US-UK trade deal to bring poison baby formula to Britain

Brexit, the gift that keeps on giving!

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>choice between toxic Dutch eggs and toxic American milk

Knowing May, she will make sure Britons get both in the end.

Remainers must be saved, the rest shall perish.

oh nooooo america allows 20x more of a toxin that basically only exists in africa and china...what will we dooooo

Is this implying that in America we poison ourselves knowingly?

Well, you do eat yoga mats

>choice between toxic Dutch eggs and toxic American milk
One is a large illegal criminal food scam and the other is business as usual without end.

Ok then.

>20x more of a toxin that basically only exists in africa and china.
there is a reason America allows the toxin. US farmers use the toxin, so they do not want to run into problems selling to babies.

Good for the cancer industry though.

Your dairy cows get pumped with growth hormones. Sad

what the fuck are you talking about? show me where farmers use the toxin.

But its anglosaxon poison and not mudslime poison

>google US cancer rate
>pic related comes up
>google UK cancer rate
>Incidence rates for all cancers combined are projected to rise by 2% in the UK between 2014 and 2035

If only the EU could save us

22% of cows are treated. I buy organic milk problem solved.

>not breastfeeding

it almost like the free market found a solution

>>not breastfeeding
Quite a lot of women can't breastfeed - just not enough milk in their breasts. You need to supplement the breast milk with baby formula, unless you want the kid to die.

>I buy organic milk problem solved.
How is the problem of cancer stuff in milk solved through buying "organic" milk? It's not like there are different standards for organic milk on cancer stuff than for "regular" milk.

Also, whenever you eat anything not cooked by yourself anywhere, that includes milk, you can be 100% sure it is not "organic" milk, but the cheapest they can buy.

thats never a problem in america, growth hormone makes bigger titties with more milk

All the UK needs is the Anglosphere and USA how can Europe compete with that?

>show me where farmers use the toxin.
They use aflatoxin heavy feed for their cows. Look it up. You are allowed to feed your milk cows toxin heavy feed...


There is a reason EU food safety standards are higher than in the US in pretty much all areas.

There was never a point where even 50% of cows were treated. I live in California, you know, where all the food is from... I didn't have to make a decision against or for anything. Our farmers don't use rbgh because we have sunshine and plenty of food. That shit was pushed on low yield farmers.

Ya but but but there was horse meat in IKEA's meatballs in Europe and not in North America. Explain?

ebig :DD

i have literally never eaten a thing from california.. does stuff even grow out there when you dont have water? i thought the only thing that california produces is hippies, faggots and new strains of AIDS

You fool, milk itself is the carcinogen!
Milk has IGF1, this growth factor is useless in adults, it stimulates the growth of cancer that might never have gotten the chance otherwise to grow big enough to be a problem in your lifetime.

>muh EU muh 4th Reich

Fuck off continentnigger

Like that gift of millions of unskilled muslim and black immigrants that are now in West Europe due to Angela Merkel and the EU?

That's not a gift, its a curse.

Germany 'spent more than €20bn on refugees in 2016' as crisis outstrips state budgets

Germans screw up Europe Every Time.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. An allowed level doesn't mean any even exists. The aflatoxins are a problem on corn crops.

In your own fucking source it says it happened ONE SINGLE YEAR. And then a bunch of if if if if

You euro's are fucking retards man. You all fall for the FUD (fear uncertainty doubt) like little children. It's amazing.

In your insane conjecture you prove my point. I live in Cali. Alta Dena milk is used everywhere and served in every school.

Grow up Europe.

Shut the fuck up my family drinks milk with every meal and everyone so far has lived to be over 90.

Archive or screenshot please

Fuck off Germany. Go get raped by some refugees.

well actually there was a outbreak that killed like 3 kids when they drank california milk that was infected with syphilis

but its ok, because the good half of the US drinks good wholesome WISCONSIN milk and they didnt get sick

Why are britbongs so quiet lately?

the good 14%... you're bad at trolling btw

>An allowed level doesn't mean any even exists.
You allow toxins at a high level for a reason. If the toxins exist in milk, you can still sell it to people abroad. This is why they are allowed.

EU media sources are the biggest scaremongering kikes on the planet, don't believe this bullshit for a second or you will see your country soon turned to Germany and Sweden.

Why did I know it'd be a German poster

fuck you and your dirty fucking commie state

none of your produce makes it past colorado
and the "agriculture capital" is a fucking meme because your the size of four fucking states but only barely produce more shit than one

Milk formula with bacon for UK.
Anti Muslim bacon.

>not exposing yourself to cancer so your immune system doesnt know how to deal with it later on

Checked and agreed

and i wouldent want to eat anything from california anyways beause of all the spics that shit in the field when they harvest

so enjoy your organic spic shit kale you fucking dope headed roach

IF again! IF! That's all these people need to say for you to lose your fucking mind. You are literally imagining a problem that doesn't exist.

Because Brexit is popular in UK and Brits know it

lmao you're so fucking stupid, but it's funny I like it.

>I'm from California and it's so wonderful pls no bully
Kill yourself my man

> 0.0020
> 0.0024


surprise surprise,

more california shit produce is killing people

Why would we not drink British milk? The local milk in my area is delicious and costs hardly more than supermarket shit.
Sorry for my edge but if a woman can't breastfeed, she is failing at the one thing she is programmed to do in life and so nature (or God) is doing mankind a favor by letting her kid die so the shit genetics won't be passed on.

