, you're almost completely apolitical or at worst a 'live and let live' kinda guy. Then suddenly some kind of retards bust into your hobby and demand that it is changed to suit them because you're evil racist sexist bigot. The producers and creators in your hobby decide to pander to them because the retards have power on social media and you see games that you enjoyed turn into copy-pasted shit with no memorable aspects aisde from the fact that you can flirt with a gay guy whose entire personality is about how gay he is and how difficult his life is. Basically games turn to shit, and then you go online to research your enemies and find out they've been doing this shit systematically to almost every aspect of life, they are not satisfied until they get their way completely, and every aspect of the life must be struggle against opression that is peretrated by ebil wypipo, especially the double-ebil men.
That's the story for most of the 'nazis' in my experience.
communism not mentioned
Aktion T4 was pretty shitty brah.
>but euthanizing retards is good!
They did more than euthanize retards. Kidnapping grandmothers with Alzheimer's, lying to the family about where grandma went, sticking grandma in a gas chamber, forging a cause of death, and then handing the family a random urn of ashes because they didn't bother keeping track of the bodies is pretty fucked, arguably more fucked than the holohoax as at least the Jews were enemies of the state.
>zero argument spotted
>wants us to take the morality high groud by agreeing the statements in his green text are wrong
Fuck your subjective morality, kikes and shitskins cause more damage than good.
yes....all 87 of them here
>You're just an edgy retard who's trying to undo decades of progress.
What progress? Jewish progress on the project "white genocide"?
I don't give a crap anymore about reasoning or arguments from jews and good goys.
You are nothing to me, there isn't a single reason in the world why I should feel compassion with you people.
This guy fucking joking?
U r sofa king we tidd did
The jew scientist had the plans for the atomic bomb. There own racism fucked them up. They got beaten in the olympics by blacks. Racism is self destructive.
Nope, and fuck you. The Left (aka Black Lives Matter) openly advocates White Genocide, and Sup Forums is the only board that's high-IQ enough to see that the same rich and powerful people are behind the radicalization of both the Left and the Right. Lurk more until you understand what's going on.
To answer your questions:
Are you saying I should be ashamed of being White? Nope, go read some FBI crime stats and think about which races deserve to be ashamed.
Jewish domination is real, but a-ok? Or you're unaware who controls Facebook, Google, Tinder, OKCupid, Goldman-Sachs, and many other esteemed organizations, which they use to assault the financial and moral well-being of earnest Whites by pushing innovative financial products and destruction of marriage?
And you think given the above facts that Whites should keep on being good shabbos goys until we all get stabbed by Mexicans like my poor coworker did?
In Jesus' name, bless this sinner, for he knows not whose interests he serves.
> post-script: thanks to Sup Forums, I realized I'm somewhere between 1/2 and 1/4 Jewish. Technically, I'm a Jew. Explains why I love pilpul so much.
It's just memes bro
Even the commie-nigger gets it
Were you hear round election season? Berniefags were all over this fucking place. That's why I left Communism out.
Go to bed Hegel.
Nah, Pol is like Mel Gibson in Brave heart & leftist are England.
"far right" is actually just normal you're just a disgusting inhuman commiefag who will die depressed and alone and poor
Go back twice and then work your way up and go back again.
Maybe he's LARPing as a jew here? Who knows.
If not he must be seriously retarded to believe that there is some way to still argue his way out of the future repercussions that will come for what his people have been doing to us.
Well I'm a young male, who some here don't consider white, and I'm pretty radical because of Sup Forums. So good job.
What do you take umbrage with?
Get back to me when any you come up with any regime in history that didn't do anything "bad". I'll wait.
Yes, I'm 100% sure that these neckbeards will definetly rise up, get out of their parents basements, wipe the cheeto's dust off their face, and get blinded by the sun as they witness the outside world for the first time in a decade because of cartoon frogs on the internet.....
Gommies are based and white
Violence? No
It is however radicalizing them into idealogues
We criticize the left for their tendency to disregard logic when it doesnt fit their narrative.
A lot of people on this board seem to forget that it goes both ways.
yeah, the leftists may be "wrong" from a logical perspecive, but that doesnt automatically verify al their opponents beliefs
the "alt right" (i dislike the term since there doesnt seem to be a significant group that indentifies itself as such, but its close enough and we're stuck with it) are turning into the exact same idealogues they claim to protest.
