how can a few malnourished illiterate scrawny fucks from third-world shitholes can take their countries over?
Why are europeans so pathetic?
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not fighting as much as you laying down :)
Get the fuck out of Europe scumbag.
>Can't suspend your Sup Forums mentality to enjoy a fantasy show about battles
Even in a fantasy universe, letting a bunch of primitive brown savages invade your country is a bad idea.
They need people to fight the zombies idiot. See if you are still worried about race they day the army of the dead is upon you.
You realize if that battle was real the horses would cavalry would of gotten fucked up or are you a retard who think horses charge straight into spears and a shield wall?
You have literally zero reasons to believe the Dothraki are any better than zombies. They're both equally shit.
WOW how small is your dick bruh TOP KEK
>gets rekt by inbred cunt and her dragons
>a millenia of nomad patriarchy is dissolved in 1 week by the same cunt
>need thousands of horses and the very same dragon that cucked you to defeat a hundred tired, drunk soldiers
>proceed to mock a dwarf cuz he can't fight back
>"lolz you guyz are such losers!"
Are we really discussing Game of Cones???
>If you're not discussing MY THREAD which is important you're sliding
>If you're not doing what I WANT you're sliding
its a fact the leaders knew multi culturalism doesnt work,and they know it would and is causing civil unrest
i reckon its engineered to create a civil war which they will step in and grant themselves powers and drive the migrants back once they get it
Because cult magic (propaganda) is a powerful thing and that's why you two fucking cucks or Islamic and Communist. You're both destroying yourselves for the Jew and you don't even know it.
Well now that is just ridiculous. Dothraki are savages but they can at least be useful. The undead would just murder everyone for no reason.
Which is exactly what the Dothraki do. They're just zombies, except with poorer leadership.
>2 rows of men against an enormous horde
Yeah I'm sure two men can hold back a dozen horses because thats basically what it equates to.
I mean was this guy serious though? His side clearly had an insane numerical advantage and had dragons. If anything the amount of dothraki that died was embarrassing.
same way you have affirmative action, had nigger as president, are 50% non white and so on (provided you're American, can't tell when your pussy nonwhite ass hides behind memeflags)
>degenerate alcoholic deformed family traitor dwarf fucks over his house and family because he failed to follow his father's discipline when he should have just left him out in the forest to die when he was born
Tywin did nothing wrong.
He was just being a prick to Tyrion
They are perfect for dying to take back the 7 kingdoms so they don't get fodderized and turned into zombies against the white walkers
>bunch of darkies with a fire breathing lizard against an outnumbered group of white folk
>"Your people can't fight."
Gee, it's almost like colored folk can only beat a white person when it's 10-to-1.
>when the red pill hits you
A horse will not charge into spears and shields, and those were four ranks deep.
Cavalry is useless against infantry formations unless they flank or the infantry breaks formation.
That's why they always use cavalry as a supporting force for infantry.
Yeah but they clearly didn't have enough men to form a line that couldn't easily be flanked.
Take back the 7 kingdoms from whom? The Westerosi who are ruling and managing it? You mean take it away from the people to whom it rightfully belongs and give it to a delusional maniac cunt and her murderous foreign army?
They had a dragon behind them m8. And they were the warhorses of savages.
>too stupid to see the blatant symbolism
A dumb white whore organizes a bunch of non-whites and invades a white continent and takes over.
That shit is pretty fucking obvious.
The Westerosi can't handle the white walkers without back up. She has dragons and fire kills them. The Lanisters would never believe or care about some army of the dead from fantasies.
Re watch the wide shot again, their formation had their backs to the river.
Obviously the dragon fucked them up but the initial charge did not include the dragon.
I am just pointing out that its stupid. It was always a problem with trying to get cavalry to charge head on to an infantry formation.
Why do you think square formation during the napoleonic wars was so effective against cavalry.
If the horses did charge into them they would get fucked up but horses are not stupid and you cant train them to charge into what they perceive to be solid objects with pointy shit sticking out of them.
War horse or not, it does not matter. You cannot train a horse to do that. Even if you put heavy armor on them. They dont care or understand that the armor will protect them.
Now who's being ridiculous? The Children and the First Men already defeated the White Walkers thousands of years ago, with a lot less men and lower technology. If anything, introducing shitty Dothraki genes to the Westerosi genepool would be far more damaging in the long term.
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The dragon busted a hole through the shield wall.
>how can a few malnourished illiterate scrawny fucks from third-world shitholes can take their countries over?
Through poor writing.
>Lannisters know Dany is around with 3 dragons and a non-white horde
>They don't have solid pikeman
>Most of their horseback knights are nowhere to be seen
>they let their army get stretched too thin on a march
It doesn't make sense because the show writers are too stupid to create a decent sense of attention to detail
Are we talking about the fantasy show or real life ?
The forest children are going to team up to help, even the cave drawings depicted it.
My working theory is that an older 3-eyed raven predicted these future events. The people in the cave, the night king/white walkers, and the children are what's about to happen.
>implying dothrakis wouldnt also break instantly against muh dragons
>Surrender to dragons out of fear.
>Mock the people holding formation and slaughtering your forces while you have a dragon inside.
At least the shitskins are thick in the series too.
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There were a lot less zombies the previous times because there were less people to get killed by them. And even really old dead bones can be reanimated so they have been piling up.
>Rulers in real life have never sent men under equipped and thinly stretched.
they have a butt lust that is unquenchable . the smell of ass in the air is enough to instill them with inhuman strength
It doesn't even matter that the Children are gone. The point is, the White Walkers have already been defeated once, by fewer people than now exist in Westeros (before the Andasl and Rhoynars) and with a lot less at their disposable technologically than the current occupants of Westeros have at their disposal now. The people of Westeros are in better shape to face the Others now than their ancestors were when they were defeated the first time.