Pretty sure everything causes cancer now, so why not start young

I think california is stupid too but com'on, you are seriously making USA look bad saying stupid shit like this you dumb faggot, switch to a rainbow flag

So according to this America must have massively higher rates of cancer right germanistan?

Papaya's...FROM MEXICO you dumbfuck I'm laughing so fucking hard I can't type. We grow so much shit, the percentages range, but overall I'd say we grow 75% of the produce consumed in the US. Doesn't make it past CO hahaha...

>I buy organic milk

>20x the toxine
>still under safe levels

dose makes the poison, just because the eurocucks have stricter standards for whatever reason doesnt necessarily mean the burger ones are dangerous

now if you source me on what are the dangerous doses for the toxin

horse meat is a delicacy and is put into some expensive shit in eastern Europe, in Bulgaria for sure.
>t. bulgarian with a fucked up flag

it says right there that spics were shitting in the field when they harvested the papayas, and this caused 105 people to die from california produce

can you not fucking read?
or can you only read spic

Why is that a bad thing? Consider the amount of Muslims in the UK and the fact that they have more babies than the british do, this would be an excellent thing to do.

>now if you source me on what are the dangerous doses for the toxin
Apparently it is a risk progression. The more you take in, the more likely you are to develop cancer.

Meaning: doctors say, the less you take in, the better, especially for babies.

Did you see this shit:

What are we gonna do if our votes are so diluted. Don't blame Cali on the good people that have lived here for so long...

It says papayas from mexico. I guess you can't read...

Why are germans eternally butthurt about uk leaving the eu? It was germans who decided to flood europe with niggers, no shit countries are leaving.

We should have castrated all the men, and double raped the women.

Real germans were badass, the lefty commie cuck germans are garbage, worse than jews.


It's time to stop posting

Formula, birth control, etc is how the human(white) race dies. The only hope for this planet is immediate cataclysmic violence removing billions.

carefull there, the tiny state of Iowa is gonna outpace u

>flood the market with milk that MIGHT give you cancer


>flood the country with Muslim cancer that will kill you for sure


Why not neither?

I don't see anything wrong with this. Since we're being replaced, it will just poison those who are replacing us and destroying our culture.

Thanks burgerbros, I knew we could count on you.



>when we don't have water
um yeah, believe me it all keeps growing. farming is the most important thing here, only the most marginal lands were restricted

>drink a ton of milk my entire life
>only 5'8

your theory is AIDS

This is our master plan, our mind altering milk will allow us to control their minds and turn the UK in to an American colony, it has taken 241 years but our plan is almost complete.

I hope at least BSE will stay now in England

texas and steers = 9%

cali and queers = 7%

calis main export = spics and democratic voters

Look! Look! Germany is reaching across the channel again!


>the less you take in, the better, especially for babies.

is this another case of one in a trillion vs 1 in a quadrillion chance?

well they picked their friends and it seems they have just the right one.

the next step is to ship the whole damn island to the coast of florida

Your welcome dad, now let's get that Empire back...

I don't give a shit about the UK

I just hope the news cycles into American cognizance. (((They))) are in control of our agriculture and crony capitalism has us giving our money away for poisoned food.

Fear mongering?

So you think that those regulations exist to protect you and not to protect your dairy industry from more affordable competition?

You do realize that the United States has like 3 lawyers for every human literally dying to sue anything that moves into oblivion. And yet you somehow think that cancerous baby formula is flooding the American market.

slavs are not people we all know that, Hitler 101 right here....

Really? You are referencing the Food Babe?

I don't think you understand how those ranking work. Iowa produces a lot of livestock feed, it's agriculture receipts, you don't eat it. The stuff people eat we grow almost all of. Do you get it? The rest of the adult country is talking about our dangerous reliance on one state to produce all the food we eat.

I'm so happy I'm not you

>transporting milk across the pond

This is bait right?


Enjoy the shit chlorine food as well (not like your going to see the difference anyway).

>your face when it only kills muslim babies

the final solution.

Let's be fair here, if you have british genes you are already fucked. That little bit of poison won't do much

Just test the shipments as they come in and refuse to pay if they don't meet your standards. Not a difficult concept and will force them to send quality goods if they want to continue traditing.

Cancer death rate and cancer rate are two different things

>"Brexit will give your baby cancer!!"

I hate the fuckheads who make this shit more every day.

I like when I get products that have a warning from California that it contains stuff that can cause cancer.

Nanny states are a mistake.

>a state with less people than L.A. is third place
slow down white people you're making brown commies look bad

>most babies born now are niggers
>this will cull them
we win again!!!

>but muh soy and wine that everyone acts like its good but it isnt.
>big screen leftism
>muh Chinese alfalfa feed
>fag capital
>fucking pelosi
There isnt one thing grown or made here that cant be got elsewhere or just gone without entirely.

Fake news

We're done. We'll pay the exit bill if there is one. We'll take any deal America will offer us. We'll eat baked beans every day for the next decade.

We're done and we're packing up our shit and floating off into the Atlantic. Fuck you, fuck your continent, and fuck your stupid accents. We're done.

that bit closer to being able to live in america without having to go through that awful process