What better way to create a massive underclass of useless consumers. This would have to be the worst idea in human history. If you thought things were bad now just imagine a world where you've been robbed of your purpose in life and your manhood. Your worth as a man has been reduced to zero and you are defined by the shit you consume. The nanny state rules supreme. We are already halfway there but this would be the nail in the coffin.
This fag supports a universal basic income
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The real problem is the useless conspumption and toil to create the things they consume. No politician or political ideology even comes close to doing what is neccessary. They all speak of increasing economic production and consumption as if it were the highest good in the world. It's not but no one is even talking about how we can replace a system where everyone needs to be part of this little game we play and how they can be freed to live more fulfilling lives.
Universal basic income for whites only. We'd become the new leisure class. And from the leisure class comes genius. Just look at all the great composers. They had benefactors who ensured they weren't occupied with the day-to-day chores of life. Instead they could live only to create what they want.
Once we can remove the shitskins, we can take our place as the rulers of this earth. Robots to do work here at home, and Asians to do all the manual labor.
>from leisure comes genius
Not likely
If we sterilize everyone under 100 IQ world wide and the bottom 3% of those hitting puberty every year going forward, I'll support this.
white nationalists are inherently socialist because
>we need to protect muh own
Lel, I disagree with this fag because he likes drinking with his jewish enemies.
White nationalists need to steer clear of this fucking retard.
For some people that happens, but not many. Look at most retirees. Without their job they feel lost. So they end up watching TV all day. Same for NEET. They've got all the time in the world but instead of using it they play copious amounts of video games.
UBI would need to come with a revival of country clubs or some similar structure. Otherwise it's just going to promote being NEET untersmench.
and sterilize the work-shy too
Spencer is a faggot crypto-communist
I fucking hate this autist
If we weren't flooded with foreigners of all kinds it wouldn't be a problem for anyone get a job and there would be no need for basic income.
I totally support helping people who legitimately can't work though
What wrong with that?
I'll have the gay, with a side of gay, smothered in gay sauce. On second thought, just smother Dick with poisonous vapors, you'd be doing us all a favor.
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How can we make our own wealth once everything is automated? Our labor will be worthless compared to machines
this is what he meant
We design, manufacture and service those machines perhaps? There is always going to be work that machines cannot do. Automation will only take a percentage of jobs.
>doesnt realize that every socialist state has failed.
I don't need your protection.
If the underclass is required to limit their reproduction to secure UBI, I'm in favor of it. Their reproduction needs to be kept down so that the average IQ can increase and our people can improve. Our development has never been so much in our own control, so let's organize civilization in such a way that we improve and transcend.
People are generally happy if they are working to produce gains, not to avoid losses. It doesn't take a lot of income to do that. UBI would make it so that anyone doing any amount of work would be doing so for gains. Even the person washing dishes 10 hours a week. Some would choose not to work and just vegetate, others would want to keep busy. I have faith in white people, that we won't stagnate.
Agreed, fuck white nationalism, fuck Drumpf, and fuck white people.
naw, just fuck white nationalism
I agree.
Lets punch some fucking nazis.
>nanny state rules supreme
>basic income
You have to choose. If you choose basic income you don't have any money left for the nanny state. If you choose nanny state you will never be able to pay basic income.
UBI leads to the ancap roads.
or we debate them with words and show them why they are wrong.
A personal preference can't be wrong. That's like me saying I like vanilla ice cream and you saying I'm wrong.
UBI would only work if almost every single job was automated.
Well likely get to that point eventually, but certainly not for at least another 50+ years.
Are you referring to the Anglin podcast?
Yeah I didn't like that either. People need MEANINGFUL work. Not just work for the sake of it.
I don't have another solution but paying whites to sit at home will destroy us. Men need to work.
start with me
>tfw 1200€ NEETbux every month
The choice is: either you starve as machines take your job in the next decades or you let big business, and that includes the state and banks, to give you a contract of good behavior in exchange of basic income. AI will make the decisions from now on, once people find how useful it is they will be subdued. The good behavior is likely to be just: 1. respect property 2. speak the truth, which are similar concepts if your IQ isn't under 130 points. You can work for money on the side, but universal basic income will happen once social unrest from the machine revolution takes place.
reminder richard spencer is pro white and we can work out the details later.
also /sage