Why are so many Australians moving to the US?
Why are so many Australians moving to the US?
Because they're full
I'd move too if I lived in a blazing hot shithole surrounded by predatory/poisoness animals
Australian Government stole all the guns
Moved here 14 years ago, miss the fish and chips but enjoy living in a real fucking country.
w-where are they moving to?
yes! send in your sheilas! we don't need any more Juanitas or Fatimas
You don't know how many people are dreaming to move to the US (Including me)
California Ohio Florida Maine
Place like that
Because they've been brainwashed by American media. Now think America is a better country. Good riddance.
The government/society/media is all too left wing with literally no opposing opinion.
In the US you have CNN and Fox news.
Where is the conservative news for Australia? Where is the actual conservative party? Our conservative party are the ones who took away the guns.
Houses are waaaaaaaaay too expensive (700thou for a regular little three beddy in my suburb) yet our wages are very high and our currency is fairly strong.
So why not save up a couple hundred thou and buy a massive house in the USA?
I'm all for legal immigration and going through the process but the Mexicans give immigrants a bad name
One poll from the state department says 50% of the plant wants to move here.
guns. i would too, but i hear you need to be usefull if your white.
The example of CNN and Fox news was supposed to be a balance of left vs right in the media by the way, not me claiming that CNN is right wing. That'd be stupid.
both are british frontier cultures. they probably fit in very well.
Where in Burgerland is all these possible:
a) nigger-free
b) doesn't freeze in winter
c) machine-gun ownership allowed
Please bring roos with you.
Less spiders.
>machine-gun ownership allowed
you need special permits
There's plenty of nigger-free cities with good weather and no deadly animals and insects everywhere
stay where you are
transplants stay the fuck out
but then you cant be comfy in the winter and wait for santa claus
>Doesn't like the cold
Nigger detected
No I can get one of those IT work visas. It's either me or another pajeet + his wife parents + in-laws + kids.
Your choice, Burger.
Rights, guns, freedom, snow, no abos, Christianity, lack of sandniggers, similar values with less cuckoldry, fuck the British, good fishing, better history, better constitution.
the majority of those are transplants and tourists absolutely guaranteed.
The only Australians who like the cold are fags (Melbourne) or inbred meth addicts (Tasmanians).
Yeah but Pajeet might blow himself up and make Islam look even worse. Can you top that?
not for pre-86 fully transferable. Just ya background check and pay the extra taxes.
the machine gun dealer who owns the range where i learned to shoot as a kid was an aussie immigrant. dude has tanks and all kinds of neat shit.
One women said she liked our theme parks.
Damn you are a genuine Burger. Pajeets aren't the ones that blow themselves up, they're the ones who shit on the streets.
What state don't you need permits?
I've lived in the US previously and I'm into guns, I do know what I'm talking about.
Metropolis always takes best from it's colony.
Probably get a taste of a nice aesthetic circumcised dick from an American tourist and decided that Australian men's anteaters just couldn't satisfy anymore
Girls knees go weak for guys with an Aussie accent. I was once at a big pool party, things were going great and I was mingling quite well with the girls there and then out of nowhere these 3 down under dudes showed up and completely cock blocked me.
IDK because shit tier labor is better over there. I guess they just don't want to live in a godforsaken desert.
doesn't exist
shitskins love no-snow areas the most
Coz better education, better paid jobs at the same level of education/experience, better housing options, and cheaper consumer goods.
Also (and not even joking here), American girls just jump all over Australian cocks. I've never gotten so much wild and fun hookup sex as I did in the US. Will be going back there soon. Mostly NYC, but also some other places. Get those pussies ready for me, Muricans!
Yeah that's what I thought.
We're probably getting the ones infatuated by what our cancerous multikult has become.
Arizona is a shall-issue state that doesn't require a permit. You should still get a permit anyway.
No 50 foot long snakes in the toilet
Because they want to meet God Emperor Trump himself.
Because I want to sniff those cute toes.
>disliking the cold
IT massacres insects and kills the homeless. IF you wanna live somewhere based, you'll want cold.
is australia still full? i want to go there
I just wanted a Maloo.
Insects don't phase me but I never considered the benefit regarding hobos.
You have the added problem that one of king nigger's last acts as president was to disperse niggers to every white area in the US that he could, so they're unavoidable now.
Some 25% of my social circle have moved to Australia, another 25% wants to move there
Florida is weird as fuck. Everything weird on the news always happens in Florida.
I love winters though. The freezing keeps shitty things in check, and is a natural repellent for stupid people.
>tfw Australian chicks love us because we have lost a war to birds
It's filling up fast with pajeets, that's for sure so when you shit in the street nobody will look twice.
Your country is objectively superior.
It is. Australia is a shit version of America with less freedom & rights and way more regulation and red tape.
Hosing costs half as much.
