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A reminder that God hates them.
I love it.
Jews must understand that for Palestinians the star of David is a symbol of oppression.
A cross is actually a cube unfolded.
The crucifix just got 5 ft higher.
Jews literally killed Jesus and now they complain about oppression. What faggots.
Illuminati designed the Abrahamic religions
Wake up sheep
The Jews who want to talk about oppression must understand that Israel is not theirs and it belongs to the people of Palestine.
Did you begin using that phrase before it was cool? Or only after it got popular.
>the jew cries out in pain as it crucifies you
Really? For us goys its a murder weapon
oremus et pro perfidis judaeis
>0 days without jewish tricks
not for long...
Kek nice digits
>Jews must understand that for Christians the Hammer and Sickle is a symbol of oppression.
>Jews condemn Jesus to die on the cross
>Claim the cross is hurting them
What quote am I looking for here?
Kikes confirmed for vampires.
not sorry
>Kill Jesus
>Realize your "tribe" is scheduled for eternal damnation because of
>Propagate filth and the like in an attempt to bring everyone with you for the ride
There's a reason you keep being expelled.
haha jews are admitting they are demons and cannot look at sign of God
we must make more great religions by nailing more jew to more cross.
We should replace the Cross with the Windmill of Friendship and Tolerance then.
Like fuckin vampires
Put vampire teeth on the blood sucker
Parasites all the same
Jesus Christ is god on earth you fucking heathen.
I like fuckin' vampires too.
Christcucks have already apologized for offending the chosen people who murdered their jewish god. Christcucks should be banned from pol
Meanwhile I loved being thought of and referred to as a soulless goyim beast.
It's true.
Wearing a cross necklace is Jew-repellent. It's the best accessory, 11/10 would recommend.
>fathers of the church were jews
>they worship a jew god who encarnated himself as a jew man
>catholic church is ruled by jews
>many inquisitors who tortured and killed intellectuals were jews (pic related)
>christians benefited with the slavery of europeans trade between jews and otomans
>protestants remove any european influence and makes christism 100% jewish
>they burned and tortured more """witches""" than any inquisition in Europe
>wars between europeans for their jewish concepts of religion
You have to be some kind of retard to keep being christist
We need to push some kind of #StopTheCrossForJews campaign. (((They))) will perpetuate it while no christians will accept it at all but it will create a divide between merchants and christians.
Bingo bango.
Plot twist -- or not a plot twist if you've been paying attention -- the damned souls in Hell will also make for more soldiers for Hell's final assault on Heaven. Which they lose of course. But it just shows how deep the game goes. Not just materially. But the ultimate goal is to ruin you spiritually.
this just happened, what exactly did they not want me to see hmm
Religious freedom, nigga.
If the Jews are innocent why do they hide their horns?
Well time to go buy some rosary beads.
>Giles Fraser
Fraser's father was Jewish and his mother from a Christian background, and Fraser himself was circumcised according to Jewish tradition.[7]
(((vampires))) fear the cross and the light.
Only lefty- butthurt jews actually get offended by it.
I fucking despise leftists. Crosses are fine. Leftists are filth.
why cant jews denounce western jews and literally promote hitler
you are basically the jewish equivalent of nazism
you ethnocleansed that area, introduced your own state , started sterilizing nigs and throwing them out , refuse to take in non jews and have one of the toughest imigration policies in the world etc
you are basically what hitler wanted for germans.
aint that kinda hypocritical when your cousins are fucking shit up in our countries here and playing that double standard.
As an agnostic this makes me want to wear a bunch of crosses