> Condolences to the family of this brave man and based warrior of truth.
> The kikes are celebrating now but we all know who will have the last laugh.
> Condolences to the family of this brave man and based warrior of truth.
> The kikes are celebrating now but we all know who will have the last laugh.
Other urls found in this thread:
Archived it for you
Do you reply to people?
One of my first redpills was when they put him in prison
he has before
Do you have any proof that he actually died? Sounds like a story his family fabricated to gain sympathy and influence.
Loved his 'Swindler's List' segment
>The kikes are celebrating now but we all know who will have the last laugh.
The best celebration are the Nazis who aren't caught and die peacefully.
I believe that the holocaust happened exactly how we are told and that government funded institutions would have nothing to gain from lying to children.
This man is an anti Semite :v) :v)
I only recently started watching old footage of him. I guess he wasn't quite as active in publishing his message after the 90s?
>Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel dead at 78
Honestly, it's about time he died. He's obviously a butthurt whiney asshole.
May he burn in hell perpetually along with others who have committed especially heinous crimes, such as those who carried out perfidious treachery (Cain).
Holocaust happened. But other events around the same time were much bigger. Like Stalin killings.
Socialism killed more people than white nationalism ever even imagined doing.
Ernst Zundel - Holocaust Debunked
Zundel vs. Zionist - Truth vs. Lies
Off Your Knees, Germany! Ernst Zundel
Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996)
Everyone should look up Ernst Zundel trials in Canada that happened during the 80s & 90s. He got the Red Cross to release their records from the German camps despite strong Israeli/Jewish objections. Their records suggested that there were no gas chambers and a total of 271,301 died during WW2 in these camps, mostly from typhus and starvation b/c of Allied bombing. It's probably not an exact figure, but it's a lot more accurate than the "6 million" or that they were all "gassed"
May your butt hurt immensely all night, user.
Also, try reading Deborah Lipstadt's Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. You'll see how retarded people like Irving and Zundel are. For bonus chuckles, read the legal case involving Penguin in which they're really just ripped into small, bloody pieces. It's very entertaining. Should be obligatory reading for all itt.
F ugg RIP gonna go back up his entire site brb
He's busy archiving in other threads, lad
>behind this nu-flag is an australian
What movie is this Jew propaganda from?
David Irving won't last too much longer. I wish to God the alt-right would make more of him while he's alive. He's still kicking around, though - leading tours of Auschwitz.
He's with the Fuhrer now. Sieg Heil Ernst Zundel. You will not be forgotten.
Dead Snow 2
Nazi zombies
David Irving is a fearsome, devilish-hard working historian. There are videos of his on youtube.
F. Zundel died a hero, the Jew will get his day of the rope.
There's a "this was not a deathcamp" tour?
How does Merkel allow this
>David Irving is a fearsome, devilish-hard working historian.
Have you read Irving v. Penguin Books? His reputation is totally in shreds by the end. He's shown to be a charlatan and a pretender with no credibility other than his own hatred and spleen.
Oh, and btw, hi David!! Isn't it cool that you have such a good Jewish Biblical name?
pic looks looks comfy af
thanks for video links
Two of the links were broken so I fixed them:
Off Your Knees, Germany! Ernst Zundel
Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996)
Also let me add this one:
A Jew defends Hitler - Ernst Zundel interviews Prof. Roger Dommergue in France:
Thanks op. RIP Ernst. Learned a lot from him way before anyone else was talking about this stuff.
Jews never learn in some way
if the headline was just "Ernst Zundel, a writer who published controversial books about WW2" would get far less people interested in his work than saying "Ernst Zundel, Holocaust denier who was jailed for antisemitism!"
>scheckelstein operating the iron with his nose
Ernzt Zundel also heavily inspired David Irving.
He's one of the big three in terms of questioning the Holocaust along with David Irving and David Cole.
I'm sure it is hot were he is.
why would it be? why would god punish a man who wants to expose the truth. And even if it was a lie, would god not forgive a man who lied if he asked for it?
If God exists, he would love this man.
The Holocaust is designed to subvert Christ as the preeminent Messianic sacrifice, and in supplanting Christ as Messiah replace him with Talmudic Judaism.
"Holocaust denial" becomes illegal, just like denying God exists would be illegal in a theocracy. The Holocaust has become the new religion. You're expected to believe it even against all evidence contrary to it. There are far more consequences for questioning the Holocaust and attacking Jews than there are for questioning God or attacking Christians.