Because of housing alone I could do in America in 5 years what would take me 15 here in Australia.
Think of this, you go to America and buy property for 300k. In Australia it costs you twice as much. That's an extra 300k to buy guns, motorbikes, a nice ute, a small tractor, ect...
Or you can live in Australia and give that 300k to your local Bank manager for NO REASON AT ALL.
fuckyou puto!! the southwest is rightful mexican clay!!!
Well is there anywhere that lynchings are still legal? Just asking.
im brazilian btw
Why? Why not America?
Everyone, to a man, who I know moved to the US is literally the biggest goyim you could find
The kind who shill4hill, or think that discussing tv shows and other culture is fun
They are victims of the cultural war, who develop their culture by the american exported mass media
They are the weakest stock you can find, and they flock to your Niggerstate York with great enthusiasm, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Centralmarxist Park and then shower their social media scrapbooks with photos and videos
We will continue to send more, as you continue to send us your cultural marxism mass media that tells us how great American marxism is, and how awful traditional culture is
Be prepared
Proofs. I'm pretty sure we're not brown enough to get in.
pinche puto pendajo gringo
Oh soz. I like Brazillians...well, except those one I see on Liveleak. I had some friends from there...taught me some of your lingo. Que gustoza!
I have cousins in Eastern Europe who are so racist they don't want to live here
fpbp fellow freedomfag
I want to move to the US
in fact, it's my only dream and hope that keeps me alive.
What part of australia is even white anymore, and how white is it? I can never find numbers online, just "percentage of abbos" or "percentage of immigrants", but lots of Australian immigrants are actually white
I know some good real estate agent if you need help.
Abos aren't that big a problem. It's actually legal to run them over if they are sleeping on the road.
The cost of living here is so fucked up that any research into the place is pointless.
Everyone I know is having their life screwed up or life plans fucked with because of the cost of housing.
That whole Continent is death machine trying to kill its inhabitants.
Immigrating to North America is the reward for surviving.
The north east.
Bring white women.
What? Queensland? There's shitloads of white people all over the place in every state if you go rural. Brisbane is not immune to the multicultural plague.
The biggest cities are asian/indian.
Adelaide and Tasmania, the smallest cities, remain mostly white.
The rest of the white are rural areas spread out.
But if you come to Australia where most tourists go, e.g. Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, it's not very white at all except for small pockets of old money.
If you want to get a taste of what Queensland is like, go to some backward inbred town full of meth addicts.
Because we enjoy fucking latina grills on the downlow.
Don't you know why you have an illegal alien problem in the first place cunt?
It's an Anglo thing.
Our shrill bitchy entitled women are only for marrying.
Then you get a mistress and start playing golf.
Business trips to the US to fuck brown grills is also good.
Anything to get away from screaming babby and grill at home who wonders aloud in your heavily leveraged mcmansion how far her career would have gotten with liberal arts degree.
those feet hnnnnng
Where I live it's 99% white, I live in the northwest of NSW
Sydney/Melbourne- Chinese, Indian, Arab, white
Darwin- White/Abo
Perth- Majority white/abo/assorted others
All other towns/cities are almost all white. Its only major cities that are about 50/50.
Australia is still like 90% white. You're still the migrant and racemixing king, sorry bud.
Arizona doesn't have that many black people compared to a lot of states.
Most other places freeze.
Had to laugh when he refereed to it as the "north east" tho. It's redundant in a country with huge fucking states/territories.
I can understand america tho.
Their government has been trying to raise their population to 50,000,000 via immigration for decades now. When they failed to make progress towards this goal with English speaking immigrants, they actively began seeking out Chinese, Indian, and to a lesser extent, Southeast Asian immigrants.
Australia can't support 50,000,000 people. The 20+ million they have now are highly dependent on fertilizer and food imports.
You think the welfare burden of Europe and the US is hard to pay for? Imagine it costing ten times and much and the government trying to double it with people who are encouraged to maintain a foreign cultural identity.
Australia is pretty fucked and the economists have been saying it for a really, really long time. Including the ones who are pro-multiculti.
Plus Australia really, really, really blows geographically. Smart people are getting out before it goes Max Max.
I'd rather marry your sister, so I can get a citizenship
honestly I'd marry anyone, a fag, nigger, asian, latina idgaf
I freely welcome an increase of Australian and white immigrants. I don't get why burger posters ever use the "fuck off we're full" meme when referring to whites when most white Americans are euromixed from white immigrants.
Yeah but heaps of suburbs are 110% yellow/brown.
>this was in Australia today
So west virginia
Australia's a multicultural country and not a white country, you uneducated burgerbro.
Don't you mean asian?
Cool. Looks nice. And not too far from NYC so I can take my kids and show them what degeneracy looks like as a warning.
I'm surprised, it's a city with a million + people. Is it nice or is it white because it's shit and no one wants to move there?