Which intel agencies you think monitor this fucking board?
Why don't they do something about us?
We pratically worship Hitler.
Why do they let us exist? Is ching chong admin selling our data to them?
Which intel agencies you think monitor this fucking board?
Why don't they do something about us?
We pratically worship Hitler.
Why do they let us exist? Is ching chong admin selling our data to them?
Other urls found in this thread:
hitler was a failure. we are past that now.
>Why don't they do something about us?
Their purpose is mostly to collect and analyze.
but we are troublesome, pizzagate scared the deep state beyond this realm, they had to coordiante an attack in the media to inoculate the rest of the population, thats where the term fake news originated in first place, even the pope talked about fake news "they" got really reckless there, now I know the Pope is someone's asset
Why dont they simply broke a deal with ching chong to make us go away, split?
I will take my shitposting to the covfefe shops
No but seriously, given the trouble we can make, why does the deep state allow us to continue to exist?
Intel agencies actively influence this place.
Who do you think make meme wars? Intel agencies. It's literally their jobs. They do it all over the world.
You've got to take into consideration what Hitler worshiping does to normies. It confuses them. And it lowers their defenses for other ideas they might have found too offensive before. Or it makes them reject the associated ideas even harder. It turns them into fanatics which then makes other people reject their ideas, etc. It's all planned out.
And intel agencies aren't a monolithic block. There are different branches, multiple factions across them, semi-independent agents, even rogue factions, etc. There's a certain group among them that did not want Hillary to win or that wanted Trump to win.
I think we are supposed to be the "problem" that they need to give the public a "solution".
>destroying a possible intelligence source needlessly
A lot of them probably collect data on us and analyze it, they haven't taken any actions against us yet which probably means they feel they can use us to achieve their goals whatever that may be. Either that or they use us a baseline indicator of what young men think.
this is where the abandoned autists with no hope get to gather and rant as an escape valve so that they dont do anything seriously radical irl
add lots of larping and lots of wait til this date worlds gonna end new happening etc to distract these people and delay their acting out forever
What "trouble" can you make, faggot? Post some dank memes? Lol get over yourself
Haven't you noticed how ever since Sup Forums became popular after the election, there haven't been nearly as many school shootings as before?
Sup Forums is a place where aspies vent their frustrations through their keyboards. Its like a pressure release valve that is actually keeping America safer
They're human and get addicted like the rest of us. Probably they want to shut it down, but then they wouldn't be able to go on Sup Forums.
All of them. Kek!
you know how it feels to come here by choice?
imagine being TOLD to come here AND getting paid to do so
that is why we simply observe and record
There aren't as many school shootings because the leftists don't control the government anymore so they know they have no chance of getting gun laws passed so no need to kill children anymore.
dig really deep into inocuus stuff and find all kinds of secrets
you think pizzagate didn't do any damage?
None. Sup Forums loves to circle jerk about how important and influential Sup Forums is. The real world doesn't give a fuck
It's better to keep an eye on your enemy than to force him to hide.
I get told to come here by the voice who used to tell me to do bad things...
>Newfags who don't remember that moot had to make the FBI the mods of Sup Forums
not only that but before the election there were daily threads non stop discussing the occult, Moloch and Minerva
now you never see them, I wonder if it was Intel agencies pushing?
>Why don't they do something about us?
Newfag, why would they? We're about as dangerous as a Dixie cup of warm water. Let's waste some resources because they called someone a nigger! Derp! Eat shit.
if we aren't a threat, why blast into all mainstream media that pizzagate is a widely debunked conspiracy theory, inventing in the process the term, fake news?
The thing about Sup Forums is when you come here, you get sucked into it.
Normies, Lefties, Centrists, etc... they all get hit by the Redpill. You can't control it because it makes you start asking yourself questions. And it compromises those who come here with anti-Sup Forums intentions.
I hope the FBI, CIA, and all those faggots send their finest to observe and interact here. Would love to see the spread.
