Things Sup Forums won't admit are true.
Things Sup Forums won't admit are true
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews are actually superior to white people
Abortion has kept the Republican party relevant and is directly responsible for Trump's narrow victory.
Jews are the actual master race
Sup Forums is a containment board for 15yo Americans pretending to be white
That Atheist and Jew are synonymous.
Traps are actually gay
Saturn is Literally Satan, and is the primary force behind all suffering and strife on this mudball.
poland are the niggers of the eu
gib gib gib.
take responsibility for the refugee crisis? fuck no cracka ass eu!
You ban Guns. You prevent shootings. It's that simple
black lives matter
nazi on Sup Forums is not real nazi
they like furry / loli pupy / and maybe like asian girls too
but they still use racism ideas for they own benefit
take that flag off you communist faggot
>unironically believing this
Blacks got bigger dicks
Check out Chicago. Change your flag communist.
Climate Change is real.
White supremacists are groups of larping mutts and white trash
>worst case scenario
You're completely wrong and gun crime actually increases
>best case scenario
You just replaced gun murders with knife murders. Rape, burglary and muggings increase.
There has never been anything less severe after guns are banned, and in many cases the results are more towards the former than the latter.
I'll admit this one tonight, I'm pro-life but would never stop any form of nigger population control
Ashkenazi jews have the best family unit
>women wear skirts
>men wear suits
>celebrate having many children
>never race mix
>are successful
What prevents people from buying guns illegally? Take that flag off commie piece of shit
i mean they do control everything right? Wouldn't that make them superior?
That's right, being stabbed or curbstomped is much more humane.
As long as people aren't being shot at with a fully-automatic assault rifle with a 50 caliber magazine clip that holds 150 rounds of pure terror.
looking down at my dick says no on that one.
Are you fucking retarded user?
Whites came from albinism, a disease.
Degenerate niggers can barely run their own continent
Capitalism is inherently anti-white and needs to be ended.
>being stabbed and curbstomped=humane
niggers think this way also much more gore and blood splatter
>fully automatic rifle
nobody fucking sells these except the spics down south
>anti white
Jews are far superior than whites but they can not face this fact.
Whites need to die off.
america is not white anymore
I honestly think most of Sup Forums is pro-abortion because of this very reason
Trump doesnt think he just rationalizes his gut reactions.
Are you legitimately autistic or do you just play one on the Internet?
s-stop it
>Soap people is superior then le ubermanch white aryan
Flat earth
Jews are White
Most posts are teenagers being edgy. There is no globalist conspiracy.
Not all black people are niggers.
You have to go back, shitskin.
Sup Forums and SJWs are strategic allies. The popularization of anti-minority racism and sexism on Sup Forums confirms the SJW narrative that white men are racist and sexist, allowing SJWs to further popularize their anti-minority racism and sexism, which confirms the Sup Forums narrative of white genocide and misandry, which allows Sup Forums to further popularize its racism and sexism, and so on, ad infinitum.
The White race is a social construct made by the Eternal Burger.
Pedophiles are legitimate and needed members of society
Of course.
They control everything even Sup Forums.
The ultimate redpill is marrying into the Jewish race.
>i haven't bothered reading anything at all
truth is, they admit it themselves and this kind of intellectual dihonesty makes you look ignorant. kinda fuck off
Correction: "...SJWs to further popularize their anti-majority racism and sexism, ..."
>somebody says something that makes me vaguely angry
>reeee fuck off
just pointing out how the person with the least amount of knowledge tends to speak the loudest.
We are equally triggered by petty things as tumblr and on the same tier as trannies when it comes to LARPing
Are you retarded?
Down is up.
traps aren't gay
Being a nigger is a mindset, not a race.
If this was true Sup Forums might not be full of racists. Problem: it's not true.
it can only be suppressed by the strongest of wills
like the others said change your flag you sniveling rat
Trump will be in prison before Xmas.
Sup Forums is full of white identity politics, and literally is the opposite side of the same coin of the intersectionalist theory.
They are both scumbags using the club of large government to enforce their worldview.
They both should be met with the same force that Timothy McVeigh put forward.
It's a crutch that's keeping Blacks from taking responsibility of their actions and becoming more self-sufficient, productive members of society.
Abortion stagnates their population growth but does nothing to fix the underlying problem within their communities and it will continually bleed this country of welfare because of it.
Without the institution of abortion, the communities would be forced to self improve and adopt more familial traits. This robs its from them.
>forgets Japan was literally germany's greatest ally in the war
And this country will burn to the ground before next summer.
Nazis weren't white nationalists. Just nationalists.
Well Africa is full of countries where blacks do not have access to affordable birth control.
Your theory doesn't seem to hold up there so I reject the premise that a lack of birth control or banning of abortions in black communities would fix their problems which are mental in nature.
Only if full confiscation occurred. You can't just ban new sales and shootings end.
And if you want to try full confiscation you end up with massive death attempting to do so.
So the cost is not worth reward.
Control for inner city crime rate see how far the rate of gun crimes/death plummets.
Racism is a tool used by the ruling class to keep the common folk divided against themselves rather than united against them.
If that were true, we would see stories on news stations about blacks committing racially motivated hate crimes against whites all the time.
You know, to stoke the fires of racism of both sides. But we don't really see that do we. We see them covering those crimes up and not reporting on them.
Christcucks are almost as great an enemy to the white race as kikes are
Black Lives Matter
Not a disease burger.
Not to black people.
By covering up the crimes committed by the nigs on the larger, more powerful, more deadly white class, they are in fact stoking the fire. Not pouring gasoline on it, mind you, but adding tinder by tinder into it; the ruling class doesn't want pogroms and civil war, after all, but low level division that keeps people distracted.
The general public hates the right wing now because they have become as whiny as SJWs getting butthurt over when a white persons fee fees were hurt.
There will never be a DOTR. There will never be a race war. Whites will never be independent again.
Lolocaust they?
This is a Christian board.
Direct action required
White nationalism is a pipe dream, a totally unatainable dead end philosophy
The Irish rule the world
wew laddie
that sometimes conspiracies don't really exist and it really is randomness and incompetence and laziness that caused bad things to happen,
That white women are disillusioned with white men and are flocking to the BBC.
>at least 2 threads about this at a time
>niggers mad at a country that doesnt take in fugitives
delicious nigger tears
Most of the people here are simply on the other side of the crazy spectrum, projecting their shit on the "leftists" while they themselves are simply bad people
I'd rather live in a country where a 95 year old grandmother can kill 3 strong young intruders than in a shit state where they brutalize her to death
all achievements in post-Renaissance were mainly came from jews
they hate jews but worship a jew
>Culture isn't racial
>IQ isn't 100% genetic
>If "superior" races should rule, then we SHOULD be ruled by the since they're the smartest
Please explain
White people are the minority