What causes people to not want to believe in Jesus? Honest question
What causes people to not want to believe in Jesus? Honest question
I believe in God and Jesus.
Just look at the last 10-15 years and if you don't believe in pure evil, Satan, you are willfully blind
Some people require evidence of something to believe in it. And some people among that group even if given evidence do not subscribe to the idea of worship no matter what.
Jesus and all of the miracles require magical thinking. Normal people tend to think this way because they want to feel that their lives are meaningful. Autist brains demand a rational explanation for everything.
The magic and mystery in this world died.
Some people don't require the crutch of religion, others do. That's pretty much it.
Not wanting to? Probably teen edge or something along those lines. The need to rebel from their family values and be different.
In the real world having a religion is for the most part a good thing. Most people need a purpose and believe in some sort of bigger picture for their peace of mind. It also keeps morons that would otherwise not have any morality from committing unspeakable atrocities; but with or without Jesus the true nature of men will stay the same; niggers gonna nig and such.
I can't help the fact that I don't believe; it's not a matter of whether I want to or not.
a need for hope and meaning in this life and hopefully the next.
Every human has a place for some sort of "religion" that they crave, be it an addiction, money, fame, beauty, sex, knowledge, etc
You know theres problem when even fags think youre a freak
Probably his bullshit made up name. Jesus is a creation of the renaissance.
His real name is Yoshua. AKA JOSHUA
Jesus is Josh.
Being so attached to earthly pleasures that you rather rot in hell than repent.
no evidence
I ate a durian today. It was pretty bad. Bad taste and bad smell.
Shit taste confirmed.
Jesus was probably a real guy with an extremely high level of consciousness and he pointed out the bad and the usurious jews ect. So he had a good message but it's been subverted and manipulated to weaken Western Civilzation
John 3
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
The capatcha I got was a pocture of Jesus
because he scientifically dosent exist and is just another spook to shackle the mind
>"but without it people just act immoral"
no people dont all things can be explained with science even "muh morals"
>I'm not attracted to men in drag who have gotten surgeries to attempt to look female
I'm still amazed that trans acceptance is mainstream
I want to believe but it is transparent bullshit so I cannot.
What do you find transparent about it?
I mean a lot of the literal interpretation requires a lot of belief in superstition and magical thinking.
And people are correct to steer away from belief in unnatural phenomenon, but I think that sort of thinking was only introduced by European Pagan culture, if you delve into the text more you understand a lot of it are teaching stories. Not meant to be taken literally
You like durian?
It tasted like creamy roasted garlic and smelled like rotting onion
Wow that totally explains him being to heal people by toiching them
The influence of the (((Christ Killers))) and satan. Same thing really.
I can't even wrap my head around that stupid fucking cartoon suicide immediately op
Not wanting to fuck trannies and/or pointing out that they are disgusting abominations is transphobic
is this the whole unedited comic?
study phillosophy and theology you immense faggot. What you're too much of a special snowflake to believe in God? You think you're the only materialist who has difficulty believing in God?
>"now excuse me while i shreak at people do don't accept me as otterkin"
The contradictions in the Gospels. When did Jesus die? How did the apostles view Jesus? As the literal son of God? Or just a very holy person? The Christianity we have today is just bad interpretations upon bad translations upon fan fiction. The New Testament is arbitrary and not to be trusted.
>k-kill me
>homos like cocks
>trannies don't understand that they want the cock
>offended they're not attracted to their lack of cock
Same reason people don't believe in muhammad or quetzalcoatl they believe something else.
Jewish propaganda and scientific """enlightenment"""
It's a Jewish religion for the weak and the lame. But if you brought back the Inquisition all would be forgiven. I would burn the heretics down in the name of Jesus the White, Charlemagne, and Queen Waifu Isabella.
Trannies aren't people, they're husks. There is no soul in there.
Look at the world when most people believed in God, and look at our crumbling secular civilizations we have now. The disease of cultural Marxism would have been held at bay with strong faith.
Not in KJV. Around 33 A.D.. Read the Bible.
also nice trips satan
extra thicc
jesus did exist but was still just a man
no evidence exists for god t b f none that proves he does not exist-exists but using occams razor i can come to the conclusion he dosent
yes he was
He was probably a real man, but just like all religious figures throughout mankind's storied history, his miracles and abilities were exaggerated.
having a working brain
I think a lot of people just had bad church experiences caused by boomer parents while growing up which drives them away.
>go to church every sunday
>parents never really take time to explain God, Jesus, and all the beautiful things in the world
>just give me the barebones and tell me to be thankful, not use his name in vain, etc etc
It's not a matter of want, it's a matter of can't. The miracles of the NT aren't believable. I could do it, but I would be aware that I'm pretending.
>The disease of cultural Marxism would have been held at bay with strong faith.
Or bullets.
A brain. You know, that organ that allows you to perform analytical thinking.
Why should I believe in Jesus when there are other deities which have been around for much longer?
lack of evidence perhaps