The U.S. Government it well known to be extreamly patient with the time they are willing to donate towards building a case. Pedo/human trafficking cases for example could be monitored for years just for that perfect moment the put the nail in the coffin. You done already goofed child if you think that a lot of the shit on here and is not being monitored and archived.
who the fuck do you think ou are, Manoel?
we may have access to a hivemind, but we are user and individuals.
Pardon the typos, ny English is not very well.
Because you are toe jam, who loves to be exploited.
>Which intel agencies you think monitor this fucking board?
Take a wild fucking guess?
Show some respect. He was trying to free your family from debt slavery.
Because we reverse infiltrated them. They came here to monitor us, now they are us.
What gave you the impression you haven't been doing what the deep state wanted from the start?
Yeah. Media hype. There's enough old stupid fucks who are afraid of the internet that we can still be a boogeyman for no reason.
It's called a distraction, using know it all morons with edgy views who don't know shit but put on enough of a show to entertain (distract) the mainstream pleb normies who are also know it all moody cunts, so thus neither side in their little self center world of dillusion could be distracted or fooled because that would just be impossible..
Meanwhile while both groups of idiots go back and forth with one another the big cheese (government) bibbity bop right in and run train without the fuck boy Palooza party currently going on from ever knowing while eventually tricking both parties to thinking the same way without them ever even knowing but not understanding one another thus leading to conflict thus growing and expanding the bigger plan while the plebs are too busy with bullshit.
>Which intel agencies you think monitor this fucking board?
Probably the NSA and the European version of it.
>Why don't they do something about us?
Too big plus alot of us just post shit on the internet and are not too big of a threat. For a person like me they probably will get me locked up for somehow for some period time in the future however to those who do not plan on much aside from shit posting and drinking beer it is not too much of a major threat (I am not a peaceful person however i will not fuck up and kill someone and i could possibly lead a army like che guevara).
>We pratically worship Hitler.
Most of us don't.
>Why do they let us exist? Is ching chong admin selling our data to them?
Ching chong makes money on his Sup Forums passes and yes he does sell our data to them and i believe this board is containment over anything else.
Contain all the shit of life on the internet on Sup Forums and then not let let it out in real life. Do not bring out the anger, passion and rage into real existence just keep ranting on how niggers are bad on Sup Forums but never bring it to the real world.
the rampant panic when we strike something tender by chance, if we're doing what [they] want, then there's a third party arrayed against them that's doing the panicking and cover-ups
We're scapegoats and a honeypot. Plus, we are of scientific interest. They want to know how a community like us can LARP like no other.
that'd be your CIA handler
youd be surprised how accurate this is
meme magic is real, but the elite call it something different
user, I'm sorry but you're wrong. We're the solution to a problem bothering the public.
What fucking damage, to Alex Jones? No one knows about Pizzagate IRL retard, and if you'd tell them they'd rightfully put you on clozapine. Hey, have you ever noticed how Pizzagate has this continuous investigation by internet sleuths, and uncovers MASSIVE leads and coincedences, but then they don't lead to anything tangible besides other leads coincidences?
Pretty wacky wouldn't you say? It's almost like someone is leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that consists of things that in court wouldn't be classified a circumstantial evidence, because the whole thing is a PsyOp.
I think it's a matter of priority.
We're not murdering people.
Why would they care.
>fancy memes
it's just monkeys on a caption generator, mang, shit ain't that hard, just throw random obscenities at the canvas until something devilishly cruel and clever and funny sticks on 9gag
If I were fbi, I know I would make this post
>they all get hit by the Redpill.
Only if you're already a gullible dumbass
we've been over chaos magic and egregores
all of them
we are the pulse that they need to monitor.
if they CANT monitor what people think of them and modify their behavior, thats how armed revolutions start. Our dissent is the tip of the iceberg and they know this, they are learning from us every day. They wouldn't dare shut this place down, no matter how vile or dangerous this place gets sometimes, its very existence is useful.
More truth to that statement than anyone will ever realize
The letter agencies may have nearly unlimited resources, but they're not going to waste them chasing down a bunch of fat retarded malcontents who have boners for Hitler. They log what we do here in case one of us goes full Reichsfuhrer, but that isn't me and it isn't you.
