We all want to be 2, 4, or 5, but we'll probably be 1 or 3.
I really do hate facists though. So it will probably be 1 and 3 like OP said.
Fascism is shit, but Marxism is worse.
comrade cringe
Marxism always fails ;)
Big if true (it is).
I still haven't had a Sup Forums user justify fascism to me. National socialism is just white Bernie Sanders, it's just as retarded.
National capitalism is where it's at.
So has nationalism
Probably at the 3nd stage right about now. Don't really want to fall for the natsoc meme with it being anti-(my race) and all. If I could find a form of fascism that didn't rely on hating one type of person vehemently I might've been on board
>lives in a world of nation states
2 is hopeful because I'm at the halfway point and I see that there is a possible future for me. Even if marriage and having kids will make your life miserable, it's still not going to "ruin your life". Ruining your life is suicide remember everyone.
Lol rlly
Based communist
>National capitalism is where it's at.
National Capitalism is literally an oxymoron.
Capitalism is inherently internationalist
When you say national capitalism all I think of is a nation of useless consumerists who fulfill corporate interests in the name of their nation
What exactly is 4? Iron pill?
so is national socialism
fuck all of you nazi retards.
Intelligent people come here, maybe get hypnotized by the memes, and then realize it's all disgusting hatred based on disinformation and non-arguments.
Anyone with a brain is a liberal.
Every day I experience a different number.
Today was #1
It's prussian socialism
Marxist socialism is internationalist tho
stop it with the divide and conquer
we're all headed for #6 together
This is #6
4 here
The replies in this thread are shit
Sup Forums really is done
Either that or 75% of the replies are bots and summerfags because they definitely fucking read like bots or summerfags
this chart is wrong, hate comes after the failure of marriage.
See you all in 10 years. That's when things will be REALLY bad. Then the world might be ready for national socialism once again
realistic version
realistic version, 50th anniversary remastered edition
What happens if you never reached step 4? I'm stuck in an infinite loop of step 3.
I'm on path 4 as a side quest to attain 2. But if i don't get a frickin gf soon I'm going to going down path 1 real quick tbqh
You've gone mad?
The world's always ready for it, what matters is that we have a chance to find the wheat when shit goes down.
I'm 5 nigger. I'm joining the navy and when I rock itand get to the top I'm going to be heavily involved in putting America in a fascist direction. I want to be the next Rockwell. I have no problem with being a martyr and dying for my ideals
spooky, reminds me of giygas
Socialism according to Oxford:
A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Thus National Socialism: previously stated economic principles with an ethnic-nationalist view of social organization.
Not an oxymoron. So you're utterly wrong.
>muh production
Literally Marxcuck logic.
Daily reminder capitalists and Marxists have the same end goals.
I am well aware of what Hitler said on the matter and nothing I have said goes against it.
I'm just putting it out there in response to the "official" definition of socialism.
The whole means of production being everything meme Marx started is retarded.
>Taking anything on Sup Forums seriously
Yeah, no I understand. In most of these threads I have to try and break people's conditioning about the word "socialism" as it not being anything to do with Marxism, as the word and idea predates Marx by decades.
But it's one battle at a time.
>been on Sup Forums for 3 years shitposting
>only just now starting to take it seriously
I am a 1 or 3 for sure.
>cites no sources what-so-ever
Really just hoping I'm not the only one lifting and trying legit to be more fit, and not the one guy talking to a bunch of fat nerds on the internet.
Lift you fat/lanky far right fuckers.