The Holocaust fits exactly the concept of the "Big Lie" Hitler talked about.
>Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
Goodnight sweet prince
Brave fighter, truth teller and good White man.
Rest in peace, sweet prince.
all it showed as that our judicial system is captured by Jewish interests
That's a bot...Once it archived one of the links in a copypasta I sent.
>World War II and its dreadful aftermath for Germany made a lasting impression on the little boy, especially the Allied bombing attacks and the aggravating and dangerous strafing attacks of the fighter bombers, called Jabos, which attacked everything in Germany that moved in the fields, forests, meadows, and on the roads and rails. Added to this were the hunger, the cold, and the bitter privation following Germany's collapse.
>Zündel's first school days found him in the basement of his hometown's Protestant church, because the French occupation authorities had billeted soldiers in the local school. Despite malnutrition and the resultant illnesses such as pneumonia, hunger edema etc., the youngster turned out to be a good student, a talented and intelligent but painfully shy boy. Art, history, and essay writing were his favorite subjects in school.
>Starving and frequently ill, he was nonetheless soon drawing beetles, bees, and flowers for his classmates or helping them with homework assignments and writing essays for children of "wealthy" parents. In this way, he earned his first "extra rations"-a jam sandwich every now and then.
>Before long, the teachers alerted Mother Zündel to her son's artistic talent, and as a result she found an apprenticeship position for him in Pforzheim, known as the "Golden City" before the war, a city which had been almost entirely destroyed by massive bombing raids just shortly before the war's end and where up to 20,000 people had been cremated alive in a horrendous fire storm.
"He brought terrible anguish to those few who survived the evil of the Shoah," Farber said, referring to the Holocaust. "Jewish tradition demands that we do not defame the dead."
Fuckin kikes they're inability to self-reflect is legendary.
[says dont defame the dead, defames the dead]
F, rest in peace.
>For more than six months now, Ernst Zündel has been held without charge in solitary confinement in Canada on the pretext that he is a threat to national security. In fact, this 64-year-old German-born writer, publisher and civil rights activist is a political prisoner and a victim of great injustice.
>Who is this man, and why is his case important?
>Zündel was arrested at his home in Tennessee on Feb. 5, where he had been living peacefully with his wife, Ingrid Rimland, on the pretext that he missed an interview date with immigration authorities. Two weeks later he was deported to Canada, even though his wife is an American citizen.
>Claiming that he is a national security threat, Canadian authorities have been holding Zündel since Feb. 19. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service(CSIS) something like the American FBI supports this charge by citing tenuous and years-old ties by Zündel to white supremacist groups. While acknowledging that he is not violent himself, CSIS also argues that material published by Zündel might cause like-minded individuals to engage in violence.
>There is absolutely no basis for the security threat charge. Zündel's life is an open book. He is a peaceful man with no record of violence. During the 40 years he lived in Canada, he was never convicted of a crime. In fact, he has himself been a victim of hate and violence. He survived at least three attempts on his life, including a devastating arson attack against his residence.
>Jewish groups are demanding that Zündel be deported to Germany, where he faces years of imprisonment for the thought crime of denying the Holocaust. (Holocaust denial is against the law in DE, FR, CH and some other European countries.)
>Zündel is in prison not because his views are unpopular, or because he's a security risk. He's in prison because Jewish groups want him there. He's a prisoner because he promotes views that the Jewish-Zionist lobby considers harmful to its interests.
The 'Death Camps' are in Poland. Merkel can't tell them to extradite him either since he is not a German citizen. I think he may be actually banned from Germany and Austria
I wonder how much of nu/pol/ know or care who he was.
This is the perfect opportunity to redpill newfags, but since you're probably clueless yourself, you're not gonna do it.
Half of those links got shoah'd.
>There has been an almost frenzied increase in the amount of “bad press,” our enemies have been subjected to of late. This got me to thinking about your letter of November 21, 2005, when you outlined the list of “neo-cons” who were not only being closely scrutinized, but who had in some cases even been charged with serious crimes. So, now you can update your list and add Foley and his coterie of sycophants and network of deviants. Ingrid always told me that the real crunch for the dysfunctional political elite in America would come when their sexual deviations and criminal activities, especially with children, would come out. BBC and CNN news, which I can monitor from my cell, were full with interviews, press conferences and contradictory claims and statements by former aids of Foley’s, former pages, etc… Add to this Hastert’s obvious lies and distortions – wow!