>Why don't they do something about us?
Why? All I see ya'll is people that post politically incorrect shit on an anime imageboard, it's not like you openly discuss bomb instructions and whatnot.
Be a software coder for say Tor though, and that'll definitely gain you unwanted attention.
Because the government doesn't have the right to shut down a website just because they don't like the content.
Does talk of pizzagate upset you, Igor?
So here is a quick question, what if the veterans of the meme war decided form an actual intelligence agency outside the online forums? Like one that would be an actual cabal that would work to get some members elected into positions of power to actually make some change.
A month or two ago another user made a post about how he was starting to lay the ground work for his own campaign right now, while he was in his 20s, and how others who are devoted to politics and law should be doing the same thing, so that we all have a better chance at getting more right leaning people into power.
I feel like im gonna get a lot of backlash for this, but seriously....would anyone be interested in this?
that is how you get black bagged
Cia, fbi, mossad, nsa and pretty much all other alphabet agencies you can think of.
lel. so many posters concerned about leftypol, antifa faggetz but the "janitors" being brought on board work with the same group keeping Sup Forums from looking at anything "questionable"
imagine what soulless assholes they are knowing DC and (((Hollywood))) are target-rich, have lots of money and will kiss the ring; but daddy war bucks doesn't want his sick in the head friends to be burdened by laws. Noahide doesn't apply to the group who actually owns the Lilly white goyim asses doing the monitoring. they'd sell out their own grandma's
>Which intel agencies you think monitor this fucking board?
Which don't would be a shorter list.
And i'm just saying... but that list would probably be a blank sheet of paper.
then i would be pretty pissed off. cuz no one mentioned it for me in the last bbq!
I think that this board and all of the other fringe ideology fourms/websites (Left & Right) are used as honeypots/containment and as grounds to test disinformation and other methods of manipulation.
This. the name of the game has always been to infiltrate, co-opt, and sabotage. Read up on cointellpro in the 1960s for some detailed examples.
There is no such thing as we on Sup Forums.
And if there was "we"vsure as shit wouldn't be worshiping a socialist.
More than you'd care to know about, lets skme out of this world speacil access programs monitor and will even go as far as pay "visits"
Because 99% of what happens on this board is woke people wasting time they could use to be constrictive.
Any thread that involves getting someone to do something gets suppressed. I saw a thread once get removed because where the op was hoping to adapt 1984 to modern times and the thread apparently had plot suggestions from anons for op that must had been too red pilled.
Not even to mention several threads getting deleted related to revelations from documents from WikiLeaks, Pizza gate threads, and the infamous right wing safety squad
they realize 90% is disinfo and another 5% is hiding in the chaff, right?
I do think this place is monitored by law enforcement.
If you've been here for years then you would know several years ago Sup Forums was a lot more edgier.
There would be a lot of links to stuff that were ummm... edgy.
For a long time you HAD to have your flag with your post. I think this was so law enforcement agencies could see your country and know whether or not they had jurisdiction to bring charges against you if they wanted. All they would have to do then is email the Sup Forums staff and be like, "This fucking guy. I want his IP address information." and Sup Forums would hand that shit over.
They only recently relaxed this so now you can choose your own flag to cover your country... there must be some improvement in ways they talk to law enforcement. Like they've given janitor status on the site out to a lot of police agencies or something.
>Letter Agencies = Deep State
I honestly don't think this is a good assumption. there are some belligerent motherfuckers that run around places like the CIA/NSA, and I suspect the culture that exists there is very self sustaining, without much deference to political whims.
after all, if you fund yourself with massive drug trade and money laundering operations, the need to kiss ass for black budget funding is virtually nil. At that point you could do whatever the fuck you wanted to do.
I just wanted to pop into this thread and say that Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is one of the finest films I've ever seen and everyone on this board should watch it
In order for that to work then there'd have to be central organization behind everything that happens here.
Not that the deep state hasn't tried to gain that control of us before. The organization for US to be the problem isn't coordinated enough.
