What does Sup Forums think of Common Filth?

What does Sup Forums think of Common Filth?

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cryptohomo trying to supress his fag desires by shitting on others

In general, a good guy.

He's wrong on some things, but genuinely sincere.

He's great, but sometimes he goes a bit too far in his critique of white decadence to the point that he idolizes nonwhite cultures, even though they have many of the same flaws.

I agree that white societies are mostly wicked and should be destroyed, but to say that blacks would do it any better is wrong

also pretends to be supertrad but hangs out with PUA degenerates



Islamic faggot

I agree with him on many things but I'm not religious. He's a solid person


faggot who makes dishonest collage videos without any message behind them. He should probably kill himself and if you fall for his shtick you probably have the iq of a nigger.

He sold bumper stickers that said white women fuck dogs
A real hero to the white race oh wait isn't he a spic

Nobody cares about this faggot. I dont like a lot of whites but niggers are much worse

>implying white girls don't fuck dogs

shitting on women is sooo trad and totaly not gay

also he's clearly white, you can see it in his flag burning video


>"we aren't as bad as niggers so that makes everything okay"

Forney tier shit. Was useful once upon a time, not anymore though

Guessing Common Filth is just another self shaming idiot? I would look it up but don't want to give it some viewing pennies.

>hey whitey burn this flag for me
problem solved

he is just a contrarian fag with no real ideology, edginess for edginess sake

actually he's more useful than ever, because the west keeps sliding further into decadence.

Transgenderism is now mainstream, it all happened so quick.

how are you defining ideology? the purpose of his podcasts isn't to be political. as he's pointed out, both the right and left are full of fags, trannies, etc.

He's a cultural/spiritual commentator, not a political one.

no, he's a christcuck. Ironically he never makes his lil collage videos or talks about issues involving catholic sex and pedo scandals. Hypocrite, dishonest, pussy, probably a closet case himself.

you're not fooling anyone snownigger

also fuck off, you're lying. he literally on his latest video praised a dude who killed a pedo Catholic priest. he also insults the pope a lot, literally sold stickers calling him a communist faggot

>hates gays
>follows a religion made up exclusively of pedophiles and gays
does it make you angry? common filth probably got split down the middle multiple times by his parish's priest.

>follows a religion made up exclusively of pedophiles and gays

lies, lies, more lies. first of all, you're equating the catholic church with christianity. that's stupid. I don't answer to some queer in a funny hat, I answer to God.

atheists and pagans are far more accepting of homosexuality.

Oh but he's still a catholic huh? western society must fall because it's "too degenerate" and I can prove it by cherry picking internet videos and adding somber music to it but No! christianity doesn't count! it's not a lost cause! he must still continue following his kike religion, even though yiu claim he hates the very fucking leader of it. he's a dishonest cocksucker, end of story. and christ lovers need to fucking leave

Common filth confirmed

hope you feel the same way after your son gets his ass cherry popped by your local church leader

Common Filth is a Spic, just like Vox Day.

he's not a catholic moron. he's a christian.

>I can prove it by cherry picking internet videos
nah, you can prove it by statistics and observing the world around you. You get thrown in fucking jail for criticizing homosexuality in the UK. You have fag parades with millions of attendees all across America and western Europe. half of all people in America have an STD. 1 in 2 what the fuck

Fuck you, don't tell me that everything's ok. you're no better than the fucking jews.

>look at this jew-produced gay tranny poop porn I've been masturbating to for the past week
>aren't white people the worst

all the more reason to despise sodomy, unlike your ilk who love it.

that's a lie started by butthurt (literally) sodomites

>that's a lie started by butthurt (literally) sodomites
No, no its not. He panicked and disappeared from the web for weeks when people found out and started trying to dox him because he isn't white.

Geez Poland. What did he do to piss you off this much?

