'she was warned there had been several offers for her on the Dark Web and she would be 'fed to the tigers' when the Arab buyer got tired of her '
'she was warned there had been several offers for her on the Dark Web and she would be 'fed to the tigers' when the Arab buyer got tired of her '
Other urls found in this thread:
‘He told me he had made more than 15million euros in the last five years. He explained to me that all girls are sold to Arab countries. When the buyer is tired of a girl he either gives her to other people or feeds her to the tigers.’
Hmm might start-up a such company.
What happened to your flag Norway?
It's the Jews. You don't want it to be the Jews, but it is. You can't look closely at history and attempt to get at the root of 'why' some of the worst events happened without butting up against the goddamn Jews. They are monsters. It's unclear if they are willfully monsterous or just possessed by some unholy demon. Whenever they achieve power, massive extermination happens. They only know how to destroy and degrade. They don't have an endgame, they just live moment to moment reacting to the world convinced that it must be destroyed.
>the life of a roastie
Who gives a shit? At least tigers are endangered.
>Lukasz Herba, a Pole who lives in the West Midlands, has been arrested on suspicion of kidnap.
So why are we blaming mudslimes when it was a fucking toilet scrubber who kidnapped her? Don't blame the customer, blame the seller.
Cool that she got all that free publicity for her "modeling" career.
It was always just a proxy. Isn't there arule about that?
That's fucking spooky as shit dude
he outsourced his autism
why not both? :)
>free publicity for her "modeling"
Why are aussies the smartest people on this website
Its good to see other people archive to
Wtf is that on the back of his head?
>roastie doesnt get enough attention
>fakes kidnapping to get attention
He was a british polack
‘He told me he had made more than 15million euros in the last five years. He explained to me that all girls are sold to Arab countries. When the buyer is tired of a girl he either gives her to other people or feeds her to the tigers.’
They implanted a chip in his head.
Based Arab
It was also a filthy Pole who tried to sell her. Subhumans know what other subhumans like I guess.
fun fact: a group of polish football hooligans was caught by polish cops for smuggling rapefugees to germany
don't think we're your friends, we hate you and root for your demise
So fucking sick and tired of third world degeneracy. The girl was obviously a stupid whore but it's the principle. Race war can't come soon enough. Yes faggots, I'm ready for it. I've been unironically practicing gorilla warfare for the past years. Let's go go go.
I would've kidnapped her and raped her so hard
Face is busted but those thighs look thicc enough
Yes, both are guilty.
When I think of Arabs who own tigers, I think of Saudi Oil Princes... Our 2nd greatest allies in the Middle East?
hate poles
hate arabs
Witnessed and this whole thing smacks of an attention seeking effort to get popular.
see the Fairlie Arrow story for ref.
colour me surprised when she lands a contract as part of her 15 min and he ends up being her bf or something like that....
coalburner single mother with 2yr old mongrel son
The guy ends up being her bf? Wouldn't staging something like this be hella illegal? Oh well, she won't hardly last 15 minutes if that's the case as the police will be able to figure out rather quickly.
Probably where you have to keep your head for your mugshot
smells like a race hoax to me
Glad someone still thinks of harambe
>nevar forgit
What did you do to Norway you fuckinng nniggeerr
Why does she look completely unharmed if he "kidnapped" her? If she's a model she is probably above 1.70 m and he doesn't look like a huge guy either.
Do you faggots understand basic physics? There is no way he kidnapped her.
Wait. This chick doesn't have a kid though. I know her, used to be in some of JMX's old videos. The victim was a mother and had a 2 year old child...that's why they let her go.
She looks like the only type of modelling she does is the naked cock swallowing video kind of modelling.
>spoopy ass story which reads like a script to a mediocre hollyjew film coincidentally happens to a "glamour model" roastie who is 6/10 at best
She wants more instagram followers. None of this happened.
How do you know what her son looks like? I don't even think this chick has a kid (despite what the previous articles from yesterday said).
>not knowing about Poland
Britain pls
>20 years old, looks plastic 50
>Mega forehead
>20 but everything is already fake
>Girl looks like a shemale
The absolute state of anglo women
It's the thing they use to make it look like it's standing. He's not real. The liberals had to create an artificial pole in order to divert the blame from the Arabs. Because that would be racist.
When everythings come out in the wash I'll be REALLY unsurprised if they have no prior connection.
This is a straightup scam.
>Be 20 year old NEET
>Make a hitman-for-hire LARPing site on the darkweb
>Some Arab prince is actually retarded enough to believe it and sends money
>Piss yourself as you realize you just conned money from the Saudi royal family
>Make autistic plan to kidnap model
>Holy shit, it actually worked
>Suddenly realize you have no way to get her to Arabia
>Try to escort her home (m'lady), get arrested instead
>Your name is now all over the media as the guy that conned those arabs
>Get raped to death by Ahmed in prison
Arabs still practicing slavery? What a surprise.
If the Pole turned out working for some Jew, the stereotype would be complete.
Well, Arabs are attracted to a nice camel-toe.
Give the thots to tigers
>'she was warned there had been several offers for her on the Dark Web and she would be 'fed to the tigers' when the Arab buyer got tired of her
wtf I love saudis now
>mfw this is probably true
anyone ever consider the fact podesta and clinton foundation are in on this game, selling to the arabs?
At least she shaves her armpits, froggo.
Oil money
He did make 15 million doing this
Makes you wonder how many European women are being held as sex slaves in Arabia/Israel.
I bet there are thousands of them.