>Watching all of this made me feel as if I were in a time warp and was beamed down into the Roman Senate at the time of Brutus and Julius Caesar’s intrigues. The media showed some video clips of an effetely prancing Foley, expounding on the virtues of “conservative family values,” about the dangers of “sexual predators,” and how the Internet should be “managed” by the government in order to prevent sexual predation of minors, and how he and his committee intended to “fix it,” etc… etc… Disgusting!
Yeah I know, I posted the corrected links here:
Still, with the new youtube censorship along the way most of these will be at risk.
>"Galileo Galilei, a notorious denier that the earth is the center of the solar system, was arrested recently and is being held in isolation lest his hateful ideas be heard by others. A spokesman for the Inquisition has said that the sale or possession of Galileo's book is banned and anyone found reading it or discussing its ideas will be arrested. 'Let everyone be cautioned by the experience of the hater Galileo,' said the spokesman. ' We will not tolerate such intolerance in our community.'"
>"'Free speech is fine, but Galileo went too far,' said an Anti-Slander Organization spokesman. 'His venom and bigotry are beyond the pale. We all know that the earth is the center of the solar system and anyone who denies it is just spewing hate.'"
>That's what could have been written back in the 1600's, and pretty much was. Today, we're much more enlightened and we certainly wouldn't have been part of such nonsense would we? Each of us knows in our heart of hearts that we would have stood up for Galileo even if we didn't know if what he was saying about the sun being the center of the solar system was correct or not. We know that whether he was right or wrong isn't really the point (even though he was right). He had a right to be wrong and he had a right to express his views. We know that we would have told the haters, who were trying to stop Galileo from speaking out, to crawl back under their rocks with the other loathsome creatures. We might even have said that it is part of human nature to question and wonder about things and to tell others what we believe. We might have told the bigots that the truth is the truth and that there is no harm in people expressing their theories and investigating to get to the truth. That's what intelligent people do. They don't just accept things as fact unless they can be proven. No ideas are sacred and unapproachable. All ideas are on the table in a free society and people can discuss things freely and openly...
Good, wheres his grave? I want to piss on it.
He was a good man
>In 1980 I wrote a four-page essay entitled The West, War and Islam. It was a thumbnail sketch of what ailed the world – and what forces kept people around the globe in ignorance and bondage.
>I mailed that essay to a special list of addresses sent to me by someone who had access to the highest echelons of business, government, military, intelligence and banking circles – from Morocco to Brunei.
>Every intelligence chief of every Moslem country, even princes, kings and prime ministers and their chiefs of staff, were on that priceless list.
>I sent Revisionist material to these names - in English, Arabic, German, and French, because I knew that most had been educated in elite military academies and the best universities in the world, especially in Europe and America.
>My appeal was very simple: To stop wasting resources and petrodollars on outdated Western military hardware – missiles, planes etc. – and to spend it instead on a massive worldwide information campaign centered around Revisionist findings, using the already then-existing revisionist network, publications and book publishers to reach out to the decent people in the West – to achieve liberation through information by peaceful, democratic means! For what was feeding Israel was Western ignorance and subsequent complicity!
>There was very, very little feedback from the Moslem Crescent.
>There was an amazingly furious reaction, however, from Zionists like Simon Wiesenthal and Sabina Citron, a Toronto-based Jewish multimillionairess.
>At her behest, I was criminally charged for publishing this essay, and after a 7-week trial, astonishingly – after all the nasty media hype against me – a jury of my peers found me "not guilty" of that charge.
RIP to a brave, intelligent and great man.
Died or assassinated?
Not the first time a kike pretended to be German.
RIP. He was the guy that red pilled me many years ago. His life was made a misery by the ADL and JDL for speaking truths. F
Thanks for the dump. Read the whole thing.
The guy really was hero and smart as fuck.
He got beaten, his house burned, they blocked his mail so he had a hard time receiving and paying bills etc., was jailed for a while, then he moved to the US, then got jailed again, then got deported back to Canada, then deported to Germany and jailed there, and was only recently released. They took some 20 years of his life because he debunked the Holohoax. I bet they were itching to assassinate him but that would have gotten too much attention maybe, now who knows if his death this week wasn't planned.
He dedicated most of his life to this. Anyone has more info on the circumstances around his death?