Nobody needs these wild savage shitskins or their help. They're not wanted and they should go home back to their grasslands where they've done nothing for thousands of years except rape and pillage with nothing to show for it.
>Horses can't beat a shield wall
The Dothraki are modeled after the Mongols, who fuck half the world into another era.
Maybe the Lannisters should try mass producing arbalests and that "scorpion" to take down the dragons. Would work way better than longbows.
A horse would probably shit itself and run the other way if it saw a dragon even if it was an ally dragon. These are fantasy horses. They are ballsier than real life horses.
Two World Wars fueled by Nationalism devastating your continent will sort of diminish your will for more of that.
These guys are the best military minds in Westeros. In history when it happened either it was unexpected or the people who let it happen were complete retards.
you mean you can train them for riding under heavy artillery barrage... but somehow they can't learn to charge and break lines anymore?
i guess feudalism really wasn't a thing in Africa
Jamie did say they were stretched too thin. They probably didn't expect to be attacked after just winning what they thought was a crippling battle against their enemy
They had roughly a 10 minute warning.
first time in my life i'm cheering for steppe sandniggers
i think i'm lost, the jews got to me
why are mediterraneans so pathetic?
how can a few malnourished illiterate scrawny fucks from northern shitholes can take their countries over?
Lannisters are degenerates, but it would have been so satisfying if Kingslayer became Dragonslayer in that last charge scene, or to see him split Dany's head open, that bitch is so irritating.
Mongols corralled infantry formations and peppered them with arrows while attacking from all sides.
Yes you can desensitize a horse to loud sounds you cannot train them to run into a spear.
They did try different things like charging them in columns while having a screening cavalry force in the front and at the last moment the cavalry screening the charge would peel off leaving the cavalry columns little chance to do anything but go straight forward but even this was ineffective and caused the horses to panic often.
You can train a horse to jump from the grand fucking canyon, friendo.
>Cavalry could still charge dense heavy infantry formations head-on if the cavalrymen had a combination of certain traits. They had a high chance of success if they were in a formation, collectively disciplined, highly skilled, and equipped with the best arms and armor, as well as mounted upon horses trained to endure the physical and mental stresses of such charges. However, the majority of cavalry personnel lacked at least one of these traits, particularly discipline, formations, and horses trained for head-on charges. Thus, the use of the head-on cavalry charge declined, although the fierce Polish hussars, French Cuirassiers, and Spanish and Portuguese conquistadores were still capable of succeeding in such charges, often due to their possession of the previously mentioned combination of the traits required for success in such endeavors.
I agree the horde in GOT would have gotten chopped down much more if the battle was realistic, but there were charges against heavy infantry.
then i think they really really got to me
i just wanted Drogon to burn everyone
The polish Hussars where amazing. I don't know anything about conquistadores though
It's a familiar thing in history. It's exemplified by a simple quote but I'd rather tell you about something else. It's called Ibn Khalduns pendulum.
The idea is as follows. Over time, marginal tribes will be united by a charismatic leader, sometimes religious, sometimes not. This leader will rally the tribes, who are warlike, know how to survive, etc.
These tribes will then conquer cities and establish an empire. When this empire becomes dominant in their region, they will relax and become decadent and fat. Meanwhile there will still be other warlike tribes, living on the outskirts of society and out in the wilderness. And eventually a charismatic new leader will turn up to unite those tribes and the cycle repeats.
>Lannisters are degenerates, but it would have been so satisfying if Kingslayer became Dragonslayer in that last charge scene
I always liked jaime but that charge on the dragon finally cements him as the true hero of westeros.
Of course, those hollywood degenerates will likely kill him now that he's become the hero of the story.
>brown guy taking credit for the dragons work.
Unless he can swim in heavy armor....
>I always liked jaime
but he is a
>sister fucker
>oath breaker
This is to symbolize his baptism and rebirth. He will survive the water.
Yea but he believes in the right virtues (even if he doesn't always follow them)
Best scene in the show, hands down.
the true whites are the white walkers
you are all weak half mongrels
>Jamie did say they were stretched too thin. They probably didn't expect to be attacked after just winning what they thought was a crippling battle against their enemy
I know but the problem is they knew there was a dothraki horde and dragon riding bitch not far who wanted to wage war on the kingdoms
Couldn't agree more
Brainwashing & chemical feminisation of men from the young age.
yes goy, just shut off your brain, two Hollywood kikes would never put in any propaganda in a tv show
He believes in tossing little boys from windows.
So does everyone else.
Depending on the situation.
The dothraki are savages. All they do is fight and fuck.
Nah I doubt it. It's pretty hard to redeem yourself after that. It didn't even kill Bran just crippled him for life. Jamie is a pompous piece of shit and I wish Ned had killed his punk ass.
That stunning display of heroism is something we need to develop.
>the UN is advocating for genocide
That is the hand she was dealt pretty much. Her brother sold her to these savages and I'm paraphrasing "I don't care if they all take turns fucking you if it means I get my crown". He was a cunt. She wants to rule because she believes she is the only Targaryen left. Plot twist Jon Snow is her nephew.
Wouldn't be replacement if white people had kids. More people = more growth, more workers, more money to make off the backs of the working class. That is the true reason.
>A dumb white whore organizes a bunch of non-whites and invades a white continent and takes over.
Are Valyrians considered white even though they come from the same continent as the brown people?
Are they the Jews of Westeros?
>implying its the unwashed shitskins
its the trashy politics if this country didnt have retarded all people are equal laws and instead had traditional only europeans deserve rights laws it would be fine
Jamie used to be all about that life but he ain't no more. His is a story of redemption.
>Haha your people can't fight 5:1 while on fire, losers.
I never really understood that line, did he actually think he was being impressive?