>he's not a catholic! he's another version of muh kike religion!
get the fuck off my site already christcuck
>wahhh muh gays
Literally all you care about and it's enough for you to want western civ to fall. tell ya what you retarded spic. why don't you fucking kill yourself, take a shortcut to being "one with the lord"

The average Sup Forums user is extremely anti tranny you fucking retard

Common Spic fanboys are unhinged NEETs who buy into his strange cultist views. There is no reasoning with them. Hes just going to shitpost and call you a Sodomite no matter what.

Suck a dick

>He panicked and disappeared from the web for weeks

more lies. He disappeared because his bandcamp (source of income) was taken down.

there are actual pictures of him that he's posted himself, you're just a butthurt fag. and even if he wasn't white, that has no bearing on the message he puts out.
>it's enough for you to want western civ to fall


Enjoy getting sodomized and dying of GRIDS early. It's what you deserve, and what awaits you afterwards is infinitely worse.

Also if you want to have a laugh go into the archive and look up the word "sodomite"
Its only a couple retards who spam these threads, and one of them is likely Common Spic himself.

found the fag. let me guess, the only reason you hate muslims is because they throw your kind off rooftops?

no hes a fucking spic you god damn faggot

there's no evidence of that. it's a lie perpetrated by sodomite tranny-enabling freaks.

"sodomite" the only time I ever see this word is from fucking christcuck insane retards. Go fuck yourself you fucking faggot.

nah he's posted content before he started the social commentary stuff and you could see that he was white

Hes a good actor. I just saw the trailer for Kingsman 2 last night, hopefully they explain how hes still alive in a good way.

i dont think you've ever seen a light skin spic you dumb fuck

found another homo. you're the virus that is destroying the people you claim to fight for.

They're not even Christians. You couldn't call them a fundamentalist movement because they adhere to no Christian doctrine other than obsessing over gays.
One thing is for sure, and its that Jesus wouldn't be a lonely neckbeard who spends all day on the internet shitposting about fags.

you are clearly mentally ill seek help you are no better then the faggots you fucking hate

>if you criticize wickedness you're mentally ill
you sound like one of those "democrats are the real racists" retards

>18 posts by this id
We get it you are common spic himself
You don't hate racemixing but you despise faggotry, typical christcuck tier behavior

i don't only obsess over gays. it's just one of the biggest issues being shoved in our faces and now being forced onto our children.
if you'd rather stick your dick in a white man than a black woman, you're sick.

Sodomites and race mixers deserve the bullet but you only care about faggotry
Typical catholic spic

so answer me

would you rather stick your dick in a white man or a black woman?

Someone truly dedicated to the faith would act in a manner befitting of representing Christ. That means showing humility, and living virtuously. Spewing vulgarity on the internet isn't Christian behavior, even if they claim to be denouncing sin.

Common Spic cultists are not Christian. They're mixed race repressed homosexuals. Seriously, look in the archive. These NEETs are obsessed with fags and fags only. It is their only core belief. All of their posts read like a gay teen who was forced into conversion therapy.

Fucking end yourself you piece of shit christianity is dog shit so is race mixers and sodomites. You fucking idiots want to keep going back to failed shit. Christianity has failed COMMUNISM has failed race mixing has failed multiculturalism has failed faggot shit has failed. FUCK OFF.

Thats a hard one I'm not sticking my dick into a non-white and faggot shit is disgusting.Go off yourself for even thinking of this scenario faggot.

The most underrated channel on Youtube. That Serb that sends questions to him in every fucking episode is cringey af though.

> Spewing vulgarity on the internet isn't Christian behavior,

I'm only expressing vulgarity because it was used so viciously against both me and God.

>mixed race
nope. whiter than you probably.

> repressed homosexuals
hol up. so you be saying HOMOPHOBES R DA REAL FAGS?

well that answer tells me all I need to know about you.

Oh it was so hard to understand me now is there? Do you even know jack shit about the NSDAP? Did you know there were actual jews in high command positions within the NSDAP? Did you know Hitler had a few nigger troops? Did you also know there were some homos that kept to themselves?

You are a fucking retard nu/pol/ piece of shit that needs to fuck off back to where ever you came from probably fucking reddit.

