
Looking for that one meme showing the different paths of Sup Forums. Anyone got it?




No user, her asshole is underwater so it would be more of a PLBUBUBUB



We're going to have another one of these?



>Literal /thread

Nah meant this Thanks goys

Is there more like this?

is this meant to show different pollacks in different paths or is it a one guy progress only?

They're possible outcomes

Here you go famalam

related but not what was requested

Currently on the path to number 2 outcome. Feels fucking good man.

Where's the one with the grump Nazi guy who gets a plane ticket, experiences other cultures, and comes home more appreciative of his fellow man? Except in this timeline he doesn't, because multiculturalism has transformed every place in the world into a carbon copy of NYC.


>German expansion

White unity will never exist if we're going to allow Germans to chimp out and steal other land

>A wild swedish girl appears

Sup Forums. How much of a nigger do I have to be to score such?

>man dies, gets married, turns into an untermensch, and then turns into hitler

wtf is path 4?


Currently in the lifting phase. If I make it, hoping I end up on path 2. If not, path 4. Path 1 if I don't make it.

blacker than the blackest black times infinity

I hate this place so much.
Just admit you're all fucking newfag redditors. Please, stop with this fucking self-masturbation and pretending.

>the holocaust happened



>TFW unrestrained capitalism

Wait, what kind of masturbation are you into?

>the holocaust didn't happened


Is path 3 basically saying you become what you hate?

Precisely. Too far on the opposite end is just as bad. Being against typical degeneracy doesn't mean you can't be degenerate in other ways.

>Haven't started lifting
>Haven't necked myself nor will I
Only one option left, used to be an artist of sorts btw.

My sweet, sweet summer child. Read more.

I could go for a mean handy from a shot out single mom right now

How do you guys get into reading? I used to read all the time as a kid but I dropped it after high school and now I can't be bothered with anything besides textbooks.

Can anyone else relate?

very informative thank you

Can someone post some of the Sup Forums reading images?

Online there are a lot of books, it really depends on your interests and your goals. Do you want to learn skills or entertain yourself?



I mean, I guess both would be ideal.
Thanks user

Honestly, I didn't have time to sit down and read Main Kampf. Was working 50 hrs+ a week and second kiddo on the way. I found and audio book on torrent and listened to it while driving to and from work. After that it motivated my ass to actually take my spare time reading.


Working on path 2 right now, just got my body to a real good point and started dating again.

If you guys are on mobile and have a shit compression version, copy the url and then take the m off the file name to view it without compression

Path 2 is comfy.

You need to update the right wing part buddy
>Evalion (She's a Jew and a fucking commie now)
>E-celeb shit
>No mention of Jared Taylor or William Luther Pierce
>No mention of the Founders' writings (they were all white nationalists)
Shit image

The Peterson path.

But I wouldn't make it so structured. Take a look at all three of the final "paths."

Also has a lot of good ones to sprinkle in obviously, I can't find the one I saved awhile ago but these lists have most of the overlap with the one I saved.

Path 4 is being a scholar, not only understanding WHAT to do but WHY it must be done. What it really takes to be a man. Note that you can definitely go from 4 back around to 2, but you'll probably only have one or two kids because you'll be a bit older and so will your wife.


Thanks goys
I'm finally getting around to nietzsche and it's really knocking my socks off desu

I'm considering reading marx for some perspective.


>starting it off with Hamilton's collection
Man that brings me back to high school. Took a class on Mythology while studying Greek and Latin, got extra perspectives on the stories in my history classes, learned in Mathematics all about the principles they were using to build roads and monuments.

Truly felt like going back in time and talking with my ancestors, back when school was good.

I started with reading for fun, fantasy shit like Warcraft, Witcher, GoT series. Go with anything that is 'easy' and feels leisurely, fiction or non fiction, just to get that reading part of your noggin joggin again.

then move onto the classics and things that will challenge you.

Thanks user, I'll look to getting ito these.

Thucydides is the easiest to read of all of these. He really just wanted you to know what the fuck was going on, not lead you along with asides and moralizing at every turn.

Also the Melian Dialogue is mandatory Sup Forums reading.

>was younger
>had this dream of one day buying some property in a cool british town
>cozy pubs
>old world character

>oxford uk seemed like the place
>but then london goes full globohomo cuck
>just totally btfo and doomed m8

>is oxford still ok?
>how many years do we have left before it's overrun by dindus and jihadists?
>should i even visit at this point or keep it a beautiful dream in my head?

>open random thread with ass
>already have a (you)
>a (you) from a week ago

You're greentexting wrong and your idea of countryside England is outdated as fuck. There are plenty of semi-rural towns in America that evoke a similar feeling and don't have 60% tax rates.

95% of Sup Forums chooses the third path, minus the lifting. This board is such a fucking joke.

5% taking the ultimate path means there will be an officer corps ready to support the few who take the last, most necessary path. Someday the best of us will recognize this place as a great boon to all mankind.

5% of Sup Forums is like 1,000 max and 30% probably not even white.

That isn't even green texting
Fucking newfags

>minus the lifting

5 angled pushups a day is all it takes to be fit.

95% of Sup Forums is white trash shitposting on borrowed wifi from the trailer home next door instead of doing their high school homework. Look at the bright side, while they're here they're exposing themselves to ideas that would never occur to them in a normal environment. Rather than just stewing in hate for 50 years and then killing themselves, they have access to thinkers and writers and movements that would normally pass them completely.

Meanwhile, leftists are bending over backwards trying to be the biggest victims and fragmenting their support. It's best this way.

Anyone got anymore?

Also this.

Half of the libertarian-right books are written by Jews.

