"Google's Ideological Echo Chamber"



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What if we archive it

Gizmodo isn't that evil and they're publishing the whole thing, I don't hate giving them views for that but whatever.

The whole thing reads like he overdosed on Adderall and Jordan Peterson and said fuck it

>everything else is a slide thread
Everything on here is a slide thread. You could have a thread showing that armed black militants are marching on every town in the United States and it would be a slide thread. Why? Because all we will ever do is let it slide.

Women are less productive. Spend more time socializing. Are weaker and generally less capable. Rarely look to better themselves. Not competitive, but uses deceit to get ahead. A lower tolerance for stress. This is all the fault of men and we need to hold up the line so they can succeed.

exactly, its baby's first jordan peterson, still funny that google even has a VP of diversity to get outraged at this shit

It's very well written, and his points are well defended. That said I'd fire him if I was his superior. Every big corporation leans left, that's where the money's at. Writing this big tantrum isn't good for business, it's unnecessary drama.

What if the accusation was that your company was an ideological echo chamber and it gained traction on social media all over the world?
Firing him at that point would be like taking out a double page ad in every major newspaper to say "we're an ideological echo chamber. fuck us."

Right you're looking for the lesser of two dramas with the relevant demographics. Either way this is just plain immature, if you dislike your job so much find a new one don't try to lecture a massive conglomerate on corporate culture.

>not evil

>implying there are any jobs in silicon valley that are not leftist shitholes

He did God's work, the leftists are eating each other over this.

>Gizmodo isn't that evil
>t. Gawker employee

Anyways, I went in expecting this guy to be redpilled, but he's bluepilled as shit with a lot of the shit he was saying. "I'm all for racial and gender diversity" Fuck this faggot. I hope he gets eaten alive by his leftists coworkers and bosses.

Nah he said it mosratley enough that it wasn't controversial to level headed people. That's why it's so effective at triggering liberals


What are the odds moot wrote this?

it literally said it's omitted charts and hyperlinks

he still hates us

Not the Unabombers Manifesto
Therefore a slide thread
>I love sage on my main dishes

The author is 100% correct and everyone knows it, it's just those on the left have to have something to fight

(((hitler made a train car that ( slid ) jews into a gas chamber)))


Every parent hates their retarded son. Besides him hating us has nothing to do with him writing this

Sup Forums needs to campaign to have googles new VP of Diversity fired for her response to this, and the fact that she is white. It would be magnificent kek

>Every big corporation leans left, that's where the money's at.
At least until society back towards the right, which is happening now as the 3rd-world hordes continue to erode our generosity and patience. He might've fired it off a bit early by next year, even corporations will start to feel the winds changing.

kys shill

>overdosed on adderall
>it's well-written but fire him