Generally my process is as followed, other than just recommending Jordan Petersons maps of meaning series, which is also an excellent anti-SJW resource. I think one thing people have to understand about conservatism is that it's much deeper than the politics, it's an entire mindset.
#1 - start with things loosely connected with political ideas. Gauge interest.
This is things like H3H3's "Spiderman and elsa" video.
#2 - Introduce things that really make them think, yet are fairly uncontroversial, and expose what most media sources are.
I like stuff like . Citizenfour. Fog of War. I'm sure there's something good on how the Iraq war was sold to the Public.
It may also help to teach somebody about statistics or stuff like that if they're retarded.
#3 - more directly partisan political stuff. I think Ben Sharpio argues well. If you haven't introduced somebody to peterson yet do it now with his SJW stuff first.
#4 - if you want to have somebody swallow a redpill they can never take back, after gaining sufficient trust, try to get them reading 8ch or Sup Forums, and especially a redpill thread. A good bunch of it is bullshit, but there is enough concentrated truth there to change a man forever. Now if you have any sense you will quickly learn the people that inhabit pol are retarded and somehow both spend all their time both spending all day talking about politics yet never understanding it deeper than SJW = BAD, but this is a good direction. Allow time for them to process.
#5 - Get off youtube and away from the limited realm of petty modern politics and read in depth from conservative thinkers and thinkers that have influenced conservatism.
#6 - Become patrician, work hard, study your history, culture, and traditions. Get a wife. Start a family. Get a good job. Shitpost regularly on Sup Forums. Become model for others to emulate.