Why does Cheeto Hitler continue to get punked by NK and China?
Why does Cheeto Hitler continue to get punked by NK and China?
I knew they couldnt resist being douchebags.
Those chinks are utterly useless. Fucking commie bastards
Well India will wreck China in the upcoming war anyway, especially now that they have insulted the 6' 2" we all know and love, so who cares?
Why would Chinese and NK be nice to Trump when he employs Steve Bannon who has called for a race war with China
>Those chinks are utterly useless. Fucking commie bastards
Communism will win
>India will wreck China
Today, in the deranged fantasies of the Autistic Swede (oxymoron)
I do not believe China doesn't have absolute sway over Best Korea. I honestly do not understand why they've continued to put up with DPRK's nonsense for as long as they have.
>he can't fathom why China would want a buffer state between it and a historically hostile superpower
The PLA is literally only for two purposes, domestic control/prevent a civil uprising and possible takeover of Taiwan/the Spratleys.
India has been at war on and off with Pakistan for the last 40 years. China got rekt against Vietnam twice.
Could NK even do shit?
and the china man say in his chinaman way a-ching-a-chong-a-ching-a-chong-a-ching-a-chingchong.
America and France got skull fucked by Vietnam. What's your point
Will India use shit for bullets?
This China doesnt want heavy sanctions on best korea because it will fall to the Chinese govt. To bail them out and unlike America there is no value in bailing out best korea. But China does need that nigger state between them and worst korea.
Please calm down, cuckold
China has next to no experience fighting modern wars. India does. Simple.
Wouldn't surprise me, but they'd still wreck the Chinese. Chinks couldn't take on Vietnam, it's not likely they could take on India either. India has experience with war, China does not.
Slams US arrogance = Trump is alpha as fuck
So you believe China (Population 1.379 Billion) would actually feel threaten by a unified Korea of South (Population 51.25 Million) & Best (Population 25.37 Million). Also they could easily have annexed and colonized Best Korea, they have enough technological development, wealth, and warm bodies to overwhelm the natives.
They have to fear from Russia & India than Kim's little poduck backwater.
>China bows down to US requests
>W-w-we're still pretty tough, USA, we swear!
Haha, oh wow.
America and France didn't get skull fucked, they lost the war because the war had no popular support in those two countries, not because of superior Vietnamese army (which was still very good, but had inferior military technology).
Sorry subhumanoid, your logic doesn't check out here and your assumption of a China India war being a realistic possibility is indicative of the diseased nature of your autistic brain
Like I hope you know that Pakistan gets a great deal of its military technology from China
Are you aware that the United States has a 60000 man occupation force, including aircraft carriers, stationed in East Asia and supplies all of China's adversaries with billions in subsidized weaponry and training
They had no popular support because they got skull fucked. Nobody likes a loser
Not an argument, I hope you know that India gets all of its military technology (usually the best and latest like T90 Tanks and missile tech) from the Russians since the 1960s.
And? Why would we go to war with our largest trading partner and debt buyer? China & the US are not going to have launch nuclear strikes on each other. What does China care if we play war games nearby as long as they get to keep doing business deals and buying the world's natural resources.
4D chess
If they got skull fucked then what happened to China? Every orifice filled with Vietnamese benises, while simultaneously being roasted over an open fire. China even shares a border with Vietnam unlike the fatties and froggies.
Every day I pray to God for the tiny chance that this NK thing may blow up into a fullscale war with China.
it's hard to deal with chinese government diplomatically, if your country shows them kindness they perceive it as weakness (the way a woman would) and lose respect for you and try to prey on you.
so you have to be firm, and then china shit tests you with a few dire warnings and some tough talk. either you cave or china carries out one of it's threats, or china tries out of respect to negotiate as fairly as you can make them to end the crisis and maintain stability.
i know these things because i am a millenial and feel i know everything despite lacking any real world experience
>China has no experience with wars
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
The idea that a "Buffer State" still being entertained as a valid concept since the advent of mass-produced ICBMs back in the 70s is something I find laughable and discrediting to anyone who attempts to introduce in serious discourse.
>being this retarded
Guess what my dude
generally speaking to move a large force of troops into a country, they have to be moved by land. The buffer state of nk keeps shit intact. The only reason you hear about this buffer state is because its the smallest, closest to a bastion of western civilization. You could send reasonable sizxe nukes to China all day and probably get a win out of it, but the essentially just opens you up for nuclear attack. Having an actual force be able to step over an imaginary line is loads more helpful if you don't have to conquer other nations on the way.
>but muh merica armed forces
These are men and women's lives we're talking about, on both sides of that fence, and even if everyone accepts a death toll unaturally high, no ones trying to turn this into The Great War. So Yeah, china feels comfortable with a gulag state next door. It also has a large wealth of natural resources used in technology manufacturing. No need for that to fall in western hands either. Seriously how are you this big of an idiot and still capable of typing?
>owing trillions of dollars
>spending billions to relieve that debt
>destroying half your young white men AGAIN
The Jews absolutely would be about it, and I cannot say I blame them.
Well war is hell, and rhetorical bluster/sabre rattling does fuck to improve the situation.
I'm sick of this empty rhetoric from Chickenhawks over imaginary lines, buffer states, and other petty garbage concerning a nation hardly anyone has visited and nobody but China buys and sells to.
1. DPRK is an existential threat worth launching a nuclear strike to exact depopulation of the land/regime change over and then take the repercussions from China as a result.
2. STFU ALREADY and accept them as nuclear power like we have Israel, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, France, etc. and instead expend energy, time, and money on a certain real gloabl threat like the declining value of antibiotics so we don't suffer another calamity like the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. Not a very sexy topic I know.
This some up my feelings pretty well on the matter, just with prettier words:
>North Korea clearly wants nuclear capability. They want it very badly because they think—not irrationally—that it’s the only thing that can reliably protect them from an American invasion. It is, right now, their highest priority by far, and nothing will stop them from obtaining it. Not sanctions. Not diplomacy. Not tut tutting from China. Not tweets from President Trump. Not B1 flights or carrier group movements.
>In fact, even a conventional bombing strike wouldn’t be effective at stopping their program. Conventional bombs couldn’t get everything, since much of North Korea’s program is buried underground. And anyway, it would take time and invite massive retaliation, both conventional and nuclear, on Seoul.
>That leaves one alternative: a nuclear strike.
North Korea is literally a puppet state of China. They both have communist regimes that routinely oppress people and violate human rights.
North Korea would implode without Chinese support.
So both China and North Korea are rogue nations.
China does a lot of bullying of Asian countries, any country that doesn't bend the knee for China is bullied and intimidated with Chinese state owned media propaganda.
China tries to buy influence in Asia with investments (that those countries can't repay), in return to gain access to their resources and strategic sea ports,roads etc.
China also made up fake historic claims to the South China Sea which were dismissed by the United Nations international Tribunal.
The Chinese Communist Party and the PRC is the most dangerous country in Asia.