Theres little, if any, openness to ideas outside of their current belief system. they blindly follow whatever their leaders or peers seem to think and never made up their own fucking opinion about anything. Its all about group identity, and never about the induvidual (which is what makes up the group, you dont build a house out of shitty materials if you want it to last either).
anyone that opposes their views is a paid shill or leftypoltard, which is exactly the same as a lefty calling you a bigot if you hadn't realized.
On the other hand, we did have a long summer
most of the anons i described are probably just underage. untill they grow up, we're stuck with the cancer though.
If anything it's young white men to stand up for themselves.
Now fuck off, kike.
I voted left/ far-left all my life. Last couple of years, their bullshit was too mind blowing for me to keep siding with them. What did it was the gender bullshit. Basically they pushed me away, they redpilled me.
Youtube and ecelebs did the next step, and by the time I got to Sup Forums I was pretty much right wing.
I'm not radical, not violent unless you mess with me or my family, and I'm not racist.
wait what the fuck.
> in GATE
> chess champion at same age as op pic related
i know you're baiting but tell me more about the secret clone lab
I do bro. Those threads against Serbs, Anglos, Germans, Russians and others are all created by jews trying to drive a wedge between us and our interests.
Take your false flag elsewhere. We dindu nuffin.
Any far left or right is destined to fail. Look Nazis lost the war. Americans had blacks fighting on there side and got the jew scientist who hitler kicked out. Turns out they had the plans for the atomic bomb. They would of won if they fucking kept the smart jews.
Yes and it's a good thing.
I was a Tumblr communist before I came here. Thank you, Sup Forums.
You amerimutts are getting really fucking annoying with your "hurr fuck off kike/shill" bullshit. Do you actually want this place to turn into an echo chamber? Are you this dense?
i come here every few months just to see what its like
from what i remember there was far more trump worship a few months ago and communism seems to be picking up a bit although that may just be wishful thinking on my part. don't remember any bernie supporters here at all really but could be wrong.
we hate nothing because nothing is sacred to us
>the fucking rules
Yes I feel angry
Fuck off, Jew lover. Go back to whatever website ya came from where you fucked niggers all the time.
>honkies don't look the same
>basing your political opinions on gender warz
you kekistanis never fail to amaze me
the holocaust was the worst genocide in history, absolutely horrible.
I mean six million people died
what the fuck?!
it's almost like Hitler wasn't even trying to genocide an entire ethnic group or something
It's fine it is usually r/The_Donald who screams about shills and doesn't know how to sage which is why there are all these bait threads reaching bump limit
>avg polack
>>not obeast
Why are you getting so butthurt over a simple insult, you fucking faggot?
Leave if you can't handle it.
>telling someone else to lurk moar
>can't even tell underaged-tier bait
kys newnigger
Thanks for that Schlomo
Nobody here is becoming violent, our lives are too comfy to throw them away.
That being said I wouldn't be surprised if some right-wing terror group forms in the next decade or two and 'redpilled' westerners swarm to join it.
Im the only one here that matters in this conversation so.
>pic related
low effort
tbf, anders brevik played cod; are you saying video games turn people into mass murderers?
Something like that.
>[Post a Reply]
Jews create all race mixing propaganda.
Jews are behind the invasion of Muslims and Africans into Europe.
Yet no race mixing allowed in Israel and no Open Borders for Israel.
They want to exterminate us. Never forget this. They unironically believe that you are a subhuman that must be destroyed.
Far right is just the left flanking centrism/basic common sense. What is now "Far-right" is basically something simmering around center-right. If you think transgenders are legitimately in the wrong body or that the only species on earth that is exactly the same the world over is humans than you're (an idiot) "far-left".
>Nobody here is becoming violent, our lives are too comfy to throw them away.
Basically why no real change will happen so long as the system is more or less stable
>That being said I wouldn't be surprised if some right-wing terror group forms in the next decade or two and 'redpilled' westerners swarm to join it.
>I want someone else to do the work for me
Read again retard. That's not what I said.
fug wrong nazbol
>letting a nebulous descriptor word affect you seeing it is malleable by pressure
nah ur either an ethnic pan europa or ur one of us africans.
I got my (You). Fuck you
Sup Forums cant even show there faces. you think they got the balls to create an army of warriors. Even gang members have a better chance of doing real violence.
Not quickly enough.