>we wuz natives and sheet
>we could of ruled North America
We wuz natives and sheet
>all their shit is still burnt to the ground
>Be at least 1/8 Cherokee
>Realize injuns are drunken shithead subhumans
sieg heil
>muscular Indian
They were all starving African tier, the majority being scrawny manlets who weighed 140 soaking wet.
Thousands of different tribes some very different than others. Best were killed quickly by Jews. Why do you think Louis and Clarke crossed the US
Funny how even tho we're all just mongoloids we still have to distinguish ourselves.
checked and kek'd
I'm doing gods work op
If you faggots hate injuns so much why do you desperately try to claim your 1/84th native blood like anyone gives a shit
If they had another hundred years maaaaaybe they could have united, at least the northeast and midwest.
But they'd still need to advance technologically enough to survive the diseases, which had a domino effect.
That's just lefty faggots like Pocahontas who are desperate for a way to play the diversity card.
The rest of us don't really give a fuck.
Yeah...a neolithic "culture" versus a colonial gunpowder culture. What a surprise the wagon burners got rekt
You can actually smell the poverty dripping out of her hpv infected asshole
teepee in her peepee
Yet all it took for me to wipe out their "culture" was blankets.That's right the piece of cloth you pull over you when you sleep.
That wiped out Indians
thats gay nigga
chicken juice gorilla