I think a lot of people here suffer from depression and delusions of grandeur
These boards, and Sup Forums in particular, are a behavioural sink
You'd honestly be better using your time doing literally anything else, but we don't because it's more fun to shitpost and feel as if you're accomplishing something
Good movie
the national forestry service probably doesn't have us on the radar yet
>Which intel agencies you think monitor this fucking board?
>Why don't they do something about us?
Nice try.
>We pratically worship Hitler.
Again, nice try.
>Why do they let us exist?
Aren't they so generous to let us exist.
>Is ching chong admin selling our data to them?
No doubt.
Probably the big 3 for sure.
Intel folks are parents and brothers and sisters and everything too, and they see the worst of what goes on in the planning of Islamists. They want a decent world for their families too, and they're already redpilled on Muslims. I really doubt that Sup Forums has them shaking in their boots.
Bill, Bill, did you see this? That kid in Nebraska called someone a nigger *again*! Holy shit, Bill, what are we gonna do?
also this. I get the impression we have far less of an impact than we think we do.
Schizoid spectrum disorders drive this board in a way autism never could, and persecution complexes are pretty textbook around here.
at best, this place acts as an occasional brainstorming location for some interesting shit, but the real niggas leave here and go elsewhere to implement. At worst, we're a giant containment cell for future Schizophrenics.
GM, Ford, and Chrysler?
slow night in the monitoring booth?
>Why do they let us exist?
we do all the leg work on real top secret shit for free. then they report it to their supervisors and nobody knows all they did was lurk on Sup Forums and play candy crush saga all day
Every alphabet soup agency there is, on every country. This place is a stupid huge think tank, along with facebook. Hiro must be raking in dough from the traffic this cesspit gets.
Henry "The Based Kike Crusher" Ford
"In Spring 1920, Ford made his personal newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, chronicle what he considered the "Jewish menace". Every week for 91 issues, the paper exposed some sort of Jewish-inspired evil major story in a headline. The most popular and aggressive stories were then chosen to be reprinted into four volumes called The International Jew."
Speak for yourself newfag, Sup Forums has always been, and always will be a Christian national socialist board
They won't if we cross a line.
Operation Payback for newfags.
We complain about YouTube and Patreon etc.
But back in 2011 when Sup Forums went to bat for Assange, they closed all bank transfers and paypal services used by wikileaks. When Sup Forums and friends retaliated ED and /news/ were taken offline by the feds and the sites owners sternly warned about sharing LOIC coordinates.
They then rounded uo a bunch of the coordinators and sent their autistic asses to jail.
How smart was Henry Ford?
I ask this because Bobby Fischer was smart as fuck, one of the smartest of the XX century and he went mad about the Jews
Seems like there is a correlation between IQ and anti semitism
No wonder they want us to breed with muds and niggers
Because they use us for scrying culture and subversion.
We're the original neural network.
>No more CP on Sup Forums
>No more terrorism manuals on /new/
They dont monitor here. I bet they employ a handful of people to make various message boards spam each other with nonsense threads to stop any productive discussion occuring and that is the extent of it.
because freeze peach isn't under threat like you all want to believe
Sabu a shit
Tiocfaidh ár lá
>freeze peach
pls no twitter faggotry on here
I've looked into it and surprisingly none are monitoring it. I thought with the level of Russian propaganda on this board some government agency would be keeping an eye on things going on here, but apparently they only monitor social media platforms where people have accounts that they can track like Reddit and Twitter and LinkedIn. Apparently the anonymous nature of posts here does actually make it difficult for them to glean any meaningful information despite them having the ability to get people's ips.
Because if they were to take down this site it would literally cause a revolt.
Alot of people have gone quiet. I think the habbenin is really going down this month.
Ching Chong wouldn't sell data, because if anyone found out his ass would be on the chopping block, ready to be served to Sup Forums's finest. Gookmoot really hasn't done much but create a bunch of new boards no one uses. As for the intel agencies, I don't think we are that big of a concern but more of a research project. I think they want to know why certain individuals come here to vent non PC opinions instead of saying stuff like that in the real world.