It's just British things. Brits gona brit.
This. People on Sup Forums like to think we Brits voted for Brexit because of muslims, but in truth, people here hate the poles WAY more.
Daily mail generally prints right-leaning stories.
The point of archiving is to deprive views to websites that are our ideological enemies like skate, buzzfeed, huffpo, Washington post, etc.
Daily mail on the other hand mostly publishes articles that are minor red pills.
There's no point in depriving them of views. They should be rewarded with views so that they publish even more content that is anti-nigger or anti-Muslim.
If they are deprived of views for these articles they will publish less of them.
Use your brain before you post an archive link.
It isn't just a meme that we do every time an article is posted, it's done with a purpose.
Daily reminder that poland had the highest jewish population in the entire world before israel was created
Don't trust poles
All of her social media and communications will be studied by our friends at GCHQ and when they find evidence of Stacy being in on it, the whole thing will fall apart.
>gorilla warfare
You embarrass us.
This guy must of sold around 60 alone. So yeah, there is thousands of young European women being lured in sexual slavery for kikes and Sand niggers
15 000 000 / 300 000 = 50.
Either the numbers are inflated or the Arabs pay a lot more than 300k. I don't believe he managed to pull it off 50 times.
Roastie btfo
M8s, this is going on right under our noses. All the red light districts of major European cities are full of Eastern European women are enslaved to drugs of financial duress. You can guess which groups of people traffic them around and profit from the industry that legalised prostitution has created. Many who think they are going to western Europe are also tricked to go to Israel and the middle east.
Smells like bullshit to me. Human traffickers that give a fuck about someone being a mother? Real killer criminals there.
Daily mail was all about hillary during the election...they tamped down on many comments when before the election they did not...fuck them and their views
according to Humans rights watch there is about 10-15 000 sex slaves from former soviet bloc in israel alone. And it has been this way for many many years now with new coming every year
You'd be surprised the rules that certain people have.
Ones that you'd figure to be utterly ruthless.
$270,000 for those busted ass titties?
It's not really a secret that israeli secret servce is involved in eastern european organized crime. Human trafficking is just a part of it, the bigger piece of the pie is weapons smuggling and drug trade.
This. They (((kidnap))) her and in doing so totally prove how real their smuggling ring is. Then the rest of the gang "keep" selling the merchandise.
>I just hope those poor rich arabs don't fall for it and lose all of their exon bux buying fake blond girls.
It's standard attire for everyone with Polish heritage. It stops their brain from falling out.
No excuse, see flag.
Why did he turn himself in of he could just have kept her for himself?
This girl was kept in a suitcase for over 7 years, 23 hours a day, only coming out to please her master.
>hurrr this news paper constantly prints stories that are anti-migrant, anti-immigration, anti-niggers,anti-islam, about false rape accusations and other right wing topics that are BENEFICIAL to our cause but I didn't like one of their articles about Trump so we should take away our views of all their articles
That's not how economics works you dumbass.
if you want more of one behaviour and less of another behaviour then you INCENTIVISE the behaviour you want by rewarding it and DEINCENTIVISE the behaviour you don't want by ignoring or punishing it.
This story is good for our cause, it shows that arab muslims literally buy european women as sex slaves.
WE WANT more people reading stories like this therefore WE WANT the daily mail printing more of these stories therefore it is IN OUR INTERESTS for us to incentivise and reward these stories.
Use your brain.
Your line of thinking hurts our cause.
Only archive websites that are our ideological enemies.
If a website is an ally then don't archive them
If a website publishes a content that is good for us and content that is bad for us then archive links to the bad content and incentivise the content that we want.
News sites will see what kind of articles get more clicks and this will effect their behaviour, unless they're a strong ideological enemy like huffpost.
A centre-right leaning, profit maximising firm like the dailymail is not an ideological enemy. They're much more often an ally.
Drug trade in europe is so fucking shit though since anyone can grow.
So they naturally have to go towards selling people to the highest bidders.
Meanwhile the CIA in America controls the drug trade and they get trillions from it.
Fucking Poles. Car thieves and criminals the bunch of them.
>Looking for model in Milan, high pay and high affidability ! Please call this number 1-300-rape-6969 for more informations !!!!!
300k is a drop in the bucket for rich sand niggers
>this will never be you
why live
> giving shekels to any news outlet from r any reason
Fuck off faggot
Somehow this story sounds a bit off. While it's obvious that there are human trafficing rings all across the globe, that Pole guy seems small time for me. Also for obvious reasons these criminals sell women who are totally without connections, family, friends etc. The tiger part also sounds too sensational.
It's called Poland because they grow poles from the back of their heads
>Also for obvious reasons these criminals sell women who are totally without connections, family, friends etc
>mother of one
Bullshit. We get on very well with most poles. Even the ones who don't speak the language very well but because they work hard and are like minded people. Hard drinkers, etc. The animosity happens when Poles turn insular and don't mix with locals, which is a rare occurrence. Any other instance is manufactured by the Murdoch press.
Rich arabs are scum and should be mass genocided, why are they allowed to own oil, properties, buildings, cars, companies and so on?
Why are others countries cucking for inbred goatfuckers that found oil?
Fuck them all.
Juicy boobies :)
Quiet faggot. Your daughters are next
Because hippies demand America and Canada stop getting oil from their own country for environmental reasons. And instead, out of sight out of mind, rape other countries' environment and fund terrorism. Also Military Industrial Complex and all that crap.
At least give proper links, mobile retard.