Here's my prediction.
Are you retarded?
you ARE actually retarded. I live in GA and there is no fucking way in hell this state is going blue any time soon.
No. Are you? You probably are if you voted for Drumpf.
Also AZ as blue? IDIOT
Yes it is. ATL suburbs will deliver it.
Isn't warren a commie????
Show me your face when Kid Rock (R) becomes a Senator.
That will depend on two factors. First, Trump needs to stabilize his team and policies throughout his term, and second, he needs actual reforms. Also outside factors such as wars with for example North Korea might skew further right. Is the two things are fixed, I predict two scoops, to genders, and two terms. In case he fails to consolidate power, and media continues its attacks, your version might come true, but not this far left leaning.
Arizona doesn't like Trump. Just look at McCain and Flake.
I think I just lost a few braincells looking at that, truly retarded.
I thought the same but they still have McCain as senator so I am not sure anymore.
no scoops
maybe one term
multiple genders
Warren's not even going to get the nomination
Who is? Tell me oh wise one.
If such lefty ideas keep spewing out, we are looking at three scoops.
Just go to bed Nate, you need to stop trying to predict politics.
It doesn't work well for you, you're too disconnected.
Soros is going to run a (((Respectable Conservative))) 3rd party. He's going to enter the race early, be on the ballot in all 50 states, be at every debate, and receive media coverage for the entire race. He will split the vote, Trump will lose, and (hopefully) whites will finally chimp out.
Sage and please kill yourself lol
>(((Respectable Conservative)))
We don't live in a respectable world.
Won't pull more than 8%.
556 bump
>whites will finally chimp out
top lel
The same polls that predicted Hillary was ahead the whole time, only she never was.
You should establish your support group now. But if you kill yourself on Nov. 8th 2020, it is okay. You will do it in the name democracy and social justice.
Trump will beat Warren or Clinton.
Meet your next president.
here is mine, try to prove me wrong.
But user, California won't be a state in 2020!
Higher in red states than in blue states,
He doesn't need to.
8 years
civil war 2.0
>Won't pull more than 8%.
>not blue
we have trillions of spics. If not 2020, it will happen the next election cycle
The world is on track towards another economic depression. If this happens before 2020, sure, Trump might lose. However, on the odd chance that this does not occur, the economic model and continued growth of US economy under Trump might guarantee him 4 more years.
Point being: economy will decide who wins 2020.
Also it might be worth to note that if the democrats continue with their Russia and opinion poll narrative their are almost guaranteed to lose greatly in 2018. If the shock of 2018 mid-terms will make them change strategies for 2020 is yet to be seen.
>Enforce voting ID laws
>Dumbocrats fearmonger so much that legal spics think they'll get deported if they vote
>Trump picks up 2016 states + Virginia Minnesota Nevada Colorado and New Mexico.
screencap this
Does anyone have the electoral map showing Hillary winning a 400+ landslide?
Like, she won Utah, Iowa, Missouri, and I think even Arkansas and Louisiana.
You mean the one on NBC were the guy predicted only like 80 electoral votes for Trump?
No, I saw that video. I laughed at it.
This one was an actual electoral map. Some sort of simulation that the voting machines were running that r/the_donald chimped out about, acting like the electon had been rigged.
the same polsl that were within the margin of error on election night
*pic related*
I actually laughed at that
My grandpa was Proud Perot voter!
RIP in peace
what do you think the wall is for user?
Clinton. She's already started a new political action committee and is staffing it with former campaign folks. She'll keep them busy on the "how do you make me actually electable" problem at the PAC until she opens up Hillary for President '20: "Because a strong woman doesn't know what 'no' means".
>Not an article about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson,
Brotato chip, the next president will be Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.