Sin is sin, and your excuses don't mean anything. A Christian would understand this.
A white person, one who actually cares about the future for white nations, would know that its Jews who push acceptance of fags through Jew owned media. A white person caring for their own prosperity would attack the root cause instead of the symptom. Sup Forums of all places isn't where you evangelize. You're just a shitposting NEET fixated on one personal topic like the thousands of others with a complex.

You are neither white nor Christian.

Neither you faggot obsessed spic
That's like me asking you if you'd rather castrate yourself or swallow razor blades
Why the hostility to me you faggot? never once did I say I was christian and I was denounces faggots and race mixers (like the ones that spawned common filth)
Why don't you denounce race mixers then spic

>t its Jews who push acceptance of fags through Jew owned media.
and white people swallow it up. Do we not have agency? The merchant sells, the goyim buy.
>You are neither white nor Christian.

wrong and wrong

i'm not going to denounce something that's not inherently wicked. the same cannot be said of homosexuality.

Not as good as Purple Filth

I'd say breeding out your own race with the full and intimate knowledge of it's very real demise is pretty wicked, Brother.

Race mixing is inherently wicked
By not denouncing it goes to show what your priorities are and it isn't toward your people
Although that makes sense since you are a mongrel anyhow

>breeding out your own race
and what about breeding out your own tribe? ethnic group? where do you draw the line? are greeks white? are sicilians white?

>Race mixing is inherently wicked
proof? refer to this>Although that makes sense since you are a mongrel anyhow
whatever makes you feel better.

You can very well tell the difference between chocolate milk and whole milk, No?

greeks look pretty swarthy to me

>continuum fallacy
I can do the same regarding fallacy and ask where you draw the line
Race mixing shouldn't be tolerated
Between whites it should stay within your ethnicities ie Germans with Germans but I wouldn't want half French half Germans or something to be round up and shot

I wouldn't consider that white. Because it isn't.
What are you suggesting? That it's hard to tell the difference between white facial features and attitude and other races?

I don't believe he truly is a Christian in any meaningful sense. He may pray, declare his love for Christ, and disdain degeneracy, but he delights in hatred and lying. He has a terrible problem with false equivalence. If you are gay, CF will call you a faggot. If you dislike gays, but not as much as CF, then he will call you a fag. His clearly Islamophilic behavior is never called into question, "God sent ISIS" is a common and bizarre refrain. He tells lies about himself too. He routinely spreads disinformation about himself to "trigger" WNs. That is hardly Christian behavior and it should really put his character into perspective considering he has no compunction against dishonesty.

The reason he has grown as much as he has in spite of all of his problems is that he is able to speak one truth, even if he does so imperfectly. He is willing to speak against homosexuality, and to a lesser extend degeneracy. The Church in the West has forgotten how to do that and opened a niche for charlatans like CF. His condemnations of sin fall flat in the face of his dishonesty, bitterness, and just plain autism.

well guess what? that's the leader and spokesperson for Golden Dawn, the Greek nationalist/fascist party. So you're saying Greeks aren't white, correct?

>Race mixing shouldn't be tolerated
again, define race please. Where do you draw the line? Why wouldn't you equate a Greek breeding with a Finn to an Arab breeding with a Greek?

Greeks shouldn't be breeding with non-greeks in the first place let alone arabs
Your whole argument on why you justify race mixing is that the lines aren't completely concise
Go lurk gay tags more on tumblr you fucking spic

what kind of lies about himself?

I agree that his tendency to praise Muslims is concerning, and at times borderline blasphemous
> he delights in hatred
hatred, perhaps, but many things are worthy of hatred. It is overboard at times, but that's something I'm guilty of as well, it's a natural tendency when seeing something bad.
>and lying
what exactly does he lie about himself? he jokes about being mexican because that's what alt-right autists like to say.

Stop pretending you aren't him

You need to be 18 to post on this website and based on the writing and content of your posts, you're around 14.

