Why do Westerners say that Japan is a country of men's predominance over women?
There are 8 millions of god in Shinto, Japanese religion.
Amaterasu is the most major god.
Why do Westerners say that Japan is a country of men's predominance over women?
There are 8 millions of god in Shinto, Japanese religion.
Amaterasu is the most major god.
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didnt she get raped?
Yup, used goods
The G7 Summit 2016 was held near the shrine for Amaterasu
Why would you use a Chilean artist for Amaterasu?
Are the Japs this ignorant?
Amaterasu is of the Shinto faith, which was overtaken by Confucianism before the Heian era. Confucianism is a patriarchal ideology, and pushed empresses and female nobility out of power. Although Buddhism made a small impact in Japan and Shintoism returned (albeit in a very different form), Western influence after the Tokugawa era cemented the patriarchal society already established in Japan.
Read a fucking book.
She's the only female goddess among the trio (Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukiyomi). The creation gods are Izanagi who is a male god and Izanami who is a female goddess.
They had equality long before the western culture came.
I want to cum in her mouth.
Oh, you know well, thanks
Someone else already did.
I thought japanese were atheists
Link to vid?
Haven't you seen DBZ? They know there are dieties
Shinto is now Japanese culture. There is a Shinto shrine any town.
Most Japanese don't think it is religion, but most Japanese go to Shinto shrine for praying.
Once again there's only one person in the group not doing as the others.
These photos of her with others seem to highlight her awkwardness at relating to those around her. Is it some kind of self-soothing thing? Anxiety? What the fuck, merkel?
Used gods
because men are real, gods not, dumbcuck
>8 million gods
Saucegay, you can't just make up bullshit techniques and call them deities' names
"Hold my Amenotejikara"
Man, Okami was a great game.
I want to fuck that god.
Almost all bad stereotypes of us are Jewish projection by the (((media)))
Who the FUCK cares weeb trash
Yeah, the god of Christianity is one of them
kekistani tier flag checks out
If you actually knew Japanese, you would know that there are actual researches going on over the Shinto Religion and Japanese past including the translations of Nihon no Shoki and other papers and as of now, the gender of Amaterasu remains a mystery and is actually up for debate.
You can say It's a goddess or a god, but as of now there is no clear answer, and if you say either way scholars will debate you until you just give up and keep doing research on those old ass papers with nipponese literally no one can understand this time and age.
Never change, Sup Forums
>Western influence
You are a fucking idiot and I hope you get raped by oni.
The japanese conceptualization of religion and gods is quite similar to the northen European one in that the supernatural entities exist as real objects and creatures rather than things to have articles of faith over.
They don't believe that the kami exist, kami just exist and you deal with it.
lol she got quints and made a necklace of them.
just like in my japanes anime.
Do you realise that Amaterasu translates into Mother Russia?
>mind blown
Watch The last Samurai, and tell me there wasn't a western influence on Japan in the 19th century..
There was literally a civil war between those who wanted to remain unchanged and those pushing (sneakily) forward, because it would lead them to power.
>A fucking doorway
go back
>Watch The last Samurai
And learn my history from the inglorious bastard as well, you faggot.
Checked, but what was ?
easily one of the best PS2 games ever created
I only referred that movie because it was the easiest way to teach normies a thing or two about Japanese history.
Here, a bit easier to digest.
>(((Western Influence)))
That's not what the Boshin War was about, you absolute retard. Do you seriously believe that the Last Samurai was depicting the Boshin war?
Japanese samurai were using firearms back in the 16th century.
>Watch The last Samurai, and tell me there wasn't a western influence on Japan in the 19th century..
jesus fucking christ. your source is a tom cruise movie? turn off your computer. you're an idiot.
also pic related. we're done here.