Stop shilling e-celebs, they must and are, by definition, a watered-down version.
Sup Forums has always, and must be, anonymous.

there's nothing to pretend because I'm not him. I would have stopped posting but you faggots started blaspheming. but I think my work here is mostly done, and I'd like to get some sleep.


He says that he is Hispanic ("La Raza" as he loves to say) then that he is not. He described it as a lie in one of his podcasts, I'm not going to listen to it again to find it.

He casts too wide a net with his condemnations. Basically if you don't hate gays as much as him you are gay, this makes him take apolitical positions when that is an absurd proposition. Regarding the Mexican thing he described it as a lie that he started in one of his podcasts. I don't listen to him anymore. I probably listened to about 10-15 of his full length podcasts and a number of his shorter videos.

You hate fags and endorse race mixing
Faggots getting some shit on their dick and possibly AIDS doesn't produce vile mongrel offspring

>we are ernonymus we r leejun

look mom I posted it again!
>Basically if you don't hate gays as much as him you are gay,
that's probably an accurate description of him, but he has a point. We are not to be lukewarm.
>he described it as a lie that he started in one of his podcasts.
he's explained several times that it's a meme because triggered WNs chimpout over his "anti-whiteness" which means he has to be nonwhite.

>endorse race mixing
I don't endorse it, I just don't have a problem with the concept.

By being neutral toward it you are effectively endorsing it
I'm sure you feel the same about faggotry in that regard

>30 posts
Who pays you to shill this hard?
>I just don't have a problem with the concept [race-mixing]
Dude multiracialism lmao
How many Septic e-celebs do you donate do, shill?

well there's a difference there. homosexuality is inherently sinful, "race mixing" is not.
I get mad when people mock God.

How is race mixing not inherently sinful?
Sticking your dick in some guys ass might just result in that or possibly aids while fucking some jungle bunny results in filthy mongrel offspring
Faggotry is wrong but I don't see how you can hate faggotry and support race mixing

Repeats alt-right talking points without adding any original thoughts/input.

Christianity is useful to society in that it gives people a reason to defend against Islam. You are the archetypical Christ-cuck with your "dude we are all God's children, "I just don't have a problem with the concept [race-mixing]".
Pic related, it's you.

Hes right that any serious reaction against this insane mess we are in will involve severe social and cultural swings that will make us all look like degenerate pussies

but he literally spends all his time attacking the most anti-gay and far right movements? like there are 100 sodomy parades a year and gay propaganda everywhere and he sits on twitter complaining that some people in the alt right would not immediately execute all gays and would instead only oppress them

I'll never understand why single issue guys go so nuts attacking people immediately to their left instead of trying to convince them by attacking common enemies


I hope Christianity can be salvaged from what it turned into. One small consolation can be found in that most people are peasants loyal only to power. Your average normie is only a Liberal/Cuckservative because powerful people are.

I think fags should be kicked out of society, make faggotry redundant to a society. It's pointless, you cannot have children of your own.
Think about it for a second: fags are the ultimate, prime example of a cuckold, by definition. The only thing different is that there are two husbands of two wives. I'm talking about the ultimate cuckoldry being expressed when they want to have kids. When the husband, the cuck, is cheated on, his wife can get pregnant and he will literally raise his wife's son, hence the joke.
Fags can literally never have children that will be related to the two parents. One of the gay men will have his sperm impregnate an egg, and the two will raise the kid(s). But one of the gay guys, who isn't related to the kid, will literally be raising his husband's kid. It's fucking pathetic.
Oh yeah, absolutely. The Orthodox movement seems superior just going off of the absolute faggotry of the Pope. There's even that image of him kissing some nigger's feet. How much more subservient can you be? He was literally and figuratively bending the knee to kiss his feet.




The Catholic Church was infiltrated and destroyed from the inside out. We must remain ever vigilant against this threat.

Hhahah holy fuck, it's worse than I thought. How can Catholics stand that faggot?

When the villain wins history remembers a hero.

That is true. Vae victis, the loser has no rights, at all.